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Messages - Rykuta

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And not all muslims are terrorist. and what do you call the Hardcore Gamers in this country? they're terrorist too, and they're not muslim. This video addresses the whole "not all Muslims are terrorists" statement.

And "Terrorism" isn't actually a very well defined term (there's a ton of debate over what is and is not actually classified as terrorism, definitions change from country to country etc). From the definition I like to go by: mass shootings are not acts of terrorism because they are not made because of ideological reasons, they are made by mentally unstable individuals.

For example: A terrorist would crash a plane into a skyscraper because he hates the ideology of the country in which said skyscraper is located. A mentally deranged person would shoot up a theatre full of people without a real reason other than just being mentally ill.

Presidents do stuff that are "against the constitution" quite frequently.

Also presidents get elected regardless of things that should theoretically disqualify them because nobody actually cares enough about said things.

Exporters plz anyone?

I think the idea of needing to have both parties verify a trade after it goes through later is probably a good idea; obviously it makes the process more tedious but it just protects against scams more than inconveniences anyone.

Course you should always have the option to choose how you want to verify something and even if you want to at all; if you don't care then you can turn it off.

Seems like that isn't what they're doing though; and since I don't have a phone that can actually do some kind of steam verification thing; this sucks for me lol, good thing I never trade anything ever if I can help it.

Why only 2 usa gun

That's just the order he made them in. Alpha will have all German guns and probably no US guns. Because for some reason exporting models is taking way longer than it should. Probably because we were playing Jerry's mod all over the weekend but.. I'm sure there's another reason.

Modification Help / Re: == WW3 Pack == by Rykuta, Phanto, and Gytyyhgfffff
« on: November 09, 2015, 06:45:14 PM »
Still waiting on gyt for the snipers and also for me to get unbusy.
rykuta if you can package the current models into the weapon pack and do some magic with the code pls
Will get to it this Friday; busy with college work all of this week. Will probably give gyt the time he needs to not potato to death.

Modification Help / Re: == WW3 Pack == by Rykuta, Phanto, and Gytyyhgfffff
« on: November 01, 2015, 11:15:33 PM »
(FYI i'm path but I got banned for a week)

Lol how did you get banned?

Stealth weapons will definitely be a thing.

The way I usually handle suppressed weapons is they in general have a lower base dps; but much higher headshot dps than regular weapons. So essentially perfect for if you have the drop on someone, not amazing if mid-combat.

Would be really neat if we had someone to build something fancy for us to test these in; if only there was a good builder interested in this project enough to want to do it...  Hmmmmm

Modification Help / Re: == WW3 Pack == by Rykuta, Phanto, and Gytyyhgfffff
« on: September 30, 2015, 04:33:16 PM »
Oh also, if you or anyone else want to be our special FX expert (basically making the bullets/muzzleflashes/explosions look more fabulous); do let us know.

Modification Help / Re: == WW3 Pack == by Rykuta, Phanto, and Gytyyhgfffff
« on: September 23, 2015, 07:01:57 PM »
Path's basement exploded and flooded with stuff, so the official alpha for feature and glitch testing will be released probably sometime next week. Please keep your pants on, or don't, it's your house.

Modification Help / Re: == WW3 Pack == by Rykuta and Phanto
« on: September 11, 2015, 05:02:06 AM »
i love these models, the shotgun and stg look like they are from wolfenstein the new order. always have wanted those weapons in blockland

Wolfenstein New Order weapon designs are essentially WW2 weapons enhanced with a more modernized appearance. Essentially exactly what we're doing here.

Modification Help / Re: == WW3 Pack == by Rykuta and Phanto
« on: September 07, 2015, 07:30:53 PM »
at least that'll have some color in it

Weapons in protophase are untextured basically; when texturing occurs they will have some color to them.
German weapons will have Teal on them
Soviet weapons will have a sort of rusty look (wood/rusted iron red because soviet onion)
US And British weapons are Blue shades I think.

Idk we haven't quite decided.

Modification Help / Re: == WW3 Pack == by Rykuta and Phanto
« on: September 05, 2015, 04:39:16 PM »
ryk this is path, we're all forgeted

moreso, i'm a man who don't need no goddamn templates who the hell do you think i am

Consider if you will, that literally every single modeler I have ever found and asked to do stuff; either dies a horrible death, disappears without a trace, or takes 5ever to do anything.

This guy made me 5 models in a matter of a day and a half; I don't really think we could do much better.

The answer to the second question is: a man with no sunglasses.

Modification Help / Re: == WW3 Pack == by Rykuta and Phanto
« on: September 05, 2015, 03:29:32 PM »
but i don't want to drama you for not releasing this
i want to drama you for not releasing a bioshock weapon pack ffs
I'll code that when I'm done with this probably. Or you can because I made template weapons for ez weapon making; if he gives you models anyways ;3

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