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Messages - Vigil

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Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 04:53:29 PM »
Or just get MCC?...

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 04:15:32 AM »
destiny 2 is on pc you big unsmart
edit: so is tf2 you dumbarse

i have a pc that can run doom 2016 at medium settings if it changes anything

Didn’t know if you had them already, idk lol.

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 04:05:38 AM »
Also I've grown up with PC i don't really give a stuff about half the stuff you guys are discussing i just want to know if there are any decent non-halo xbox games

Titanfall 2, Destiny 2

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 01:52:53 AM »
Its like you people have a hard time understanding what the average consumer is

tell me, can you post on the BLF quickly and easily with your xbox? what about reddit? facebook? can you do photo editing? can you write a resume? send an email?
do you honestly think an xbox can do everything a PC can

I didn't say that so good job misconstruing the point. I bet you that more people use Facebook on their phone than they do on PC, if they even have one. Not every average person knows how to  even begin to use photoshop. Also Xbox has a browser so if you really wanted to, yeah actually you could browse reddit or FB. And if you used your phone, you have your easy keyboard right there. Hilarious you bring this up despite numerous people here on BLF using even worse methods to post on BLF (hey DS users!)

I don't know if you realize that you can connect a computer to a TV. Because, you know, monitors are just TVs.

They actually arent, if you knew anything about the differences between a monitor and a TV. You can go look that up on your own time but you can start with things like refresh rates and latency.

yeah that's why the red ring of death exists right

Good job talking about an issue that happened at least 5 or so years ago? Not even taking into account that warranties exist because its a console. And that isn't even the point of why I said "foolproof", I even explained it yet you people are so bullheadishly adamant that consoles are good for nothing because you have literally zero world view and don't know how to read. God, and what, PC's aren't prone to broken parts? DOA? The forget

oh nooo whatever shall i do, i have to plug a usb cable or two into my computer
(and you don't need speakers for many monitors or TVs)

Thats more hardware you have to purchase on your own and more things to take into account. Its like you want things to not be as convenient as possible. Also I wasn't even talking about TV's when I was talking about speakers. On top of that, no, not all monitors have speakers, and I guarantee you Joe Schmoe isn't gonna know what to look for when he tries to buy a monitor and whether or not is has a speaker built in.

if you're going to spend hundreds of dollars on a device i suspect you'd be willing to get your money's worth, even if it takes an extra hour or two

What the forget? I'd love to see you teach someone who knows little about tech how to build a computer in two to three hours. That's generous as stuff. Not even bring into account installing software. And money's worth? You know whats money's worth? Buying a console, and the same day using it as soon as you get home.

Why is convenience so undervalued? Why does it have to be more complicated?

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 01:22:22 AM »
In the end, a console is way more limited than a PC.

Its not. For any regular person that uses a PC for mundane stuff, consoles can also do. Hell, if anything, console has a leg up on the regular market because it doubles as an entertainment hub (at least Xbox and PS4 do). People want to pop in a DVD and watch movies on their TV. They want to boot up Netflix and watch stuff on their TV. I don't know if you realize that its likely that more households have TV's than PC's. Consoles are fool proof and you can take very little to set up. You know what you have to set up for a PC? Monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, software, etc. That's assuming everything pans out smooth. You know what you set up for a console? Plug your loving thing into the TV and power cable, and use a controller (or even your loving phone, with Xbox at least).

People tend to have a normal PC anyway, so if you just combine the cost of that with the cost of an Xbox, you get a good budget for a gaming PC. Even if you never had Legos as a kid and are unable to follow a YouTube video, you could probably just ask a friend to help you build it. If you have no friends you could always add a bit of money to have someone build it for you. It's just a better deal unless you're away from home too much to enjoy it. In that case, a portable console like the Switch is ideal.

That's literally way more effort than what I just said. I think you have an issue with realizing not everyone in the loving world is tech savvy, or even wants to go through the effort of learning it.

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 01:01:54 AM »
I'd hesitate to call the Switch's portability a gimmick. It's a huge selling point. Playing great games (including Nintendo exclusives) without being tied to a desk or couch is a fantastic selling point.
So if performance doesn't sell it, and convenience does, why would someone get an Xbox instead of a Switch? Obviously the portability makes it way more convenient, and Nintendo has way better exclusives. It even gives you the option to use it in TV mode like a home console, and has pretty great performance for what is essentially an NVIDIA Tegra tablet.

Calling titles better or worse is entirely subjective and not even a point to this discussion. If people want to buy a Switch over an Xbox or PS4 go the forget ahead, I don't care. Play whatever games you want. My issue is people assume consoles are inherently a worse decision over a PC, when there are an incredible amount of factors that go into the decision on what platform someone would choose. Not only that, consoles are a loving way more cost effective choice over a PC. You even look at the cost of a mid-line GPU nowadays? Manufacturers gouged the forget out of them because of crypto-mining. You wanna put down the same amount of money on a GPU that you could spend on an entire console? Go ahead. Your average person just getting into PC building isn't going to have the resources to find second hand markets, or the like (or even trust those markets if they even find them).

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 12:46:37 AM »
alright sure.
1. PC has more backwards compatibility than any console because of emulators and old Steam games don't become unplayable because "console generations" don't exist on PC.
2. For a computer that's so heavily optimized, it sure runs games like ass. I guess people just don't care when they're so conditioned to 30fps.
3. A "unified system to play online" would be the stufftiest thing ever because the only examples that aren't Nintendo charge a monthly fee to play online

And your mistake is assuming I think a console is better than a PC, or assuming that one should get a console over a PC, which I had said literally nowhere. I've built literally all the PC's in my household, and many more for friends. I've been a user of consoles and PC for well over a decade.  I've played every single generation of Xbox. I'm making a point that a console is a much more streamlined and idiot proof platform to purchase. While PC has retention because there are no generations, your forgetin PC is gonna die some day, or its going to become obsolete, in the same amount of time a console generation is probably going to last as well. You still have to spend money on a new system or parts. And you bet your ass that not everyone knows how to even begin touching the inside of a computer. Just because you know how to get around a computer as eloquently as you doesn't mean that everyone does, or should. You know what's easy as forget? Putting in a CD and having the console do all the work for you and you can play. Man I'm not even covering the media/entertainment side of consoles that adds to the ease of use for Joe Schmoe.

actually Nintendo will do this too next year

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 12:35:34 AM »
wow and people said I was pretentious with the logic stuff

Is Xbox not the only system that you can put in a supported previous generation and have it install the game onto your console?
Do all games released for its platform not work on the platform?
Is the unified live service for things like friends, chat, parties, etc not stretch across every single title?

Im curious if your guys' main issue is the word "optimization", because its completely fine. Optimized doesn't mean its going to run maximum specs, it just means its going to run well.

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 12:26:45 AM »
oh boy here we go
Who's gonna say it first

You should say it first because all of my points are purely factual, instead of wasting an entire post to try and belittle me.

Games / Re: Is it worth getting an Xbox One?
« on: November 10, 2017, 12:09:04 AM »
Xbox is currently the only console that has backwards compatibility with titles from all of its generations.

The only real reason to buy a console is the exclusives

Or how about a system that is heavily optimized and guaranteed to run any game you buy for it. As well as a unified system for online play on all titles, not just ones on platforms like Steam or Origin.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: November 09, 2017, 11:40:39 PM »

Off Topic / Re: /r/incels is finally dead.
« on: November 08, 2017, 01:18:17 AM »

Off Topic / Re: /r/incels is finally dead.
« on: November 08, 2017, 12:27:01 AM »
Man I didn't even know this stuff existed but Im sure glad it got beaned

Off Topic / Re: What do you jerk off to / what arouses you
« on: November 06, 2017, 08:59:02 PM »
ass and thighs

THis but gay as forget

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: November 06, 2017, 12:52:26 PM »
I can't see how you can "get lucky" in something like art.

Plenty of ways. Right people seeing the right thing at the right time. Plenty of people that get lucky in the art world all the time. It doesn't mean they aren't skilled, they just got really fortunate opportunities that boosted their audience.

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