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Messages - Whirlwind~

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Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: September 13, 2015, 03:02:45 AM »
Version 1.3
  • Added workaround for bot damage. Use /damagescene to toggle bot damage.
  • Love, Hate, Alarm, Confuse emotes

This mod isn't dead,

It might as well be dead. I'm back to school on Monday, so progress will be very slow.

I have created a trailer of my own if you don't mind good sir.

I really like this mod, and I can't wait to see you add more features to it.

Awesome video dude. I will try to work on this in my free time.

Server is open.
Closed. I forgot school was a thing. Oh well.

I'm also leaving on vaca for 2 weeks tomorrow

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 20, 2015, 11:14:10 PM »
so far so good and really fun to play around with but the only problem is things not playing back correctly :I
It doesn't record movements perfectly,

Quote from: Mouse droidz 21
and in the current version items aren't usable
Quote from: Whirlwind~
(there may be bugs)(do not use with Script_FilmBots)

Version 1.2
  • Item Support
  • Keybinds
  • New /last/ keyword to play/delete last filmed scene. Useful if you keep messing up a scene recording.
  • Small improvements
  • Bug Fixes
scenes can't seem to hurt each other.

Quote from: Mouse droidz 21
and when a film bot enters a vehicle and when it is played back the vehicle drives around in circles.
Quote from: Whirlwind~
Head Turning
Changing Avatar
Vehicle Support
File Saving
Emotes / Talk anim
Record camera?

Quote from: Mouse droidz 21
I hope that you can fix and update this mod because I absolutely love it
You and me both...

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 18, 2015, 02:32:18 AM »
Also found a bug, when I die by fall damage, or getting killed by an individual, the scene doesn't end unless I crtl k, say /endscene or use the keybind for it. Can you make the scene end for all these possibilities?
I found a bug: if you use teledoors with different rotations, then bots will come out of teledoors facing the wrong way. Also, scenes can't seem to hurt each other.

The mod as it is now, simply records the actions that you send to the server, such as walking, changing your weapon, and suiciding.

It does not record what the server does to the player, such as teleporting it, killing it with fall damage, or just plain blocking the path with a wall.

I'm sure most of these problems are due to the fact that it is an AIPlayer and not an actual player. Anyone know if its possible to create a fake player instead of a bot?

Also a neat thing: it works perfectly with timescales!
Well that's good news.

Wait should using something like the rocket l. work like how a player does it or am i supposed to use a bunch of events for it?
No events. Just use your item normally and the bot will recreate it.

Bouncy Tiles? p self explanatory, the tiles will bounce players up and down, and occasionally left or right to help throw them off.
Well it's original... I imagine people bouncing right off the tile and yelling "bullstuff!" People can also just stand on someone else's head negating the jumps for both players. What if they barely miss a tile or they are rightfully blocked, but they touch the edge of the tile with their head and get up anyway. What if you are propelled in the air right as the op hits a button and theres not enough time to get to a tile cuz you didnt fall fast enough...

Uhh... on the plus side bouncing sounds fun.

Memory Test? All the tiles slowly go clear, and players must remember which color is which for 1 stage.
This one's been suggested a few times and it's been rejected. It worked on the black parrot's falling tiles because a) it was scripted and this is evented and b) the rounds started with only a few colors and worked its way up, making it easier to memorize. Ours immediately starts with 9 colors, and as we have come to discover: the majority of blocklanders have the attention span of a small squirrel.

I will keep this in mind for a later date tho, as I am planning on scripting the game.

Randomizer tiles, which pick a random effect each round. Pretty simple to do with VCE.
Auto-game already does this when theres no operator? Unless you mean specials like wumbo, but those are premium and shouldnt be picked randomly.

Not tryin to stuff on anybody's cheerios, I just like keeping all the possibilities in mind. And also if you haven't noticed, the server isn't exactly 'bug' free. The whole system seems to break every time I try to add something, so I am cautious.

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 15, 2015, 07:54:25 AM »
Version 1.2
  • Item Support
  • Keybinds
  • New /last/ keyword to play/delete last filmed scene. Useful if you keep messing up a scene recording.
  • Small improvements
  • Bug Fixes

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 15, 2015, 01:17:31 AM »
Items are a thing now.

will it copy movements with fake kill bricks? for example if I filmed myself using the rocket L to destroy a house will the physics take effect?

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 14, 2015, 07:54:43 PM »
it made onactivate admin only
i don't have any mods that could make events admin only

Uhh theres no events in this mod yet, perhaps its a different issue?

Add-Ons / Re: Film Bots v1.0
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:37:27 AM »
How does it work with vehicles? (as in does it work and how accurate)

They can go forwards and backwards, and that's about it. Will try to add vehicle support later.

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 13, 2015, 10:11:41 PM »
when you Self Delete, the bot's body disappears suddenly.

Do you mean:
1. When you are filming with another scene playing, and you Self Delete, the bots of the playback scenes disappear suddenly? This is intended
2. When you are not filming and playing back a scene, and you Self Delete, the bots of the playback scene disappear suddenly? Unable to reproduce.
3. When you are filming, and you Self Delete, your dead body disappears suddenly? Unable to reproduce.
4. None of the above

Modification Help / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:43:35 PM »
Beta Testers, there is now a separate Script_FilmBots_Beta add-on. Download from the op. And if Support_Updater works, you will never have to download it again.

The public mod is v1.0 and the beta is v1.1.
I would advise against using both at the same time.

Version 1.1
  • Custom Playback Range
  • Bug fixes
Code: [Select]
/filmScene - Begins filming to the next available spot. Caution: It does not record movements perfectly, so do not always expect your bot to end up in the same place you do.

/playScene [range] or "all" - Plays back specified scenes.

/endScene [number optional] - Ends filming and playbacks. Leave blank to end all playbacks.

/filmWithScene [range] or "all" - Simultaneously begins filming and playback of specified scenes. Useful for knowing the position of other filmbots.

/listScene - Lists all recorded scenes and their times.

/deleteScene [range] or "all" - Deletes specified scenes.

[Range] specifies the range using , and - (no spaces)
'/playscene 1' will play scene 1
'/playscene 2,3' will play scenes 2 and 3
'/playscene 2-4' will play scenes 2 3 and 4
'/playscene 1,3-5,7' will play scenes 1 3 4 5 and 7
'/playscene -4' will play all scenes from 1 to 4
'/playscene 5-' will play all scenes from 5 to your highest film
'/playscene -' will play all scenes
'/playscene all' will play all scenes

Add-Ons / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:17:38 PM »
But are you going to add some of the features you wanted to add here? This is seriously needed.

Yea I'm going to have a separate beta version of this in the development topic.

Add-Ons / Re: Film Bots
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:06:35 PM »
Um, did you added any new features or fixes compared to the earlier beta versions we got? Please tell me you atleast added items support or vehicles or something new.

This is the "beta version" I just made it public. I really only heard of one bug, so i fixed that, and I added the auto updater

sweet, your last link is broken btw.
Fixed thx.

Add-Ons / Film Bots v1.0
« on: August 13, 2015, 09:00:06 PM »

It records your movements, then has a bot play them back.

It doesn't record movements perfectly, so the bot may end up in a different position than where you did:

Reminds me a lot of Chronotron or The Company of Myself.


Code: [Select]
/filmScene - Begins filming to the next available spot. Caution: It does not record movements perfectly, so do not always expect your bot to end up in the same place you do.

/playScene number or "all" - Plays back specified scene. Can play multiple scenes.

/endScene [number optional] - Ends filming and playbacks. Leave blank to end all playbacks.

/filmWithScene number or “all” - Simultaneously begins filming and playback of specified scene. Useful for knowing the position of other filmbots.

/listScene - Lists all recorded scenes and their times.

/deleteScene number or "all" - Deletes specified scene.

Currently only supports: moving, looking, jumping, crouching, jetting, clicking, light, sit, and Self Delete.
No items or vehicles.

Development Topic Here:




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