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Messages - McZealot

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Off Topic / Re: Tomb Raider film
« on: March 29, 2018, 12:45:43 AM »
Also Darkest Hour is INCREDIBLE and everyone should go see it. Solid 9/10 and insanely tense. There's no action but I was at the edge of my seat the entire film.

Off Topic / Tomb Raider film
« on: March 29, 2018, 12:45:01 AM »
Anyone seen the new Tomb Raider film? Imo it's the best video game movie ever, and by that I mean it's not awful. The bar would probably be set with Warcraft, which I'd give a 4/10. Fun movie to watch but man it was bad.

Lara's actor was really solid and gave a convincing performance very similar to the Tomb Raider reboot series (and nothing at all like the old games in which she is a psychopathic bitch). These are significantly better than both Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider Films, although that bar is ridiculously low. I'd give it a solid 7/10. Extremely forgettable movie but still very fun and the thing that I liked the most was a certain scene (that I won't spoil) that was taken shot-by-shot from the first Tomb Raider reboot game. It was ridiculous and actiony and a straight-up remake of game footage for a solid 4-5 minutes.

We did it guys--we got a good video game movie. A new era has begun.

General Discussion / Re: ~BR~ Battle Royale ~BR~ [OPEN]
« on: March 28, 2018, 08:31:36 PM »
Open now! About 20 players on.

Wizzard's Dogfight was probably the first "long-term" server where it seemed like it was up every single day and always at the top of the server list. It was so fun to grab weapons from the spawn boat and go steal islands by flying over them with the biplane. You could just fly really slowly and shoot your gun from the wing of the plane to kill people on the ground.

General Discussion / Re: ~BR~ Battle Royale ~BR~ [OPEN]
« on: March 27, 2018, 05:39:18 PM »
use this
Imo part of the appeal is the "clunkiness" of the current ray-casting weapons. With regular weapons it would just be a DM on a large map. But the scavanging for items--wondering how much ammo you should carry versus bringing a medkit or a grenade, or trying to figure out which mag is still loaded--add a lot of realistic issues to high-tension scenarios. Instead of simplying pressing "R" and waiting for your gun to reload, you have direct control of the speed by which it re-arms. You can also make a decision about whether it would be safer to swap to a different gun. Every magazine has an inventory slot, which stops people from stockpiling weapons or relying on a single strategy throughout the game.

Also, because they raycast rather than fire projectiles, you wont be able to dodge a bullet at close range or have to fire ahead of someone because ridiculously slow bullets wont reach them before they move.

General Discussion / ~BR~ Battle Royale ~BR~ [CLOSED]
« on: March 27, 2018, 04:38:44 PM »

Battle Royale is a 10-minute Survival Deathmatch. Players parachute out of the sky over an abandoned tropical island. They will be forced to scavenge for completely randomized weapons, ammunitions, and traps that have been left across the island. A lethal force-field slowly closes in over the arena, slowing forcing towards the middle of the island where those who survive will battle the last players left standing.


Do you understand how repulsive this behavior is? Nobody thinks you are funny.

This is so loving gross I just read the entire Twitter thread that gathered info about him & his involvement with the child actors. All the people defending him are saying that what he did isn't bad and these shows aren't for kids, they're for teens so it's okay. No disrespect to those under 18, but teens are kids too. It is still child enthusiasm even if they are teenage actors and it's honestly absolutely disgusting and so upsetting. I can't believe I didn't hear anything about this prior to this thread. Thanks for making this thread. I hope now that this gets a ton of publicity we will get to hear more people involved speak out and expose this sick forgeter
Is anything actually confirmed? I just saw the foot stuff, which is like, yea a little weird. But the post asking for girls to send foot pics wasn't him, it was the Twitter page for some kids TV show. I really doubt he personally managed the Twitter for his show. I saw a few pics of him grabbing girls and hugging actresses... but, they are obviously friends and work together. If a woman or less creepy guy was doing the same thing you wouldn't think anything. Joe Biden grabbed kids in creepy ways, but he grabbed everyone. There are tons of clips of him talking to other men where he puts hands on their shoulder and almost embraces them just speaking.

TBH, I think it's probably just arisen because the dude looks creepy as hell. Never met him or seen pics of him before today but his face screams "creep" and unless he's actually raping the kids I don't think people should jump to conclusions.

Honestly, he would look WAY less creepy if he cut his hair shorter and lost weight.

Dan "get in the van" Schneider

Off Topic / Re: new avengers: infinity war trailer
« on: March 16, 2018, 07:08:48 PM »
This looks almost as mediocre as Solo: A Star Wars Story

review predictions: "Not even the epic 'Black Panther' can save this overstuffed sci-fi epic"
if a headline of that EXACT manner is written I get $10

(Black Panther was mediocre too lol)

Off Topic / Re: Got the galaxy s9
« on: March 15, 2018, 05:00:16 PM »
My Galaxy Note 7 exploded (sorta). I got it replaced free of charge with a new phone of a different type, but I didn't really like it so I gave it to my mom and swapped it out for her S5 which I still use.

It was just charging one night and I woke up to a really loud popping/crackling noise. I turned on the light and my phone smelled burnt and smokey. The bottom end of the phone had melted and it wouldn't turn on. It had also melted on the charging port and I couldn't remove the charger. Fun story to tell whenever people brought up the exploding Note 7s.

Off Topic / Re: NEWS: Toys "R" Us to close all of its stores.
« on: March 15, 2018, 04:56:40 PM »
My brother worked for Toys R Us Customer Service back in highschool. The extent they went to to screw over customers was both hilarious and sad. I have no sympathy for them, lol.

I wonder how many people walked out just to avoid class for 7 minutes.
It was 17, not 7. My school counts students truant if they miss more than 15 minutes of class.  I don't think anyone did--you don't get any make-up time for work missed during a truancy. I don't think anyone was willing to get that sort of mark on their record in exchange for 17 minutes of standing around outside an office building chanting with signs. I think pretty much everyone was there for political purposes, or maybe in a few cases just from peer pressure (although 5x as many students remained in class... so...).

This is something I've heard from a lot of people, that we only left class to get out of our work. But that's frankly ridiculous. 17 minutes of protesting isn't very much fun. If it was an all-day skip where we went to laser-tag or something, that might make sense.

My school tried to screw us over in an illegal way, basically telling teachers to refuse to allow students who left class to finish their work once they got back. They changed that policy pretty fast (at least for my classes) after they got a not-so-friendly call from my parents (who are attorneys).

Yea me and girl organized it at our school and got 150-200 people to organize in a circle outside the main office. Pretty good turnout considering the school has a relatively low number of students and ~400 were taking the Pre-ACT. We made the news on a few channels

Off Topic / Re: Stephen Hawking dead at 76
« on: March 14, 2018, 01:09:38 AM »
you never answered my question
rampant anti intellectualism? what did Stephen Hawking even do in his life besides talk about space? Anyone can do that.
Well, for one thing he appeared in a cameo role for the sixth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and was the only actor to ever portray themselves on Star Trek.

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