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Messages - Derroith

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Suggestions & Requests / Gamemode challenge/request: Brickism
« on: March 18, 2014, 11:18:25 PM »
A community of equal blockheads!

What is it?
Let's dig back to our old Soviet roots. The main idea is that you are a member of the community, or the Brick. The Brick is an equal community, everyone treats each other the same and makes the same amount of money and gets the same amount of stuff- right?

Unfortunately that's not the situation. Anarchists are trading weapons and plotting secretly, politicians are stealing money from the people and a revolution is around the corner. But what role do you play? You play one of the many on different sides.

The Brick has many roles for a big Blockhead like you to do!

They try to overthrow everything, they make deals with the civilians and attempt to craft weapons to overthrow the authority! They do not rely on time, but rather rely on labor generated.
The civilians are your middle men, they don't take sides but they can if they want. They can either aid the authority or the anarchists, whichever role they choose to pursue. Everyone gets the same amount of gain, but each role differs and does something different affecting both roles.
Well there's always a boss, isn't there? These guys run everything, they have accessibility to everything but it takes time for the time get items or perform actions. It takes them an entire tick in order to receive a shipment of items.

These all come together and become dependent on each, anarchists rely on civilians for goods to craft from, civilians depend on the authority to import special goods and the authority is dependent on the anarchists to create chaos and be cleaned up.

The final question is how you tie everything together and get it working. Brickism works as a Communist gamemode. Everyone is basically equal except for the authority of course.

The authority serves as the over lord and performs actions to protect the society from the evil anarchists. Their actions include jailing any evil doers and sending them to Sibrickia, Sibrickia is an inescapable prison located a quarter of the world away. You can't escape until you serve your time or die, if you die you lose everything you had prior to going to Sibrickia. The authority also has the ability to make orders, orders come in the next tick, one tick is about five minutes so the authority is fairly stocked all the time. They go from civilian to civilian collecting any money they create, if a civilian fails to meet expectations of money, they are given a warning. If a tick passes and they are checked on once again and haven't met the needed amount, they are sent to Sibrickia until they work it off. Additionally they can cut off rations if a revolution occurs, if a revolution occurs, they ration workers must supply the people with food to stay alive. Lastly, they simply have to keep peace by wiping out any anarchists they see and confiscating any illegal items.

Next, civilians, the middle people of the Brick. When they spawn, they are given a job. They must work this job until a revolution occurs or a specified amount of ticks passes. Civilians are very basic, they work in a factory creating weapons for export, creating mechanical engines, creating rations for the people and lastly make clothes for the people. Now you're thinking, these are all useless jobs! Actually, they're not! The factory worker creates weapons, if they work hard enough and aren't caught, they can sneak weapons out of the factory. The engine worker has sufficient parts to create bombs, bombs are very important and serve as a great addition to the revolution. The ration worker makes food, but alternatively he can create molotov roostertails out of left over ingredients or supply the people with food when the authority cuts off rations to the people. Lastly the clothier can make body armor for the people and if they gather enough materials from everyone, they can make a full armor suit.

The most evil but crazy fun role of all, the anarchists. They basically run the revolutions, they perform attacks on the authority as much as possible till enough tension occurs that a revolution arises. The anarchists have only 50 ticks to create a revolution, if this does not happen, the game resets and new people are chosen. Anarchists work with civilians to gather weapons and tools, during a revolution their health doubles and they become enraged which allows them to survive longer and take more hits. If an anarchist or a man of authority dies, they die permanently and are sent to the civilian side.

I'll write more if anyone cares or is interested ... (There are probably holes somewhere in this, point them out if you want, any suggestions to add on would be nice.)

Gallery / Re: DOF Screenshots
« on: March 06, 2014, 10:45:04 PM »
snip snip
Managed to do a little more, it's all default so it's fairly fun to do.

Sorry if they're not DOF, I tried DOF and it just wouldn't work.

Gallery / Re: DOF Screenshots
« on: March 06, 2014, 12:01:23 AM »
I mentioned play-style, so yes, OSR and DB with one life. Mega fun.

Obviously I want to put in my own styled builds into it.

Gallery / Re: DOF Screenshots
« on: March 05, 2014, 11:14:51 PM »

Something I might do as a final project because I've lost most interest and skill; an all default tdm with the play-style of Cucumberdude's servers.

General Discussion / Re: Getting close to 100k of BL_IDs
« on: March 05, 2014, 12:25:47 AM »
The thing that depresses the hell out of me is that this game is capable of skyrocketing above 100k blids but Badspot doesn't care about this game and only cleans up the forums and the servers if problems are to arise.

Especially with RTB gone and a lack of good servers this game is sad to watch.  :panda:

General Discussion / Re: DayB • 1/14/14
« on: February 27, 2014, 12:03:47 AM »
We might actually take a very different turn to DayB and limit the amount of zombies and introduce new intense factors to the game.

Factors could consist of intense blizzards and radioactivity throughout the map, for now we are experimenting but we're going to try and go a little more original.

I ran into the same trouble you did, it seems.
I couldn't find anybody to make a huge map either.

I think it's for the best of the gamemode if it was generated anyways.

Also now that RTB servers are down, it has slowed us down badly :(
Hopefully though, another good dedicated hoster will appear.
If not, sadly, I will have to get a job and pay for a VPS or something.
Why have I never seen this?

Yes, hosting will most definitely be a problem.

General Discussion / Re: DayB • 1/14/14
« on: February 26, 2014, 11:22:31 PM »
Dang... Maybe instead of a generator, you should hand pick skilled builders and let them help with the terrain?
I've tried this, nobody is willing enough to do it.

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: February 26, 2014, 11:21:51 PM »
Im animating some vehicles!
Also the red Honda is already practically done. I just need to do a little touchups and it will be done
Stealing work and claiming it yours is bannable, it's been done before so expect consequences.

General Discussion / Re: DayB • 1/14/14
« on: February 26, 2014, 08:24:10 PM »
Not much to really explain, everything is in the post below.

Suggestions & Requests / Efficient Terrain Generator
« on: February 26, 2014, 07:55:12 PM »
As many of you know, I recently shut down the DayB project due to lack of activity and progress. With the lack of RTB and low quality servers and the remaining work we have produced, I figured I'd give it a shot again but there's a catch -- there's no way in hell we can actually pull it off without a terrain generator, it's as simple as that.

The map is so large that create so much terrain isn't really possible without going insane (like I previously have). All I'm looking for is a terrain generator that can produce efficient and climbable hills with little to no jumping.

If you have a generator capable of doing so or are willing do so, please contact me.

Gallery / Re: DOF Screenshots
« on: February 24, 2014, 10:51:54 PM »

Came across this, would've been nice during development of DayB to have that generator.


Creativity / Re: modmans digital art thread (BIG IMAGE HEAVY)
« on: February 20, 2014, 10:05:49 PM »
I use your photos for my iPhone backgrounds, people ask me where I get them -- hehe.

Anyways, these are really nice and I love them.


Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 19, 2014, 04:28:48 PM »
Unfortunately it is not the same. I sent you a message, get back to me when you can so we can have a convo.

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