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Messages - Lady_Sevacre

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Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: IM HIGH ON CRACK
« on: September 20, 2017, 03:52:50 PM »
i can see that being odd, but not really a bad look in my view. the guys could have just asked what he's doing or a "what?" instead of asking for clarificatio like xeidious is at an interrogation. if i don't know what someone's talking about and i might go off the wrong track i just personally ask them "what are you doing" or whatever.

i dont think there was any intention of ill will, necro is known for being very 'official' with how he talks and consistently replies with paragraphs. he was just wondering if xeidious had anything to add to the discussion (because there was a discussion going on) since he posted an emoji that implies 'thinking about something'.

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: IM HIGH ON CRACK
« on: September 20, 2017, 03:38:27 PM »
this simply isnt true wowie
youre probably confused with something i have to say pretty often: i dont like critique on my sketchwork because theyre just sketches
its how i practise art, i just make a bunch of sketches in a short amount of time. any i like i save/share. ive been doing it for years now lol

why did you share stuff you didnt want critique on in a critique oriented discord?

im not denying this. but i want to put a note that i said all these things after getting harassed by multiple people for ruining everything because the thing i made (that i put work into) wasnt good enough.
this insanity also happened right after i got banned from a group i was pretty invested in so i did feel pretttyy stufftyy
the thing you made was taking someone's very simplistic pixel avatar then giving it depth.

^this is the equivalent of what you made for someone's gift, and you didnt even draw the actual picture yourself, you literally just took his avatar and did this.

as for feeling pretty stuffty, that sucks but whatevs, i have no arguments towards that because its not something i can refute nor is it evidence for any arguments for or against you. hope you're feeling better now, i guess?

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: IM HIGH ON CRACK
« on: September 20, 2017, 03:25:10 PM »
the staff harassed me for using emoticons

You rarely participated in the discord, and you even more rarely posted art. When you chatted you tended to fish for sympathy and you were extremely passive aggressive, when you posted art you deflected criticism with "lmao i was tired lmao im not even trying".

You randomly spammed a bunch of emojis, when we told you not to do that, you proceeded to post emojis as often as possible and abused the fact we gave warnings. Obnoxiously skirting the rules in doing so.

You volunteered for a Secret Santa, then put off your art until the last second and put out something that was so low effort that you nearly killed the entire Secret Santa, this was despite showing that you are indeed considerably skilled in art and 3d modelling. Then when called out, your response was "i was depressed and had a mental episode" which i cant argue against, "the art given to me wasn't good either", which was made by someone who is actually not very skilled but did put in more effort than usual, and "no this took me a very long time" despite other users grabbing videos and tutorials that proved that it could be done in roughly 10 minutes if you're a complete beginner, and other users actually skilled in the process doing it off handedly and showing that it could be done very easily.

You proceeded to be very toxic afterwards until we had to ban you because you just literally could not function with the rest of the chat and showed no sign of ever being able to in the foreseeable future. You were actually the first person we had to ban.

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: IM HIGH ON CRACK
« on: September 20, 2017, 02:49:49 PM »
this just looks like xeidious being a richard like usual. if he wants to make a point he should make it instead of being some weird vague richard. like, is he saying that sev is being too harsh in criticizing that person? i don't get it.

I'd like to point out that the person was deflecting criticism for the past 30 minutes despite asking for it, and was acting like drawing in pen made them special.

All I was trying to tell them is to actually try adding construction/undersketches to their picture because i feel it'd be the most logical step forward and all problems I see with their art seems to stem from it. They proceeded to tell me that it's their style, they draw in pen so they dont have to do undersketches, 'anime doesnt need anatomy', etc etc, then compared themselves to Araki.

They were so difficult just to talk to and constantly tried to squirm out of the criticism and deflect it, or defend themselves from it as if it was an insult. They acted like they were a special very skilled artist. They used this as their example of "knowing anatomy".

Creationism Corner's primary purpose is improvement and teaching and it can only function as long as users are willing to critique and be critiqued, so needless to say I think this person needs work and I hope that they one day see the difference between "you're a piece of stuff" and "you could probably do with some construction practice to keep your proportions consistent"

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: IM HIGH ON CRACK
« on: September 19, 2017, 09:51:39 PM »
Why is it called "Creationism Corner"? it makes it sound like it was made by

for some reason everyone thinks we're an art chat, kidalex was actually a really proficient artist but he was also an Atheist so we had to ban him

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: CORNERISM CREATIONER
« on: September 19, 2017, 11:58:03 AM »

well his whole purpose is to reward a reaction like that
Good job falling into the pool of people once again who give in to making them laugh
Because this made me laugh too

not sure how an attempt at genuine discussion is funny but fair enough

like it's not like I'm angry or freaking out im just curious

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: CORNERISM CREATIONER
« on: September 19, 2017, 11:53:27 AM »
I have to honestly wonder what you gain from this, it's not like the server is going nuts and crashing and burning, all you're doing is barely inconveniencing us at the best since we've already caught on to what you're doing and just ban every alt that joins.

So it's not like you're harming us in any way, and what kind of satisfaction do you derive from being the equivalent of someone who joins a blockland server, says some obviously trollish stuff, then gets banned before they even load in. I can't see any real reward to this behavior, I'd understand the satisfaction of messing with people you don't like but you're barely doing that and it's not even done well.

I just can't honestly see the purpose, you're not posting anything shocking like research or gore, you're not even riling anyone up because everyone already knows what's going on and so they don't really care, you're immediately banned every time we realize it's you and it's always super obvious because you lack subtlety.

What's going on up there in your noggin?

i dont like the admins/owner & my stuff got stuff on collectively here lol

at least you had the right idea and didn't try to come back like kidalex

im guessing idubbbz isn't popular in blf is he?

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: GLASS JOE HAS A MENTAL BREAKDOWN
« on: September 05, 2017, 08:49:44 PM »
Lol, lady sev is going nuclear

if this is nuclear then you must've lived a pretty sheltered life, lived in the suburbs, great. mom and dad maybe got divorced, hoh that must've been the biggest shake up in your life, hardest thing you've ever faced. other than that life must've been a piece of frickin cake

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: MASS HYSTERIA
« on: September 05, 2017, 08:10:50 PM »
I never heard of this discord is that a good or bad thing

eh, depends, it's not for everyone, it's an art server meant for improvement and critique, has a very strong stance on "be mature and respectful, but otherwise free speech", it's disconnected from any central community, and has people from 4chan, reddit, facepunch, blf, Tumblr, etc.

any art medium is welcome, we have gamedevs, programmers, writers, artists, musicians, we even share food sometimes.

it's very discussion oriented and conversations are generally meant to have substance and not just be meaningless stuffposts, but comedy and a casual nature are always allowed despite what trog says.

you're always welcome to join and if you don't like it you can just leave

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: MASS HYSTERIA
« on: September 05, 2017, 07:57:37 PM »
good thing because the discord itself is pretty small and clique like because i have no other words to describe it

it's been a long time since you were banned, the server is at 300+ users

it was also pretty big at the time you were there, i think you're just biased against the community that doesn't want you

unova there's a difference between a constant stuffposter and someone who stuffposts at the right time and reason. it's like an art (one which sadly has no place for the cc :c )

we have pins that are just stuffposts, it's an art and requires good timing and context, it's even in the rules that its fine given the right context, if yours isn't wanted i wonder if it's because we're wrong or you're just not that good of a stuffposter

most people have no idea how constructive criticism even works. at least the very few moments i was in there, it was all suggestions with no actual backbone reason to why.
i posted my 3d models in the channel from time to time, i got a gold member role for spending a couple hours helping people with their blender/modeling problems. i figured i would at least have a little leverage for posting an image where i thought it seemed okay to post. after i left all i still heard about the cc was how terrible it was. it seems now things have changed and if that's the case i'll take it all back.

no one's above the law, even moderators get chewed out sometimes

cc is cc, its slightly more relaxed but still essentially the same place, aka you'd still be unwelcome if you approach it with the mindset you did before

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: CREATIONISM CORNER
« on: September 05, 2017, 06:29:09 PM »
Lets not forget you voted me off for solely posting in the loving stuffposting channel. Have fun.

weren't you a part of that group that just couldn't help themselves but fight amongst each other? i know there's grimlock and whoever that other kid was

you guys bickered and targeted each other like immature children and dragged it all over the chat

that's why we voted you off, have fun <3

Off Topic / Re: presenting a new discord: CREATIONISM CORNER
« on: September 05, 2017, 06:15:53 PM »
i left the group after being a (((gold member))) because i despised the way you moderated the discord. I came back not too later because i thought i would give it a second chance. i posted a funny nsfw image in a nsfw channel and got red membered. no warning whatsoever. you have like 20 different text channels and none of them made sense. the entire discord was moderated like a north korean boot camp and if one thing was out of place someones hand had to be slapped for it. some people were even given warnings as soon as they joined, what a friendly way to greet them, right? nobody liked the way you moderated it and im gonna assume that why you dont run it anymore

i don't run it anymore because i have two jobs and am trying to get into a good college,

theres 16 channels right now and there were even less at the time you were here

users that get warned upon joining were usually people that wouldn't fit in anyways due to immediately stuffposting and disregarding the rules

in the entire time the server has been up, through 2 head memberships, there's not even 10 permanently banned users, and discussion and content sharing is thriving

you always get a warning unless it's obvious a warning isn't needed (for example if you come into a chat and immediately upon joining, stuffpost in the wrong place, which makes you seem like you're intending to raid)

feel free to keep trying to paint yourself as the vindicated rebel against the mentally ill north korean dictator though, i won't stop you

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