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Messages - Mr. Bones

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Off Topic / Re: went from making 35k/yr to over 140,000 lmao
« on: June 29, 2022, 03:09:03 AM »
I went from 40k to 140k in approximately 1 year. I had a stupid job that paid 40k, and the job itself also sucked, but then I got a software dev job for 56k. I did that for about a year. then another software company hit me up randomly last december and their offer was considerably better at 140k sooooooooooo that's where I work now. it's nice
Congrats, I envy you lol!

I'm currently making like 38k a year max, barely getting by on bills and such. Currently searching for a new job, had a promising interview with a place that pays 60-80k a year and that's more than enough for me to live happily, unfortunately haven't heard back though.

Ever had an interview where everything is smooth sailing and goes perfect, but ya still don't hear back/get a job offer or follow-up? It'd be one thing if they expressed disinterest at the end of the interview in a respectful and professional manner like you know a "Hey we aren't sure you'd make a good candidate" or whatever, but for it to end on a good note and just not hear back at all? It's like a girl asking you to be her boyfriend (or the opposite or something other for whichever way you swing) and then ghosting you the second your date ends on that romantic high note. stuff is real disheartening.

Off Topic / Re: U.S.A. Politics Thread | Roe V. Wade OVERTURNED
« on: June 29, 2022, 03:01:21 AM »
I'm like a cartoonishly evil bigot and I refuse to believe there is a single person made of flesh and blood that cared enough about this stuff to actually get it overturned. This has to be some kind of manufactured moral panic thing
Well said. Out of all the things that could be talked about currently in the USA like gun laws, inflation, Russian-Ukrainian conflict, increasingly dogstuff wages for jobs, being one of the only countries where college costs money, etc, this is what comes up on the chopping block?

In a perfect world where I had all the money I could think of, I'd turn tail to live in Japan or Norway or something like that right about now. Not even just because of this ruling, all of the other things and more are just becoming ever more frustrating to deal with and it's kind of disturbing how much bullstuff happens in this country that doesn't happen in every other 1st world country.

he deliberately, knowingly put himself in a dangerous situation lol.
Yes... because he was trying to defend a community he had family in and worked in? Not sure what your point is here.

he wasn't passionate about protecting a used car dealership, he went there with the goal of shooting somebody
Evidence suggests otherwise, hence he was found innocent. Kyle is a certified lifeguard with medical training and participates in fire fighting and police programs. He also cleans up graffiti, and I'm sure other things I haven't found/researched yet. Regardless of your stance on vigilantes just knowing his history should make it pretty clear what his intent was. He denounced literally everything the prosecution threw at him.

youre probably the biggest handicap ive ever met

anyways this is really funny

While MM is wrong in the sense the hand gesture HAS been used in white supremacist ideas/propaganda or whatever his point does hold some truth lol

i think its the fact that kyle hung out with a couple proud boys immediately after throwing up the ok sign and stuff. and iirc a couple of the dudes he was out on the streets with was an avid fan of richard spencer and Riddler speeches.

it's weird cus the dude that most of the media focused on for this pulled the "its just a joke guys" card so i dont really loving know if they where genuine or ironic national socialists tbh, heres an article that explains it pretty well:
Interesting read, thank you

Regardless of what the case is regarding supremacy I do believe the shootings were justified - but I did not expect him to get off scot free with all charges. That kinda surprised me. Figured he'd get some sort of firearms charge, self defense or not. IMO he was right to open fire as a few people came at him, but you shouldn't be prancing around with a gun in such a polarizing environment either. I'm happy a creep and a woman beater are off the streets though. I don't idolize Kyle or anything, for the record. He felt like he was in danger so he defended himself, that's all there really is to it tbh.

He's a clean shot though at least, this could have easily swung the other way if he just started unloading into a bunch of that crowd or whatever. I remember reading one of the guys he shot was a clean one shot kill right through the heart and lung or something like that? Too lazy to look back but someone might find that for me lol.

How come people are crying white supremacy? Weren't both victims killed white?

Chauvin was white and was found guilty on all charges. Methinks people are just throwing cope at the wall in regards to Kyle lol

Off Topic / Re: why do people not want masks?
« on: October 24, 2021, 03:16:59 AM »
there is not a human right to have your face uncovered
Eh, it can be argued as a part of the first amendment regarding clothing and such.

I'm fine with the mask mandate, what I hate is I have to wear it at work - but nowhere else I go. And I'm fully vaccinated.

Off Topic / Re: do you have phobias
« on: October 24, 2021, 03:11:33 AM »
I hate heights, and spiders. One time I was exploring an abandoned mill, I was probably 15 stories or so up, I peeked out over the edge of the roof and nearly fainted lol. Not sure how I'll ever get on an airplane.

Off Topic / Re: OnlyFans bans loveual content
« on: August 21, 2021, 12:38:26 AM »


yo bisjac tried to fly me and my sister to MN for some party when I was like 15 and she was 13. he basically groomed us and its only looking back now that I see that behavior is not normal. I can't imagine me at my current age (26) chatting it up on the daily with a 15 year old.

also regarding TwenteFreak yes I remember him he was my fave. I still message him occasionally to check in.

I'm sad no one mentioned me..... zero impact smdh
That's gross, sorry you experienced that. Reminds me of the Racerboy incident lol.

I had a personal run in with Racerboy back in like 2015, he constantly tried to skype call and asked me to turn on my camera. I thought he was weird so I didn't do it but I wasn't aware he was a kiddie diddler at the time

I've always wondered what happened to 2D. 2D is the guy who built Left4Block Hotel and I think he built Subway as well. I remember watching him build Hotel back in like 2010, he was a good friend. Never saw him again past like 2011-2012 though, just stopped coming online on RTB.

I wonder what happened to Trymos/Man of Reason. These two guys were responsible for the DDOS attack on christmas/new years back in like 2014. I spoke to Trymos quite a bit on Steam at the time. This was back when I was still a troll, he was trying to recruit me or something. I remember us trolling on Gmod DarkRP servers but nothing past that.

Also curious where DDC(dotdotcircle) went. Hopefully to prison lol. I remember on RTB back in like 2011 he messaged me on IRC and sent me what was apparently Badspots personal cell number? I didn't do anything with it or register what it was he just sent me at the time because I was 10-11, but yeah. Not a good guy.

Off Topic / Re: opinions on love
« on: July 18, 2021, 05:08:17 PM »
banned for evasion has never happened before, only for repeat violations on alts
This is correct, back when I made this account I was drama'd (can't remember the reason) and Badspot pointed out who I was, and that he was debating ban purely because of who I was. He never did though.

Off Topic / Re: john mcafee commits Self Delete
« on: June 25, 2021, 12:26:24 AM »
why tf would the government want to kill john mcafee lmfao
They wouldn't tbh; McAfee was kind of a nut and odds are he did this purely because he knew it could stir up some stuff

Off Topic / Re: Intrusive thoughts are ruining my life
« on: June 12, 2021, 03:28:43 PM »
You need to seek professional help ASAP, OP. This is not normal.

My mother has psychosis. Before she started taking meds she'd say things like you are saying, describing that she felt as if someone was controlling her brain.

Off Topic / Re: pride month mf
« on: June 07, 2021, 11:19:50 PM »
third time wasnt the charm, rip. gl with transitioning in the future! good to hear ur not using a chiropractor, its kinda scary how many prople don’t realize its fake medicine for the most part
Other than a good back crack I don't see the point of a chiropractor unless they're helping you with like tennis elbow and other joint conditions and such. But even then, you can crack your own back - I crack mine all the time lol

Off Topic / Re: pride month mf
« on: June 07, 2021, 09:51:17 PM »
the worst example of the day is raytheon

we love f****ts! come make nukes for us!!!

anyway. let's talk about something cooler, like how gay we all are
Interesting, my company builds circuit boards for Raytheons' integrated defense systems loll

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