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Messages - Stocking

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child enthusiasm is one of the most heinous insults someone can levy. it's perfectly reasonable to be upset about vicious, slanderous attacks against your character.


Off Topic / Re: This reddit post is a year old and makes so much sense
« on: January 24, 2017, 02:48:57 AM »
tbh i think if we just killed every single person who was into vore and left the ones who weren't the world would be a better place.

the world needs a lot less cannibalistic desires.
im down if i get to choose how i die :cookieMonster:

Because you read that erotica for the story I'm sure.

She blushed as she belched, her shining blue eyes darting around in embarrassment to see if any of the men had noticed. They were too busy smashing furniture to care. She grinned to herself contentedly as her indigestion had gotten better. The rumbling in her belly quieted down, magical slime girls not a usual part of her diet.

this is erotica?

you probably shouldnt have skipped your brain medicine


how? its not loveual. are you stupid or something?

you guys are talking about molesting children. a child enthusiast is just someone loveually attracted to kids.

is it still child enthusiasm if you just want them to eat u

Off Topic / Re: This reddit post is a year old and makes so much sense
« on: January 24, 2017, 02:02:46 AM »
tbh i think if we just killed 90% of men and left the ones with the best genes to be studs the world would be a better place

the world needs a lot less beta cucks

Then it's safe for the forum.

absolutely not.

She leaned back her head and started humming "aaaahhhh~" as she closed her eyes and dropped you in on the tiny, wet tongue waiting inside for you. She closed her teeth and lips around you, the small juvenile chompers locking together awkwardly as she did.

Even at your size, her tiny mouth could barely fit you, and she began to lick and lather you in her spit as she tasted loser for the first time. Maybe she was deciding if she liked it, or maybe she was just rubbing in the fact you were going to her belly for as long as she could. You couldn't tell, and with the tip of her tongue bopping against your face every few seconds, it was hard to think too much.

i can literally only post like 1% of these stories in good conscience

as a proud half-japanese male, no

this is your fault.

Do they involve being eaten by a giant Jew?

not quite as forgeted

no, although lolicon is pretty forgeted it doesn't cause children to get violated

especially since most of us are just thinking about being eaten by them anyways

care to share?

forum is not nearly redpilled enough for any of these stories in full

This gets me thinkin...
Are girls the only ones who read erotica?
I think its loving GAY to read erotica.

to be honest more often than not even a mediocre erotic story is better than love

and i have the best stories saved, believe me.

forget you I was eating

The dampness coated your skin, bits of food clotting strands of your hair. The little girl leaned her head back and you could feel gravity tugging you towards her throat. Your heart stopped and many uncomfortable seconds passed. You wondered if she wouldn't do it, but halfway through your thought she proved you wrong.

Sucking off the glazing from her fingers as she returned to her place, you slithered down her throat. The little bits of saliva helped lubricate you down the narrow, constricting passage of her young neck.

u guys know shes trollin rite

am i?

She stopped moving and opened her mouth, closing her eyes and lifting you up to meet her lips. You pulled away, retreating from her wide open mouth, but there was no where to run. The little girl had beaten you.
Shame rose up inside you.

You blamed yourself for being so weak as Annie's white, juvenile teeth closed around you like he bars of a cage. She softly chewed away your bondage, the wetness of he saliva breaking apart the breading and softening the glazing you fought so valiantly to defeat.

or do i have a collection of loli vore erotica

...Android child-like lovebots.

Off Topic / Re: I was on Adult Swim's Fishcenter
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:48:11 PM »
That was kevin.

youre the only kevin i know

lolis can be cute but more along the lines of tiny animals cute than attractive cute

exactly. what perverts in this thread dont realize is that by making loli illegal it'll open up an avenue for REAL CP and child-trafficking legal, which is what they want.

you're a creep but at least you're an honest[/url]

that's not fair. i dont have a richard but i know where i'd put it if i did

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