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Messages - SuperFlaminninja²

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 21
Games / Piracy thread #3
« on: December 05, 2014, 01:19:48 AM »
Oh wait you thought i ment Downloading, you no good scurvy dog... ARRRRGGH

User was banned for this post

Games / Re: SDReveiws #2 Dec 3 2014 (Assassins creed: Victory Announced)
« on: December 05, 2014, 12:58:38 AM »

Games / Re: SDReveiws #2 Dec 3 2014 (Assassins creed: Victory Announced)
« on: December 04, 2014, 07:32:19 PM »
I re wrote it tell me what you think

Games / Re: SDReveiws #2 Dec 3 2014 (Assassins creed: Victory Announced)
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:50:47 PM »
I hope you don't take offence at this, but I had a go at re-writing your review to be a little bit more digestable.
You should include a final summing up paragraph however, and place your images where you think they'd be best.

Im going to add some ideas, are you on steam?

Games / Re: SDReveiws #2 Dec 3 2014 (Assassins creed: Victory Announced)
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:26:00 PM »
Also, don't randomly start words with a capital letter.
If the word isn't one of these, then don't make it capital.
As a rule of thumb, very few words in the middle of a sentence should start with a capital, unless it's a name or a title.

So, "Next to Nothing" is wrong. You want "Next to nothing"
"Unity was released, A new one was Leaked by Kotaku" should be "Unity was released, a new one was leaked by Kotaku".
Thanks for actualy helping Editing

Games / Re: SDReveiws #2 Dec 3 2014 (Assassins creed: Victory Announced)
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:16:43 PM »
I really hope English isn't your first language
I couldnt focus because my brother was trying to get on my nerves

Games / Re: SDReveiws #2 Dec 3 2014 (Assassins creed: Victory Announced)
« on: December 04, 2014, 04:12:40 PM »
Fixing whats wrong with reveiws?

Fiftys through Hundreds
Arno is the Protaganist from Assassins Creed Unity

Games / SDReveiws #2 Dec 3 2014 (Assassins creed: Victory Announced)
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:57:46 PM »
So on the 2nd of December Assassins creeds next instalation in the seris was announced "AssassinsCreed: Victory" and it will be set in Victorian London for more Info and pictures look on the SDReveiws Site Here

Help me think of a better name than SuperDuper Reveiws or say if you like that name :P

Games / Re: AssassinsCreed: Unity Reveiw (NGTR Testing new waters)
« on: November 16, 2014, 05:00:53 PM »

Games / AssassinsCreed: Unity Reveiw (NGTR Testing new waters)
« on: November 16, 2014, 11:33:49 AM »
So this is a new thing im trying to do NGTR (Name the game reveiws) tell me what you think what i could improve on and any thing else you think i could do LINK

You got a monitor for two bucks?!
Did you go to the dollar store or something?
that or a goodwill/thrift store

that deal is HOT
Americas Thrift store they couldnt test it because they were doing renovations and couldnt because they had no power  in an outside tent
if your xbox 1 has a hdmi port

xbox 360 original had no hdmi port lol SUCKS TO BE THEM
Xbox one is only HDMI

Thanks :D i just got this monitor today for $1.99 (it was asis) its loveY

So i just need you to answer this single question will this cable Work to convert my Computer moniter with DVI to hdmi so i can use my Xbox one, Thanks.

Off Topic / Re: Saving for an Xbox one (Share your Journey)
« on: October 11, 2014, 09:26:57 PM »
mexbox juan
It's a nice value to save up money and not have temptation on spending it
i use to run straight to Gamestop and buy a game but im pretty happy now cause i know i can resist I did relapse abit in august cause i bought souviners on vacation

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