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Off Topic / Re: school counselor is a loving bitch
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:39:02 AM »
you sure this is a school counselor

Off Topic / school counselor is a loving bitch
« on: October 28, 2015, 08:29:35 AM »
i really hate my school counselor.

so i was at the conclusion of p.e. class, changing out when i hear my coach shout my name, telling me i needed to head to the office. so i do that, i'm all chill n stuff then i see her, HER, SCUMBAG! the councelor doesn't really look at me that much before turning and leading me into her office. we sit down across from each other, and she stares at me for a long time with a slightly irritated expression. i'm confused, so i decide to break the silence by explaining how things haven't really been working out for me. she replies with a sigh, and asks me what medication i'm on. i tell her, all that stuff, blah blah blah, and we begin to talk about my behaviors, mind you that whenever i admit something to her, or otherwise just prove myself wrong by speech, she gets this nasty loving smile on her face that looks like she's proud of herself for whatever reason. i tell her that i've been having trouble talking to people, and she responds with something that seriously confused me, "it's because of the violent video games." what the forget? what does this have to do with me being slightly antisocial, i mean sure it can be an escape n all that but loving really? so we get a bit deeper, and i get a bit frustrated with her, more and more she gets sassier, and i finally loving collapse in the midst of it and say "screw you." that's what triggered her, her facial expression turned sour and she opened her desk drawer immediately, pulling out a card with what appeared to be a phone number, and of course she called it without much explanation. so, after that, she walks hastily out of the room, and within 30 minutes she tells me that i have to meet with a few people. i walked into the conference room, and i see people from some sort of crCIA company, and she has that god damn smile back on her face. they pull up a chair for me, and tell me that they were called in because i was having severe depression. i tell them that that was not exactly the case, they look at her and she just shrugs her shoulders. later they call in my mom, she has to work because we're not in the greatest financial situation, so she was a bit mad with me, but anyway, they had a lengthy discussion about how i should be hospitalized or some stuff, i wasn't really listening, and then they proceed to leave the room. i wasn't paying attention mind you.

so, share stories of terrible people at school or whatever the forget it doesn't matter. and i sorry for the way i wrote this, it's 5:29 am and i'm just tired.

Clan Discussion / Re: MiNNi - Mainly Ideal Non-native Interaction
« on: October 28, 2015, 07:57:28 AM »
Topic updated, the apps board can be found here

Drama / Re: Sparky - attention whoring, general idiot
« on: October 28, 2015, 01:51:13 AM »
sparky is a stupid ass monday bitch who should jump off a loving airplane

haha sparky ur dumb go kil urself

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Re: Anime and Manga Megathread
« on: October 27, 2015, 11:39:43 PM »
I remember when I finished Astarotte no Omocha, all the tears it brought me. How cutesy the characters were, the art style, everything in it was absolutely heartwarming and I felt this dark void in my heart when it finished.

Is there anything similar to it? I'm thinking about starting Kodomo no Jikan but it's a bit too outlandish.

EDIT: lotte is too loving kawaii

Clan Discussion / Re: MiNNi - Mainly Ideal Non-native Interaction
« on: October 27, 2015, 09:44:46 AM »
just a map; or an actual server?
a map; everything will be released for free use.

Clan Discussion / Re: MiNNi - Mainly Ideal Non-native Interaction
« on: October 26, 2015, 11:46:03 PM »
do you have anything particular in mind for a first project?
to start things off i'm thinking of a large-scale deathmatch map.

Clan Discussion / MiNNi - Mainly Ideal Non-native Interaction
« on: October 26, 2015, 09:27:46 AM »
MiNNi is a project which attempts to involve the playerbase in content development, whether thru add-ons, servers or outside applications. Considering I have limited ability in certain areas, I will lead the project and bring new players along to get the job done. Anyone who has an interest in joining will be accepted, but you must have something to offer, examples being:

Building - You can supply the clan with good, creative projects, and you are comfortable with your work being shared openly.

Scripting/Outside Applications - You are capable of developing small scripts or applications that will be deployed and shared openly.

Ideas - You are the main source of inspiration, you are capable of brewing up realistic and fun projects that will most likely be taken into consideration.

How to begin:

Part #1 - Starting up
PM me or shoot me an e-mail at with your Trello username/e-mail and I will add you to the board so you can make a card. See part #2

Part #2 - Beginning Shift
After I have accepted you, you will use the Trello board to make a card with your BLID, name and skill, and from there you will see all meetings scheduled and where.

Part #3 - Contribution and Ranking
There are no ranks, but based off how much you contribute I may give you bonuses, say maybe if you worked really hard on a build I'd give you 3 dollars for it; don't expect me to pay you money always though, that's on a rare occasion. As you spend more and more time helping the project, your bonuses will add up, and if I feel that I can trust you, you can become an administrator of the project.

What is the point?
Every day there's development of some sort on this game, but not enough to make it fully interesting. We have thousands of add-ons and player driven efforts to make this game amazing, and I want to get nearly everyone involved on the action. Of course, not everyone will like this idea and not everyone will participate, but to those who are interested, I salute you.

I appreciate constructive criticism as well, any help to make this an amazing experience would be appreciated too.



Off Topic / Re: Is there a such thing as a free VPS?
« on: October 26, 2015, 07:06:28 AM »
Doubt it, but I pay $4 a month for one powerful enough to host a website, teamspeak, and Garry's Mod server 24/7. I once tried a $1/m VPS that was sufficient enough to host a website but it only had like 64mb of RAM so that's basically all I could do with it.
Well, I might as well buy a box that could meet my expectations or maybe a Raspberry Pi, but I'd have to host it on my home network and that means I'd be prone to denial of service attacks among other things.

EDIT: I can't even afford to pay monthly, quarterly or yearly, no matter the price. Is there anyway I can pay one time?

Off Topic / Is there a such thing as a free VPS?
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:33:35 AM »
I don't need a good server, but I do need something that will be able to handle TightVNC, wine, Chakra (OS) and Blockland. Also, I've seen the google results for the VPS that are free, they are terrible, to the point of being unusable.

So, /help.

Off Topic / Re: Anime and Manga Megathread
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:47:04 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Anime and Manga Megathread
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:40:07 AM »
can someone give me a list of hentai produced by rightstuf?

i remember there being a few in the 90s and early 00s, i've looked on their website and couldn't find much tho.

Off Topic / Re: Post the American-ist Food you can think of
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:39:10 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Post the American-ist Food you can think of
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:35:30 AM »

american food est gay putain doubler la nourriture est bonne amerimondays ton gros cul

Off Topic / Re: Anime and Manga Megathread
« on: October 26, 2015, 03:25:09 AM »

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