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Messages - BloxersPost

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Music / Freebuild.ogg - A Blockland SFX Remix
« on: December 16, 2023, 11:00:56 PM »
Made a track out of Blockland sound effects, and it turned out nicely.

Gallery / Raymarching Test
« on: April 20, 2023, 10:24:18 PM »

Modification Help / Re: Normal & Parallax Mapped Studs (Release)
« on: April 01, 2023, 07:59:12 PM »
I'd recommend making functions to generate the values for the height and parallax map, it's not that hard to do as you can just use combination of steps.
I had tried to do this with somewhat decent results, even went as far as making functions for the bottom textures too.

However I have issues with orientations of the textures causing the parallax effect to break, unsure if your code resolves that somehow.
(The white lines are from debugging and doesn't appear normally)

First of all, thank you for the suggestion and screenshot. It's always interesting to see what others' come up with!

I actually had tried an approach very similar to this long ago. I didn't like it because it introduced a lot of unwelcome artifacts on various textures I encountered on other servers, and overall ruined my experience. It was also a lot less clean, and you are correct that this method does indeed not work well with angles. Overall, I think my journey with modifying Blockland's graphics is coming to an end. It was a fun few experiments, but I think there will forever be many unsatisfactory imperfections from all methods possible that do not require re-writing or hooking internal functions.

Modification Help / Re: Normal & Parallax Mapped Studs (Release)
« on: March 08, 2023, 10:04:04 PM »
Curious to see what it would look like for someone without the shaders installed.

Each stud will look like the bottom atlas template to them, given they download your server textures (usually happens) & do not have the mod. This is due to the shader actually mapping each stud manually using those 3 quadrants, one of them being the identifier.

Modification Help / Normal & Parallax Mapped Studs (Release)
« on: March 07, 2023, 08:44:39 AM »
I've been holding onto these for a while thinking I'll patch them up further, but after some time I think I'm just going to shove them out there for anyone to try.
I'm too lazy to do anything else with it right now, so feel free to contribute and redistribute. Just please get ahold of me if you do, I'd be interested to see where it goes.

Round studs by Kokonut & Pandan

Example stud atlas texture:

The bottom left of the image is information for the shader letting it know this is a custom atlas map.
The bottom right is the heightmap for parallax effect.
The top left is the albedo.
The top right is the normal map.

Download from
Replace shaders/renderCsm_frag.glsl with the one provided in the zip.
Replace base/data/shapes/brickTOP.png with the one provided in the zip.

Make sure your shaders are on in your settings, or your studs will look terrible
Your studs will look terrible to anyone who do not have the shader, there is no workaround for this as of now

Gallery / Re: Normal & Parallax Mapped Studs
« on: December 26, 2022, 11:49:22 PM »
reminds me of this

Yeah, those are neat but this is a shader and doesn't modify topology whatsoever, and thus is much less expensive.

Gallery / Normal & Parallax Mapped Studs
« on: December 26, 2022, 12:37:59 AM »
I've been working hard these past few days on coming up with a solution that allows for custom atlas textures with albedo, normal, and parallax mapping. This is the result:

Round studs by Kokonut & Pandan

Example stud atlas texture:

The bottom left of the image is information for the shader letting it know this is a custom atlas map.
The bottom right is the heightmap for parallax effect.
The top left is the albedo.
The tom right is the normal map.

Add-Ons / [Client] Resize Bricks
« on: December 22, 2022, 09:44:53 PM »
This is a client mod that lets you "resize" bricks by choosing the next brick closest to the dimension you want to change! Works on any server!

Download (Drive):
Download (Glass):

How To Use

Go into your options, and under controls set a hotkey for brick resizing.

When you want to resize a brick, hold down the hotkey you set and use your shift brick keys to change sizes.

shift brick forward - increase forward dimension of brick
shift brick backward - decrease forward dimension of brick
shift brick right - increase right dimension
shift brick left - decrease right dimension
shift brick up - increase height
shift brick down - decrease height

Gallery / Brick Screen Sharing
« on: December 15, 2022, 09:24:27 PM »


I'm writing an application that communicates with Blockland via TCP so I can do the heavy processing in my favorite language (C#). Here is an example program that shares your screen!
Absolutely no hacks are used here, this is 100% naturally supported!

Add-Ons / Inverted Print Letters
« on: December 15, 2022, 12:51:27 AM »
This is simply an alpha inversion of the default prints, so you can color your text on a black background.



/physbrick - Open UI

Known Issues
- Vehicles collisions don't work with mod vehicles or large vehicles
- Inaccurate collision impact damage

- Dropbox:
- Glass:

Gallery / Re: Fragment Shader Upgrade
« on: July 12, 2022, 10:38:20 PM »
Are you gonna release this cuz those normal mapped studs look awsome

I'm not sure, it's got some artifact issues with distant shadows. I'd like to just hand it out now, but it's too warped.

Gallery / Re: Fragment Shader Upgrade
« on: July 10, 2022, 04:58:13 AM »
To be honest judging by these pictures it looks like you just raised the sun a bit except for the pattern on the bricks, can you show us more comparisons with different shots?

Done! More coming later, I must rest for now.

Gallery / Fragment Shader Upgrade
« on: July 09, 2022, 11:24:03 PM »
I've been working on replacing a good bit of Blockland's fragment shader, specifically the lighting and shadowing.

What I've done:
  • Replaced lighting with Blinn-Phong (more realistic)
  • Replaced shadowing with contact hardening soft shadows
  • Automatic normal maps (from height)
  • Stud variation along up/down normals





General Discussion / Re: Cloth Physics
« on: December 23, 2021, 02:05:01 PM »
there’s no way torque can do this kind of math

It's pure torquescript, it's mostly just simple vector math using verlet integration

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