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Messages - Theepicman

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Forum Games / Re: wtf: what is this topic?
« on: December 11, 2015, 09:16:08 PM »
I mean, wtf is this. its just nasty. skip me.

gg you changed the title.

Forum Games / Re: High School Adventures [Principal visit]
« on: December 11, 2015, 08:55:23 PM »
There were no witnesses to kill because it was just you and the principal in the room.

You try to burn down the school with your rage but you end up burning the door that you closed. The security officer was right behind it going to check the commotion. The diarrhea drains out of the room and onto the security officer, carrying him away back to the hallway where the unconscious weeb is.

"Why must my life be like this...." the security guard says as he is carried away.

You then roast marshmellows in the very small fire and eat, making your hunger go down.

The bell rings the 1st period bell. You didn't get your schedule and you start freaking out. What class should you go to?

HEALTH: 9/10
STRENGTH: 5 [+1 for beating security officer]
SOCIALNESS: 25 [+5 for crazyness]

stuffinator: 25/100 [Able to release stuffstorm when it reaches 50. Stronger stuff the more it is charged up].
Piss tsunami: 0/100 [Able to release tsunami of piss at 50. Stronger and higher piss tsunami the more it is charged up].

Forum Games / Re: High School Adventures [Time to shoot up a school]
« on: December 11, 2015, 07:49:26 PM »
You fill the water gun up with the stuff-piss liquid and head to the office. You are about to enter the principals room until you see the security guard you violated. He doesn't notice you yet but he is talking to a teacher.

"Look at me! A kid did this! He somehow pooped a tsunami of poop and pissed a tsunami! One of the halls is ankle deep and I'm hearing that its spreading to the cafeteria! I tried to tackle him but slipped. He then pulled my pants down and licked my bumhole and danced on me! Before I could get up! The current of the river carried me away to the office!"

You quickly run to the principals office as you were always one of the best runners in your middle school. There you see the principal organizing papers. You get a quick glance at one of them and its the school newspaper. The headline reads "Ocean of feces - just a plunging error?".

The principal looks up and says "Who are you? Pull your pa-"

Before he finishes the sentence, you vault over his desk and start molesting his leg like a doge.

"What are you doing?! You have a lot to an-"

Then you get up and pounce on him while shushing him. You then forcefully open his mouth and stuff in his mouth. A few solid stuffs go down but then you forgot you ate Taco Bell. Uh oh!

You expel an uncontrollable surge of liquid diarrhea in his mouth. It eventually fills the principals office up to knee deep level of stuff.

What do you do now?

Forum Games / Re: High School Adventures [Wild weeb has fainted!]
« on: December 11, 2015, 06:39:56 PM »

You stomped his head.

You try to find a gun but the security officer had a taser but he was carried away by the stuff-piss water. You decide to look through the weebs locker. You find an empty water gun. You think about filling it up with this stuff-piss liquid.

You try to jack off but you're dry from the weeb battle.

An announcement comes over the speaker: "You have 15 more minutes to get your schedule and go to your 1st period class. And please don't come to us looking like feces!".

What do you do now?

Oh and the character's pants are still down.

Forum Games / Re: High School Adventures [Wild weeb has fainted!]
« on: December 11, 2015, 03:26:32 PM »
You claim that it was self defense but he doesn't believe you.

"You're coming with m-"

As he is getting up, you push him back down and hold him down with your foot for a second and dance on him.

You then pull his pants down and belt and lick his bum hole.

"What ar-"

He doesn't get far in his sentence as you piss a tsunami. The piss mixes with the poop, creating a yellow-brown liquid ankle deep. The tsunami carries the security guard away.

What do you do now?

Forum Games / Re: High School Adventures [Encountered a wild weeb!]
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:03:20 PM »
You check what gender you are. You are a male. You show him a mirror, and he cries at his huge beard. You then show him a picture of the mirror, confusing him for 1 turn!

Wild weeb can't attack for 1 turn!

You then pull down your pants and start jacking off and blowing your load on the Wild Weebs face for 2 damage!

You then somehow forget him in the balls for 2 damage!

You can't hold in your stuff anymore, so you release a tsunami of stuff on the wild weeb for 5 damage! The entire hallway and the people in it are covered in stuff!

Wild weeb has fainted!

"We...did good char-"

When you did all of this you didn't notice the security officer running towards you. Just as he is about to tackle you, he slips in the stuff face first.

What do you do now?

Forum Games / Re: High School Adventures [Encountered a wild weeb!]
« on: December 11, 2015, 02:09:34 AM »
You yell autistic maymays at the weeb and tell him to vote for Donald Annoying Orange, inflicting 5 damage on him.

"Charizard I choose you!". The weeb throws his Charizard plushy at you, inflicting 1 damage on you.


Wild weeb: 5/10 HP

You: 9/10.

You think about finding weed so you try to flee but the flee attempt fails!!!

Forum Games / Re: High School Adventures [NEW!]
« on: December 11, 2015, 01:19:51 AM »
Play dead
tell that weeb to go away
Fall over like a ragdoll and playdead(1);

You say "Hey weeb go away". He tries to grab your collar but you fall and play dead. The weeb is distracted, crying at your insult while tightly hugging a Charizard plushie. What do you do now?

Forum Games / Re: High School Adventures [NEW!]
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:49:06 AM »
book it for the lockers and get a hold of yourself. this will be a long time.
Avoid people tho

You decide to find your locker even though you weren't given a locker number, and crack a code on a random locker. You see a collection of pokemon plushies and not even a second later, a person pulls your shirt and twist you around and behold, a tall guy that does not look happy. At all.

"Yo what are you doin' going through my locker?"

Forum Games / High School Adventures [War declared!]
« on: December 10, 2015, 11:37:54 PM »
This is a forum adventure. You are a 14 y.o teenager who has just entered High School as a freshman. Your goal is to make it through Freshman year. The characters actions are based on the forumers that post what the character should do.


HEALTH: Your character will start with 10 HP. If your character signs up for a gym class, he will be able to increase his HP and strength (more on that later).

STRENGTH: There can be bullies that target you, so you would want to work on strength because strength governs character stats such as intimidation and fighting damage. Additionally, it will increase your chances of winning a possible fight and the chance that a bully wont pick you. Your character will start with 4 Strength, not that intimidating and may attract bullies.

1-3 STRENGTH: High chance of getting bullied, low chance of winning a fight, little intimidation.

3-6 STRENGTH: Medium chance of getting bullied, Medium chance of winning a fight, slight intimidation.
6-12 STRENGTH: Less than medium but not low chance of getting bullied, Medium-high chance of winning a fight, intimidating.
15-17 STRENGTH: Low chance of getting bullied, high chance of winning a fight, strong intimidation
20 STRENGTH: Nearly non-existant chance of getting bullied, very high chance of winning a fight, frightening intimidation.

Each day I will roll for bully chance. The more your strength, the more you subtract the bully roll, which is good.

HUNGER: Hunger is a very important mechanic, as it can help determine your overall performance in all classes and in school.

0-30 HUNGER: Your character is very satisfied, and his performance stays normal.
30-50 HUNGER: Your character is satisfied, though his stomach has seen better day, so his performance in school is very slightly decreased.
50-70 HUNGER: Your character is getting hungry, so his performance in school is decreased.
80-100 HUNGER: Your character is very hungry, drastically decreasing his performance in school.

CLASSES: Your classes are very important, as they are crucial to achieving your characters goal. When you get to your class, your teacher will give you an assignment, and you guys will suggest what the character does on the assignment. If your character is facing any penalties regarding school performance, it will be more difficult to complete the assignment.

SOCIAL LIFE: Your social life governs many things such as girlfriends (boyfriends if your character turns gay or bi), friends (more on friends later), and your name on the school newspaper. You can increase this stat by standing up against bullies and helping people and teachers.

1-30 SOCIALITY: Social outcast. People rarely notice you and the ugly girls have a high chance of getting obsessed with you, and the hot girls rarely notice/ get interested in you.
30-60 SOCIALITY: Average socialness. People notice you and sometimes are interested in being your friend, the obsessed ugly girls realize that their chances of them getting with someone as cool as you is low, they back off. Hot girl have a medium chance of noticing you.
60-90 SOCIALITY: Very popular. People notice you in the halls and almost always say hi to you (except bullies, they hate you regardless of sociality, and higher sociality makes them even angrier), and the hot girls have a high chance of noticing you.

BACKSTORY: You are a 14 y.o who has just entered school as a freshman. You were never the social type, and had a very small circle of friends. The school you're going to is filled with many different people, some having personalities you have never seen before. However, the school also has very lenient security, and as a result there will be more bullies who pick on the weak ones.



You are inside the main doors, and see people talking in groups and opening their lockers. An announcement comes up telling you to go to the cafeteria to pick up your class list.

What do you do?

Games / Re: ROBLOX Thread ⱽ³⋅⁶ - You Make The Game
« on: December 10, 2015, 08:39:57 PM »

The memories of getting weird messages.

Drama / Re: EpicBlockhead as a Host
« on: December 06, 2015, 08:29:15 PM »
I think he's trying to say that EpicBlockhead is a bad host as well as his admins.

Games / Re: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4
« on: December 06, 2015, 08:16:54 PM »
I broke sneak guys.

Dont open the image if you dont want potential spoilers:

Games / Re: [MEGATHREAD] Fallout 4
« on: December 06, 2015, 01:48:13 AM »
Wtf I was in [spoiler]the institute and I had a really stealthy build (leather shadowed armor, U.S Covert operations manual, sneak perk rank 4) and I convinced Dr. Li to rejoin the BoS. I decided to stealthily kill everyone in the institute which I did except Father. I go up to the elevator, thinking I killed the entire institute until I get to the teleport area and low and behold, about 60 synth patrollers are in the room. I wasted like 11/12 frag grenades and many shotgun shells and 2 stimpaks

.h.ttp:// remove the dot between the h and t for the vid link cause it wouldn't be transparent.

Realizing how stuffty I am at stuffbending I become Cthulu and grab Cable with my 1000 tentacles and throw him into my mouth and chew him up and swallow him.

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