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Messages - Razre

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Forum Games / Re: The House of Badspot
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:17:06 AM »
*Is standing around while suspiciously holding a flamethrower*
*Couch is on fire*

WHOOPS, SORRY GUYS, MY BAD.  :cookieMonster:

Modification Help / Re: Furling's Pet-Mod
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:09:22 AM »
stuff, lets have a pets mod. I'm good at modelling stuff. Just let me compare against the model you already have as to what the exact "style" you're going for here.

Modification Help / Re: Takato14's Uber-Weaponset
« on: October 30, 2011, 11:47:39 PM »
The polygons make my processor cry rivers of blood.

Modification Help / Re: AAAA missile launcher
« on: October 29, 2011, 03:58:15 PM »
Impale yourself on a baseball bat Arcturus.

Modification Help / Re: SAM rocket launcher
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:13:53 PM »
Well these are just test numbers. I could reduce lock-on time if it seems that serious an issue, but I'm kind of trying to keep it a balanced weapon.

AND CORP, it's a placeholder name, I'll probably name it something else, though, YES it was based on the Javelin.

and SAM is actually

Surface to

Modification Help / AAAA missile launcher
« on: October 29, 2011, 12:01:52 PM »
Edit: To nip these pointless "But THIS is a SAM launcher!" comments in the bud, I've changed the title of the thread and the project to something else, which in this instance is an acronym for "Anti Aircraft And Armor" which SHOULD cover me. This is BLOCKLAND. Not some damned mil sim. I'll name my projects whatever the hell I wanna thank you very much.


I figured it's high time we had one o' these mothers at our disposal, so I whipped up this model:

and this rocket:

And now I'm tryin' to write a script for it, but I want to know a few things planning-wise before I start out. This is my plan for the weapon so far:

     I know that when a vehicle is spawned, it gets assigned a specific number by the game engine. What I want the weapon to do is when the player mouses over a vehicle, wait three seconds, then get the specific ID of the vehicle and tell the rocket to hunt down that specific vehicle. If the player does not fire within five seconds of lock-on, discard the number and wait to point at the next vehicle. On firing, the rocket will chase down the target at high speed. The turn radius for the rocket is going to be poor, thus it CAN be outmaneuvered if the target notices it soon enough. Also, it's going to intentionally be indiscriminate as to what team it's firing at. This is specifically a vehicle-killing device, and will not lock onto players. It's going to be a one-shot weapon that you have to get another of if you want to keep killing tanks n' stuff.

     What I want to know is what exactly that specific ID is called and how I can incorporate it into the script. If I'm mistaken, what other option do I have tracking-wise?


Shock-And-Awe: Modified shotgun which shoots an electrically charged slug that causes the target to tumble, take damage over time, and potentially chain the effect to two other nearby enemy units.

Cold Killer: Modified sniper rifle that fires a liquid nitrogen capsule which freezes the effected unit in place for three seconds and causes them to take increased damage while frozen.

Caustic Personality: Modded grenade launcher that shoots acid grenades which create an area effect that slows and damages targets.

Small Package: A pistol that fires explosive darts which stick into an enemy or wall and detonate a few seconds later.

Bankswarm: assault rifle that fires ball bearings instead of bullets which ricochet a large number of  times

Spitfire: SMG with incendiary bullets that have a chance of setting things on fire.

Forum Games / Re: SPACE ADVENTURE REDUX - Will update over weekend
« on: October 24, 2011, 05:28:36 PM »

ereo: shoot Iso with healy gun. PROBLEM SOLVED.

alan + Dex: blind-fire over the edge of your hiding spot at the guard on stage

Iso: crawl under table, avoid being auspicious.

Modification Help / Re: Dragon Pack -V2 progress picture page 83-
« on: October 24, 2011, 12:22:06 AM »
Someone now has a legitimate need for a toothbrush.

Modification Help / Re: Overheat Script
« on: October 21, 2011, 09:10:25 PM »
Instead of saying "would this work?" actually implement it into your code, try it out, and when if it doesn't work, then come ask how you can change it so that it will work. You get a more immediate response that way.

Modification Help / Re: Top Sekret Loel (Update x 2)
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:50:40 PM »
Does anyone know how to set a texture to be transparent on one side and opaque on the other?

Modification Help / Top Sekret Loel (Update x 4 COMBO)
« on: October 20, 2011, 07:24:29 AM »
So I decided to get back into mod making, and for my amusement, will begin loading unlabeled images of my progress to tease the stuff out of you while rampant speculation abounds. ENJOY.

Alright, the main bit's pretty much done here.

Now I want to ask a few questions:

1. How do I go about mounting turrets on my turrets (As in, one locked to the z axis while another is locked to the y axis and the last is locked to the x axis.) Essentially a tank turret with mount gimbals with guns/rocket pods/etc.

2. How do I make it so that while the driver is located in one part of the vehicle, driving with WASD, the mouse-look is aiming the aformentioned turretonturretonturret action and firing accordingly?

3. can I make it so that a vehicle picks up its own separate equipment into it's own separate inventory? Like a gun-pod setup and a rocket-pod setup that can be switched between like items in a players inventory, and how do i make it behave differently depending upon what playertype it gets picked up by? Say, when a regular player picks it up and equips it, they get a massive crate that slows them down and they can't use, but the vehicle gets a mounted gauss cannon.

It'd be nice if the map came with a version that didn't have prerendered fences so you could build them yourself. Then they could be linked to events and be made to "power down" and break like in the movie

General Discussion / Re: Strange sounds in Bedroom-Dark?
« on: October 14, 2011, 03:06:47 AM »
You seem like the kind of guy who would stomp on little kid's sandcastles at the beach Tony.

General Discussion / Re: Strange sounds in Bedroom-Dark?
« on: October 14, 2011, 02:04:44 AM »
Creepy pasta may be handicapped, but that does not stop it from being creepy. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try to sleep tonight, because I have the balls, despite being freaked out. Doesn't mean I wont leave all the lights on and barricade my bedroom door, but whatever you gotta do for peace of mind, yknow?

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