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Messages - Metool

Pages: [1]
Drama / Re: Sebi & Toadlover123
« on: May 27, 2016, 01:14:24 AM »
Every time i see this i feel my sanity and Blockland progressively getting lower in a hole.

Drama / Re: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes
« on: October 15, 2015, 01:33:50 PM »
Not sure if any of you have ever met Rose (Or winter depending if she changed her name back.) but she has banned me atleast twice now with the Reason: NOPE. Now the first ban that happened i talked to Seras about this and appeantly i was jerk to Rose at some point even though i had never met her until i went onto one of North's servers (And at the time i think she wasn't super admin.) I had never said anything to her at all but just watched the chat. Now the second ban was pretty much the same reason but i talked to North this time about this asking him if he could do something about Rose because it was getting stupid and i'm pretty sure North would have atleast done something about it.

Drama / Re: Toadlover123 - He's at it again.
« on: October 15, 2015, 01:20:30 PM »
I was there also all of this did happen I can't seem to understand how a Old Rp really mattered. Toad if your going to read this please man its just a Old RP theres plenty of new things to do in the future and present.

Drama / Re: ToadLover123 - Uncaring host. Backstabber,
« on: October 03, 2015, 02:43:23 PM »
Just to point this out to anyone who would further support this is that all this has been handled and Simply and Ahead are back in their original staff position on the server. Also CopyKirby it would be nice if you came back its not that fun without you.

Drama / Re: Solaria the Blazeikin - Too uptight
« on: September 13, 2015, 07:49:31 AM »
Solaria is the same way around his VGMERP Server, I honestly don't know whats his problem.

He at first kicked me over not placing a ghost brick then i came back and i remained quiet considering it would just get me kicked, Of course that was a mistake because he banned me for that also, What the hell was i supposed to do if i was getting kicked for stuff i said.

I feel like after owners from other servers read this thread he'd get banned in a second. /support

Drama / Re: Solaria The Blazeikin: "noobish activities"
« on: September 13, 2015, 07:22:29 AM »
Solaria kicked me because i couldn't answer a question correctly so i didn't speak at all, at least like 15..20 minutes later i got banned because i was "Mute".
I've looked through this thread I'm not sure what to think Solaria made me mad before but now i have mixed feelings about this i'm not sure if i should be mad or sorry for Solaria.
Then again i'm not sure One of his Admins named Sir Boony i'm not sure what to think of him he is similar to Solaria in a way maybe not sure I could say he has the same attitude as Solaria but that may be a understatement considering hes mostly rping with his empire and i'm just on the side looking at his many building and asking various questions about his units and yes i did build things for those of you who were wondering I mainly wandered around to look at other people's builds to get idea for mine. Anyway I am actually getting off topic now, My point really is Solaria sure he's edgy as hell but at least try to like not do much or say much just build you empire and go from there.

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