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Messages - Kansas

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I think I want to be Argentina now

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 10, 2015, 05:33:43 PM »
Jerry safeguards you until a friendly helicopter enters the AO. The doorgunner wipes out the rest of the deserters almost effortlessly.

Your squad is returned to base.

Tom attempts to get you and Joe talking.

"So... What did you two nobs do before the bombs hit? I fished for lobsters. Had my own boat and everythin'."

Not much goes on. You make small talk with the guards here and there, but besides the occasional refugee nothing goes in or out.

You stagger a little, due to the meds you're on.

"Now isn't the time. If you want to repay me, do it when you're healthy. For now, just stay safe."

Markus looks to him in approval

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:07:23 PM »
He returns, but instead of the medical attire he was wearing a moment ago, he is in combat gear. There are also two soldiers with him, both armed.

"Bad news. We're under attack by some raiders, and they managed to get their hands on some tanks. I want you to stay here while we deal with this, alright?"

"Command here. We read you, Blackjack."

Joe and Tom both want hamburgers.
I approached him putting a hand on his rifle with my right hand

I told him I owed him a blood debt and want to repay it, but of course I could not speak, so a simple gesture of my head tilt and my posture straight implied such

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:36:17 PM »
I wait for the man to return, he takes a step out the door and everything goes white

Off Topic / Re: so prez obama came by my school today
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:21:01 AM »
>>not preforming 'All Guilled Up' on veteran

>>not completing the mission


Draw muhammad and print 20,000 copies and put it in their mail box

Cum in their face and force them to swallow for such oppression

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 05, 2015, 11:06:36 AM »
I rudely waved him off as I approach the locker and to see nothing of my belongings and pounded my fist into the locker as hard as I was able, I put a one inch dent through the metal framework blooding and broke two of my fingers, in my rage I failed to notice and sit down and cry, in my carrysack there was a lockett my mother gave me when i was a little boy

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:47:02 PM »
I get up and tumble over because of weakness

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 04, 2015, 07:48:18 PM »
I scribbled down in Russian and English asking him where i was and what had happened to all my stuff

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 04, 2015, 04:13:18 PM »
I signaled the doctor for a pen and paper, for better discussion

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 04, 2015, 01:01:01 PM »
I looked up at the man with a daze, emerging from a dream of a better time, when my city was young and the technological capital it was, and my family in the suburbs with mother's freshly baked bread on sundays after church, i did my best to get up but i was extremely disorientated seeing almost triple his figure as vision was impaired but restored after a faint ringing sound and an even brighter light

"What's your name" asks the man

I began to sign to him hoping he'd understand me, it wasn't that I was rude, I was born without a tongue, but as was good for i could cross no one with my words

I spelled out with the absence of two fingers in american sign language "M-A-R-K-U-S", being too weak, i fell back down

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 03, 2015, 04:37:34 PM »
I saw a hand extend out in front of me in a blur of my weakened vision, I gazed at the figure with little to no human life, hours go by seeing figures crowd around me and I all I could determine that this was kingdom come

I was wrong

His denial doesn't prove that he didn't do it
Guilty until proven innocent? How medieval.

Forum Games / Re: Fallout V.Hello, Dave.
« on: May 03, 2015, 11:33:34 AM »
I awoke in the small Chinatown district just west of downtown, my gang has left me here to die, i am viciously sick with radiation poisoning and is vomiting uncontrolably, and starting to feel unconscious, I begin to pray to God for mercy for what I've done.

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