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Messages - TheDoktar

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Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: November 04, 2012, 02:17:57 PM »

A stout werewolf makes his rounds patrolling the forest.


Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: November 03, 2012, 02:41:18 PM »
What is happening?
Clay figure is being dropped into pit and hourglass is being turned.

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: November 03, 2012, 02:16:58 PM »
Roll 1-6

: And time floweth once more...

Tingalz: transformation shenanigans

Off Topic / Re:
« on: November 01, 2012, 10:51:34 PM »

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: November 01, 2012, 04:30:20 PM »
Carry out thine experiment.

Hark! Thou art prepared to commence indeed. The verge of thy experiment has managed to rouse thy spirits, as thou art looking forward to this verily.

: Perhaps this shall prove to be fair and just.
: My liege, but he is not perfect. The spirit was-
: That art what I prefer.

Roll 1-6

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: November 01, 2012, 03:57:59 PM »
Explain blue stuff

Thou art aware that thy servant hath brought thee a fresh spirit, completely pure. It's origin thou knowest not, nor doth thou care. Thou simply need a pulse within thy newest experiment.

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: October 30, 2012, 10:05:50 PM »
>blury mr swirl pants : stop being blury

Thou doth notice the arrival of thy underling, but thou art busy so thou don't turn away.

: My liege...
: What doth thou want, Historian?
: My brothers and I have become anxious, when shall you begin anew?
: Time's pendulum shall swingith again, o dear toil of my hand. Perhaps in a minute, perhaps in a fortnight.
: But my liege, time does not currently move. What you say is nonsense!
: Thou doth understand time is truly meaningless in our stance. I shallst tend to it posthaste.
: Hast thou brought that which has been needed?
: I have indeed, my liege.

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:34:59 AM »
Thou doth try making a creation modeled after thee, and doth throw it into ye pit?

Thou hath already created three beings much like thyself. Thy hath thought of a fourth, as thou doth not consider the others advisory. Speaketh of thy creation, thou doth believe thou heard the coming of one.

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: October 29, 2012, 11:44:52 PM »
Cast ye gaze upon the interior of thy pit

Thou cast thy gaze upon the pit in thine lair. It's jaw yawns open and sucking in all light. Thine pit seems bottomless, it's walls stretching on and on. As thou doth approach the pit more closely, thou hear screams and moans of unseen owners from deep within thine pit. Thou cannot make out what they cry for, but thou think nothing of it. Thou art aware of this pit and where it leads. It leads to all places seen and unseen within your domain. Creations cast into thine maw of darkness art then put to thy test.

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: October 29, 2012, 09:25:07 PM »
Examine yonder Table

Thou doth contend to thine table over yonder. It be littered in small, intricate models of clay that thou hath created. Thou sayeth they are the concepts of thine ideas and what they shallst look like. Other than thine finished figures, there remains unmolded clay upon thine table. Thine have been thinking of new ideas but thou art unsure and much uninspired.

Games / Re: Dota 2 Megathread
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:17:59 PM »

So, Slardar is a guy who's pretty neat.

Also people should play with me because solo queue is kind of lame :v

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Get ye flask!
« on: October 29, 2012, 12:03:17 PM »
Examine ye scythe. And examine thyself.

Thou doth examine thyself and thou art not perplexed with what thou see. Thou are a tall, wispy man. Thy shawl is of a gentle purple and in tatters. Thou don a hat upon thy head that thou believe givest thou some importance. But thou art not obsessed with thy own appearance. Thou hath other matters to tend. Thou retrieve thy scythe from over yonder and inspect it. Thine scythe is as old as time, nay, existence itself. Thou hath reaped the benefits of thy craft many a time with this scythe, but o, only for them to spoil! Thou can feel a vibration from within thy scythe.

Examine products of thy craft.

Thou examine thy products and thou art, again, not moved by what thou see. Many clay mannequins litter the eastern side of thy lair. Mannequins of all shapes and sizes, various stages of completion. Thou art most pleased with thine model of man and wolf, but feel as though they doth need work. Mounds of clay doth scatter the rest of this side of thine lair. Thou often toil with the idea of creating horrid creatures, but thou art not sure. It should hope to please you, maybe.

Forum Games / Re: [100x70]Chivalry - Oh god not again with this guy
« on: October 29, 2012, 12:39:12 AM »
Riseth from thy throne and lookest around

Thou doth rise and cast thy vision 'round thy lair. Thou hath let thy lair becometh a sty yet again. It be littered with the products of thy craft instead of casting them into thy pit. Creativity doth be a harsh mistress. Thou aren't very proud of thy recent creations, however, so thou doth not care much. Thou sees on yonder side of thy room a table covered with smaller models of thine. A pit doth lie opposite of thy throne. Thou also catch sight of thine scythe carelessly thrown unto the floor. Thou needeth keep more care of that which is most important to thine craft.

Forum Games / [100x70]Chivalry - Hey baby, wanna see my warhammer?
« on: October 29, 2012, 12:04:54 AM »

Thou hath grown bored. Thou sit upon thy throne in thy lair, waiting for the coming of enlightenment. Thou feels as if all of creation is the same as its forerunner. Thou lack inspiration and thou are weary. Time seemeth to halt, perhaps thou should fix thy 'glass? Perhaps not. What shallst thou do?

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