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Messages - Goth77

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Drama / Re: my final message to badspot
« on: September 04, 2023, 02:50:59 PM »
seeming a bit

General Discussion / Re: Peavy's Halloween Build 2023
« on: August 30, 2023, 10:32:43 PM »
no lol

Off Topic / Re: Best Meat
« on: August 29, 2023, 05:50:05 PM »
they said "if it's part of an animal it's meat". coral is an animal, and its exoskeleton is part of it. now would someone with any brains reply to me please

meat is flesh, muscle, tendons, and fat. a fish has this, coral does not. meat comes from an animal with those distinguishing qualities

Drama / Re: Badspot came back (kinda)
« on: August 29, 2023, 05:45:09 PM »
wonder if im just bitter and anti-semetic
nah don't feel bad it's just the realization that jews (and most other organized "religious" groups) are actually hypocritical scum

also idk if u seen recently but people are being arrested for speaking bible verses here in usa, and over in Jerusalem jews are literally spitting on christians in the streets - some real terrible stuff

General Discussion / Re: Peavy's Halloween Build 2023
« on: August 29, 2023, 05:26:46 PM »
uhhh like idk sounded okay at first then saw

Quote from: Alyx Vance
Join just to chill, chat, touch your snake, etc.

You can even have gay furry RP love (epic bro)

Peavy/Alyx Vance: Host / Dirty Slut

Lizzy: Admin / Evil Bitch

not so sure anymore

Forum Games / Re: Post a GIF that describes how you feel about BLF dying
« on: August 29, 2023, 05:09:50 PM »
not sure why that makes me laugh so much but it does

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: August 26, 2023, 02:03:50 AM »
If you're trolling the best part is the spaces at the end of your posts, those actually are getting to me.

content updates wouldn't help Blockland. There are more interesting things to play nowadays.

Edit: Were there survival harvesting mining mods before Minecraft? The only survival game I can think of was Stranded 1/2. I remember searching a stuff load as a kid for a survival game.

edit2: unReal world, Wurm Online
content updates probably not, but engine updates maybe - giving new features to the game and things modders could hook into. just wishful thinking but that'd be cool

also stranded 2 was fun, my brother and I modded for that game. evidently the developer is still working on stranded 3 (for over a decade now!) i find myself checking the site like once a year to see if its out yet lol

I would consider stranded kids and the lost in blue series survival games but they weren't on the level of games like stranded 2 and sims castaways in the terms of sandbox gameplay, which is what made them so great imo

i really enjoy survival games but when they were all over the place in the 2010s i just got so sick of every game having to be survival based. i also used to suck at resource management so i spent more time in my worlds, but now they just don't feel as rewarding, survival is kind of boring in general. i actually completely understand why you played with like 1000 mods on Minecraft.
this is kinda how i feel now about survival games, they are almost all the same anymore and it's a bit grindy and boring. granted there are only so many systems and such you can put in place before it gets too tedious and ridiculous but it's like the survival genre has been over-used in a sense. maybe i've just played too many...and the last part exactly why my minecraft 1.5.2 server had like 20 different mods, because I wanted the survival aspects to be more realistic. These games need that extra stuff otherwise it feels like the same boring survival game as every other. that being said I still find myself looking for a good survival game, specifically co-op survival. Some I have enjoyed recently are 7 days to die (zombie survival game) because it's like minecraft in a building and chunk generation sense but adds realistic features to make the game look and feel more modern. Grounded because it's unique in the sense your a shrunken person in a backyard and it's like "honey i shrunk the kids" survival with a story - awesome fun with a friend. Valheim was good too but waiting for more updates before playing again. The Forest was decent though some of the gameplay mechanics feels clunky and just off in general, but the caves are pretty creepy if your playing in vr

Creativity / Re: Blockland Crafts
« on: August 24, 2023, 08:16:24 PM »
cool magnets, would use some on fridge

tony is a goldmine
i think it's hilarious the guy considers that "going feral" like dude obviously never seen a pchooly vid

an add-on/server/build spotlight of the month would be pretty cool, do a small interview or something and ask questions like what the inspiration for it was, what was the most challenging part about making it, etc : it could give readers a bit more insight about the work and thought process that goes into a developers creation. a newsletter of the sorts detailing drama or just highlighting actual game related news (such as drans world or rebuilt, or the recent BLO/Glass topic) would be great as well

you get a bottle of hand sanitizer and a note encouraging you to never do that again

i insert an A&W root beer soda

Off Topic / Re: blockland: the community that killed the game
« on: August 15, 2023, 07:24:03 PM »
gex was way cooler
gex was some og stuff. gex 3 deep cover gecko specifically - that and crash bash were my very first ever ps1 games. gex 3 disc had a bunch of cool demos too so i played it a bunch. lock n' load little lizard

Add-Ons / Re: [Server] No Chain Kills
« on: August 15, 2023, 07:13:15 PM »
unless the hole bot ai is turned off, in which case it will never check to see if its spawn brick still exists

i would delete %brick.hbot on %brick.delete(); if the object exists
yeah good idea, and just for lag sake if there are a bunch of bots/holes being deleted might want to schedule the brick deletion a bit after hbot deletion

Forum Games / Re: Post a GIF that describes how you feel about BLF dying
« on: August 15, 2023, 07:39:42 AM »

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