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Messages - Saiytex

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I can finally host a server... I guess all I needed to do was fill in a DMZ bubble on the firewall setting... I feel stupid but I guess I deserve it
 overall thanks guys... Locking

Try to do DMZ to your computer.

I'll be frank... I have bno idea what that is... eloborate please


What am I missing? and I ve taken away UDP and added it still nothing (I got sources that said to not have it then I had some to have it)

I host a Minecraft server that is port fowarded on a AT&T router. Did you make sure that the port foward is under your computer's name? Meaning clicking your computer's name from the router's list and then add the game?
yes did that
this huge box thing?

I hope you know that a google search could of helped you but really the simple way is this.

Open CMD (Windows 7 + Vista = Search "cmd" in the start menu)

Type in : ipconfig /all

Put the default gateway in the browser.

I don't know what the portal page for the router on this but screen cap it and PM it to me or something.
Ive done that...  and yes it looks kinda of like that... but instead of 2wire on the top it says At&t U verse but basically

no its a 3801HGV to lazy to get a picture

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a minecraft server
« on: February 11, 2012, 10:34:33 PM »
When porting forward:

Name: Minecraft Server
Port In: 25565
Port Out: 25565
Set it to Both
Enable it

What else was there...

Ive done... that... ive read up and it seems that At&t is a b!tch about port forwarding... and it doesnt really work... if you want an open port you have to pay them 150$ for 'tech support'.
so im guessing that I have done everything right but At&t is my problem... but im going to do a little more research... anyone here with U verse that hosts minecraft servers?

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a minecraft server
« on: February 11, 2012, 09:53:18 PM »
Okay I have done extensive research... my ports are all closed... I port forwarded again and again and yet nothing is happening

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a minecraft server
« on: February 11, 2012, 08:08:16 PM »
Okay I re did everything... in hamachi I can click my brothers computer on my network and it says I get a reply from him
but when I get on his computer and I double click my computer on my network... the request times out? is this my problem? how to fix?

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a mincraft server through Hamachi
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:09:08 PM »
Multiple solutions have been posted. You are just too incompetent to understand them.

I have a local server running fine... I have port forwarded, my bro's computer can only connect to the LAN but I still can't get my friends to be able to join (yes I know they cant join my LAN) I am so lost this is disgusting is there any other way to host without hamachi? I really am trying to figure this out... I have youtubed this and same results so really its not my incompetence. I'm just looking for answers

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a mincraft server through Hamachi
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:04:13 PM »
Does any1 have a solution? Do I need to post any specs or anything because I really want to host it

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a mincraft server through Hamachi
« on: February 11, 2012, 05:27:46 PM »
it's easy? this guy doesn't even know how to ipconfig, less probably open his router.

Lol I know how to port forward... did it again today hopeing that would solve the problem but im still lost
What do IP addresses have to do with being a 'heavy minecraft player'
This all has to do with your computer.

I mean I dont know what im doing to host a working minecraft server

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a mincraft server through Hamachi
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:50:05 PM »
Don't do that, go to cmd, and type ipconfig, then have him connect to your IPv4 address.
I have no idea what that means... im not a heavy minecraft player... but I do want to play

Saiytex do I know you?
That was mighty ominous... what would you know me from?

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a mincraft server through Hamachi
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:09:47 AM »
Have him connect to localhost as the IP.

it says connection refused... and if this did work... still woulnt let our friend play as well

Off Topic / Re: Hosting a mincraft server through Hamachi
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:05:16 AM »
I would but we got some friends from around who wouldn't mind playing as well.

Off Topic / At&t U verse 'specail port forwarding' for minecraft servers
« on: February 11, 2012, 01:03:17 AM »
About the 5th time ive edited o/p and I have finally narrowed my problem down to 1 thing... At&t U verse makes it close to impossible (but not fully) to port forward yourself... because they want you to pay 150$ USD for 'Technical Support' Ive googled so many floggin times... and ive yet to get anything but I know that it can be done. Their website looks like its possible to port forward but when you do the average port forward it basically returns itself back to its original state while looking like it worked

So any1 who hosts Mc with At&t U-Verse know the problem

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