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Messages - Stocking

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Off Topic / Re: I was on Adult Swim's Fishcenter
« on: January 23, 2017, 11:34:38 PM »

do you guys have something against adorable girls?

judging from the things some of you said about me i reckon so

i mean shes wearing a diaper so its pretty close
also lmfao stocking likes diapers wtf

that doesnt look anything like a diaper wtf? its just underwear. shes like 10 not 1

don't you have vore to post in some other thread

it's gross imo but I don't think it should be illegal

gross how?

do you guys really wanna deprive the world of loli?

No it's a Thot Crime So then Furcigarettes aren't degenerate because if they were it would be a thoughtcrime

the difference is is that furcigarettes dress up in animal suits and have love with real animals

almost every "furcigarette" on the internet with a pet has loveually abused it

Would you ban furfriendry and cuckholdry?

yes. the first for being a mental illness and the second for being traitorous to their race.

One comment in and you're already playing the handicap card? Come on.

i honestly dont know who the hell you are. whose alt are you

You said it was loveual. Therefore it's a special interest. Even if it's not you still like Lolicon which makes you a degenerate. Probably makes you worse then furcigarettes and racemixers.

it's not degenerate. is thought crime a thing in your universe?

Don't lie you would ban racemixing if you could

yes because that's actually degenerate and pollutes the limited white gene pool. if current trends continue, the world will be less than 10% white in 40 years...

Stocking, all you've done in your 6+ year long trolling career is: "da joos did it" or "vore/cp isn't THAT bad." You are a really uncreative person.

who the forget are you?

Most anime girls look no older than 16. And when fish tank had a nsfw channel cunts kept stuffposting loli and I can tell you that they had the body of a child.

>doesnt think annie is hot af

pick two

So it is a special interest now. The idea of being inside the stomach of another being makes you moist.

that's a gross oversimplification. still, what i said completely contradicted what you posited

Yeah I understand the sentiment. I still disagree because I'm a moralcigarette.

so i can't enjoy something because of some handicapped moral standard you made up?

i didnt know you were a liberal

i'll admit traps are gay if you child forgeters admit that lolicons are literally child enthusiasts

traps arent gay. i look at traps all the time but they're technically men so its still straight.

lolicons are literally child enthusiasts

but children are ugly and not lovey irl

My theory is that they start with teenagers and they generally get more and more perverse as they find it harder and harder to wack it to the same type of research. It's probably the same with other special interestes as well.

untrue. vore was an innate fascination that turned loveual right at puberty. i just didnt have a word for the things i was fantasizing about at the time lol

It's not 'child research' per se, but you're definitely a child enthusiast if you get off to lolicon.

did you come into this thread to defend child enthusiasts? you liberal types cant help but piddle children

is it really child research if loli has pretty much nothing in common with children? the characters drawn will have the mindset of an adult, because the story is being written and drawn by an adult. most anime girls have over exaggerated bodies too. pretty sure most children aren't curvy, want to have love, make adult decisions and don't run away from strangers/tell other people if they were hurt in a weird way. loli's aren't real children, they don't look like real children and don't act like real children. it isn't real

pretty much this. im huge into short stacks: aflie, tristana, poppy, etc and lolis pretty much fill that niche.

Serious question, do you like it because it usually has the woman being aggressively dominated? Do you project yourself into it?

im more into situations where the loli has control, such as kodomo no jikan and its bajlllion doujinshis, or just cute loli preds in vore.

>thinks furfriendry and racemixing is degenerate
>likes lolicon and vore

W E W  L A D


please stop trolling

[im g][/img]
Although basically anything posted by Stocking is bait.

call it bait all you want but loli is one of my favorite genres

probably the one thing i really hated about conservatives that i loved about liberals is the subject of research. conservatives have been constantly trying to censor and tell us what we can and cannot get off to, and liberals were like "forget you guys i'll draw what i want"

of course thats changed now that liberals have gone completely batstuff and are now worse than conservatives in every way

Off Topic / Re: 2017 WORLD POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: January 23, 2017, 08:18:49 PM »
Learn to take it up the ass or stop being a massive degenerate whore.

its not about that. planned parenthood was there to keep blacks from breeding uncontrollably.

think of all the white lives and property has been protected as a result of their state-funded abortion programs

People in this thread moralcigaretteging it up. What loving kind of fascist can't get off to loli?

Off Topic / Re: 2017 WORLD POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:59:49 PM »
I really wish Annoying Orange didnt plan to defund planned parenthood... :panda:

Off Topic / Re: 2017 WORLD POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: January 23, 2017, 01:23:47 AM »
Yes people obstructing traffic and damaging property get attacked after 15 minutes. This is Orwellian how?

seventh is literally brain damaged. he's kind of like lord tony in that he trolls just by being himself

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