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Messages - Truce

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 274
Off Topic / Re: big nerd trying to learn assembly
« on: November 19, 2017, 10:23:44 AM »
You want to interpret those addresses as little endian. The $4AXX addresses are some functions in ROM you'd have to post the code for, $C00F (used as temporary storage) and $D75B are in RAM, and $0003 looks like screen coordinates for whichever one is the printing function.

Truce probably has one if he isn't working at Google or someplace right now

Still in school, though I'm listed as an author in a psychology journal if that's academic.

Games / Re: RuneScape Megathread; Sailing Announced!
« on: May 25, 2017, 11:35:02 PM »
6 hour AFKing is gone

And now Karamja Shop is gone. Also an amazing world map came out today.

Your screenshot was 2:1, sooooo...

ezscape confirmed

I still have my path diagrams saved... Here is the first one I had and one that wasn't a straight line.

Other features might include having different bricks for different rarities.

And it would probably be best to have the bricks be simple 2xs

I think naming the bricks is fine, because you could use brick volume to control rarity.

I'm surprised no one added it to the Chronology topic, but at the same time I now struggle to recall the details and find it.

I was pretty certain that Solid started it, in '09 or '10, and I think in either Gallery or Creativty.
As I recall, he had some obviously photoshopped image, but said it was real because it had a pine tree in it.
It was just really funny, and it became a joke that if your picture had a pine tree in it then it was authentic. And then it was used the opposite way, that is that an image without a pine tree in it could potentially be fake.

That's how I recall it at least. I'm not sure how much is true, and I have no idea why I think it was Solid.

This was the topic:

Add-Ons / Re: Extra Binds
« on: April 26, 2016, 01:50:16 PM »
Hm. Some of these are really useful. Although some of these were already made(by me).

This post has been made before(by you).

Game Modes / Re: The SuperKart Gamemode
« on: December 29, 2015, 12:02:48 PM »
Checkpoint system, with this players won't be able to skip and cheat on the tracks, if you miss a checkpoint you must go back.

Is that for grounded vehicles too? I wouldn't call finding skips "cheats", just capitalizing on poor map design.

you can't really "suck" at this game

i was stuck down there for 25 minutes casting blast spells to weaken this big red friend, but it just wouldn't work. I ended up getting poisoned by his spiders, which made it increasingly hard to survive. I did bring an antipoison, but had to give it to a quest character along the way and didn't realize it took all 4 doses. After a while, I ran out of lobsters and then ran out of runes (wasted 200 loving death runes on chronozon), so I decided to try and use the lumbridge home tele, but because I was poisoned, the poison splash would interrupt the animation, causing the tele to cancel. I ultimately ended up safe and sound by running as fast as I could out of there and made it back to edgeville bank with 1 hitpoint. Looks like I'll have to come back to this later

freek pls

Games / Re: RuneScape Megathread; Sailing Announced!
« on: September 10, 2015, 12:46:36 PM »
6 hour AFKing is gone; Old School is saved.

Modification Help / Re: Killer location is impossible to acccess
« on: May 20, 2015, 04:56:35 PM »
No, I want the killer, not the killed.
The class of %killerPlayer is Player, and %killer is a GameConnection.

So what does %killer.player do?

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