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Messages - *Magick* Mage

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Gallery / Re: Titanic (continued)
« on: July 16, 2013, 12:39:34 AM »
Quite a marvel she is. I look forward to seeing her completion one of these days. C:

Off Topic / Re: 10 MOTHAforgetIN hours until doomsday 2012.
« on: December 20, 2012, 11:40:56 PM »
What time did the Mayans schedule the Armageddon? Is there a good clock for it?
They didn't. The Mayan Long Count accounts for several million years more. This is just the end of the 12th Bak'tun and the start of the 13th. Self appointed "officials" seem to say 11:11 UTC, though. But I'm sure everything will just be fine and lovely come tomorrow.

Life is a funny thing sometimes, quite like Her patrons....

Off Topic / Re: What will you remember 2012 for?
« on: October 23, 2012, 10:56:22 PM »
The same I remember every year by: That grand green light, that promise of la vita nuova, and that dear painting everlasting. For there is no more a cage than youth and no more a conqueror than age, a cycle that builds and destroys ceaselessly, as we have functioned hereto and shall function further. But so we go on, as well we should, for the necessity of progress and the importance of meaning.

Off Topic / Re: What will you be for halloween?
« on: September 18, 2012, 11:00:07 PM »

As may be seen on picture here,
In Rome the doctors do appear,
When to their patients they are called,
In places by the plague appalled.....

Drama / Re: .::Taboo::./RagnaTheBroedge is actually ~16 years old.
« on: August 18, 2012, 09:50:59 PM »
Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!

Pretty much expected this. I've always liked Taboo, though, regardless of his engagements with the public school system or age. A fine fellow. A fine fellow, indeed.

General Discussion / Re: Ben and Friend's Jungle TDM (WIP)
« on: August 16, 2012, 12:27:36 AM »
Atque duas tantum res: panem et circenses.

Off Topic / Re: Gabe Newell calls Windows 8 a "Catastrophe".
« on: August 04, 2012, 10:41:43 PM »
Granted, it isn't exactly brilliant, but is it really a catastrophe? I mean, Chernobyl, that was a catastrophe. And people died from that. :u

Regardless, it is ehh. From what I've seen, I don't like it too much. I'm just glad to not be involved as a user in it. Windows 8, that is. Not Chernobyl. Although I'm glad not to be involved in that, too.

General Discussion / Re: Blockland The Truth
« on: August 03, 2012, 11:25:03 PM »
Oh God lol

Off Topic / Re: Beachbum has new hobby- Bonsai.
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:15:14 PM »
Growing plants is not a hobby, Beach. It is a career opportunity for the plant. You employ the plant to grow and in return you take general care of it. Make sure, regardless of the plant, that it has all its work papers in order and that you outline its wages, health benefits, pension, etc. beforehand. This will save you a great deal of trouble down the road, bon ami.

This is quite a good opportunity for the plants, you know. They are discriminated against in the work place, so getting a job in the public sector is unrealistic. Private employment is all they can go for. So good on you for supporting their cause and getting them into the workforce. C:

Off Topic / Re: What if I told you...
« on: August 01, 2012, 09:56:48 PM »



Off Topic / Re: Gay rights opinions?
« on: August 01, 2012, 08:54:01 PM »
Churches can claim what they want, and people can believe what they will, but the State has absolutely no reason whatsoever to ban gay marriage. Two consenting adults, regardless of any aspect of their character, family history, gender, race, religion, etc. should enjoy the same rights, privileges, and benefits in marriage as everyone else.

Off Topic / Re: Have you ever hacked anything legally?
« on: July 31, 2012, 10:30:36 AM »
I once had to manually override a door. It was locked, so hacking it was my only option.

I lost a door, but at least I got some use out of that ax. C:

Off Topic / Re: Things to do for just under 2 hours?
« on: July 30, 2012, 09:59:59 PM »
i have an irrational fear of showering, and that doesn't stop me from showering lol

so why the hell if you have an irrational fear of people, that it stops you?

you are just showing signs of having an incredibly weak soul
Social anxiety is an anxiety disorder - it is a developed function of our mind that hinders social interaction. It isn't just a typical fear, it is something much more deeply-seated in psychological and sometimes even biological causes.

Off Topic / Re: Things to do for just under 2 hours?
« on: July 30, 2012, 09:52:03 PM »
oh god where were you earlier mage
Vaudeville circuits circa 1916.

also, to magick mage, thank you for making an intelligent post. that wasn't sarcasm i'm genuinely glad
i've been to a therapist before, but i'm too scared to actually talk to the therapist, and i won't be brave enough to talk to them unless i go to the therapist, but i can't talk to them and yeah it goes in a circle
Mm. I see. Like I said, I know it can be difficult, but do be mindful, the circle must end somewhere. And it will have to be with you. Think about it, mon cher.

Off Topic / Re: Things to do for just under 2 hours?
« on: July 30, 2012, 09:40:46 PM »
Contemplate human existence and the meaning of reality as you ponder over whether you really are sitting in a room filled with others and upon a chair staring at a wall , or if it is just a figment of your imagination and you are actually floating within a void without shape, without form, waiting only to be reunited with meaning.


if you're eleven, they'll probably just think it's adorable that you're asleep, and be over it by the time you wake up
I don't think it is so much that people will give their attention to Shy as it is Shy thinks they will. We tend to perceive ourselves as being in a spotlight, thinking that others are paying closer attention to us and our behaviors than they actually are. Some people don't have a heightened sense of it, some people simply deal with it, and some are crippled by it. The last is part of the definition of social anxiety.

Now, if you do have social anxiety, shy, I advise seeking professional help or otherwise finding an effective way to cope with it. Social anxiety is something that can be lessened, though it takes work and a choice. You can't avoid people forever and will, eventually, have to come to terms with communication and social situations. Sorry to take this bit off-topic, but I feel it was worth mentioning. :u

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