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Messages - Kadon

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Why does it bother you anyway? It's just a list.

It doesn't bother me, where are you getting the impression that it does from? I'm just curious about why he he posted it in the first place ;P, I feel flattered someone decided it would be worth taking time out of their day to create a crazy list that showcases all of our Handles and Blockland ID's. It's just too unfortunate that he didn't do his homework, it's full of inaccurate information.

Whats the point of that list anyway, are you trying to give Badspot the idea of deactivating keys which are pretty much all already deactivated?

Drama / Re: Computermix's new "script" (Blockland hack)
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:26:48 PM »
That name sounds familiar

Yeah he's the creator of the stuffty "dibtool"

Drama / Re: Computermix's new "script" (Blockland hack)
« on: July 08, 2013, 05:57:59 PM »
So how does this work?  Do they tell you what to say or does someone actually have their hand up your ass and operate you like a muppet?  

Drama / Re: Computermix's new "script" (Blockland hack)
« on: July 08, 2013, 05:15:49 PM »
I talked to Dotdot on Furling's server a few days ago. He said he was eventually going to release a decompiled version of Blockland that turned Blockland itself into easily readable, modifiable Torquescript, and I pointed out that then everybody and their mother would have aimbots and stuff.
I am not surprised by this turn of events.

I dont think he said that or you aren't recalling the conversation. Anyway your cute little list is full of false information, try again.

Drama / Re: Computermix's new "script" (Blockland hack)
« on: July 08, 2013, 04:22:47 PM »
dotdot gave this to me in a steam chat:

and Badspot, still no evidence linking mix to the forum account hijackings? I wonder why...

Drama / Re: Computermix's new "script" (Blockland hack)
« on: July 08, 2013, 03:44:41 PM »
Most people here are going to take your word right off the bat but I'd like to see some actual evidence linking Computermix to the forum account hijackings.

Off Topic / Re: I'm not okay.
« on: July 08, 2013, 12:14:11 PM »
I'll pray for you and your family.

I hope everything turns out ok for you :(

It's a shame that prayer wont work :(, I know you mean well... but there is no scientific evidence that proves god exists.

EDIT: Wtf guys I'm just sharing my opinion about whether or not praying is worth the time, I mean no disrespect to the OP's family, they need all the support they can get and I sincerely hope that they win their battles with cancer.

Off Topic / Re: I'm not okay.
« on: July 08, 2013, 09:49:28 AM »

Off Topic / Re: I'm having a serious back problem
« on: July 08, 2013, 08:36:13 AM »
are we really starting an argument in a back problem topic

Yes, they are, and it's a perfect example of how screwed up this community is.

Off Topic / Re: entrepreneur My Gun
« on: July 08, 2013, 07:19:17 AM »
And how is it unoriginal?

Because there are hundreds of images made with entrepreneur  my Gun that have the same caption, 5 seconds of google:

Modification Help / Re: MRPG - Medieval RPG - Need Help! [Updates]
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:25:09 AM »
But now the artwork wont look consistent.

Off Topic / Re: Which forum is the best?
« on: July 06, 2013, 11:11:14 AM »
Coding Help, Modification Discussion and Drama are my favorites.

Drama / Re: Unfair ban!
« on: July 06, 2013, 10:48:46 AM »
well the thing is that most players don't even have popular or actual fun places that people routinely play.
i was looking from a typical player's viewpoint who usually just plays frontpage games.

You're right, seldom do peoples places ever make it to the front page, but does that mean you still can't have fun playing with friends, or even by yourself? Hell no! ;P. The point of places are to give the user space to experiment with, ROBLOX is not about building the best and most famous X (and nor is Blockland), it's about having as much fun as you can with the tools and freedom you're given, some people like building and others don't and just play on other peoples places. Your place(s) are there in case you ever WANT to create something, and if you ever do, you might want another work space for a completely different project which is why they allow you so many place slots (and more if you pay).

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