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Messages - Oxcorp

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 55 56 57 [58] 59 60 61 62
AoT General / Re: Cougar's Drunk Again!
« on: August 25, 2006, 07:54:57 PM »
Dude, it wasnt workin before he already fixed it. Anyways milkshape isnt the noly way to make it easy I know like 10 different ways to make other stuff easy.

ya now shut the panda up b4 you say them and badspot sees it and fixes it your a complete dumbice cream noob corp
Did you NOT read what I said?

AoT General / Re: Glitches
« on: August 25, 2006, 07:54:01 PM »
That's just the game leaving the visual object attached to the hand node because you died in a certain way.

It doesn't matter because you can't use both because only one is equipped.
>:) I know that and thats not what I was doing. I showed cougar it too I shot him with the xbow then sheilded and he still didnt beleive me. I didnt do it that way, I found a knew way.

AoT General / Re: Mr-Lotto is a scam
« on: August 25, 2006, 07:52:54 PM »
Dude I just won the jackpot and got 2500gp  :cookieMonster: plus dani got some side money liek 200gp or something. Proves its not a scam. Lotto is gone for a month so I am gunna start for a month. Starting tomorrow tickets are 10gp each. Unlimited to ALL players. 4 numbers 1-15. If you cant think of one I have a program to randomly generate numbers. Draws are on friday, 20gp for 1 number, 50 for 2 and 100 for 3 and jackpot for all 4 right.

made you own dam thread noob corp if ya wanna tell everyone bout your dam gay lotto this is thread talkin bout how and why lotto scams pplz not to show off your gay noob lottos
Wtf I was just saying that its not a scam. Why you gotta be so bitchy

AoT General / Re: Glitches
« on: August 25, 2006, 06:10:33 PM »
So would this count?

AoT General / Re: Mr-Lotto is a scam
« on: August 25, 2006, 06:09:34 PM »
Dude I just won the jackpot and got 2500gp  :cookieMonster: plus dani got some side money liek 200gp or something. Proves its not a scam. Lotto is gone for a month so I am gunna start for a month. Starting tomorrow tickets are 10gp each. Unlimited to ALL players. 4 numbers 1-15. If you cant think of one I have a program to randomly generate numbers. Draws are on friday, 20gp for 1 number, 50 for 2 and 100 for 3 and jackpot for all 4 right.

AoT General / Re: Cougar's Drunk Again!
« on: August 25, 2006, 06:07:15 PM »
Dude, it wasnt workin before he already fixed it. Anyways milkshape isnt the noly way to make it easy I know like 10 different ways to make other stuff easy.

AoT General / Re: Cougar's Drunk Again!
« on: August 25, 2006, 03:59:31 PM »
Can you show me how then since it "hates" me? Lol all im doing is making a new file in milkshape, making a box and making planes about it in tiny sticks like 50 feet high then exporting as rock1.dts into the AOT>base>data>shapes>rocks folder.

AoT General / Re: Age Of Time Version X
« on: August 25, 2006, 03:25:38 PM »
Remco i think you're actually pretty good with it.

AoT General / Re: Cougar's Drunk Again!
« on: August 25, 2006, 02:34:29 PM »
Go to export and export it as .DTS
And once i start AOT it wont run because it detects and error with the file.

AoT General / Re: Glitches
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:36:22 PM »
Thanks alot finally someone kidna appreciates me. I dont really post them to report it I just kinda think they're funny an not many people have seen it cause it might be like once in a lifetime thing

AoT General / Re: Ton 'o' Poo!
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:29:55 PM »

AoT General / Re: Cougar's Drunk Again!
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:09:47 PM »
You can't import DTS files into milkshape so you have to make your own models and overwrite the old ones.
Whenever i save it it wont save as .dts :(

AoT General / Re: Glitches
« on: August 24, 2006, 06:37:20 PM »
Chabo...if these arent glitches...please show us what is since shop glitch doesnt work anymore!

AoT General / Re: Ton 'o' Poo!
« on: August 24, 2006, 05:33:58 PM »
oxcraps :D
1.) FU
2.) It was partially mine and partially ladios's case i sold him like 100 or something

AoT General / Re: Glitches
« on: August 24, 2006, 05:31:48 PM »
Omg chabo your one heck of an ass. All im doing is taking screenshots of glitches that appear in the game. God since when does everyone have to be an ass to me?

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