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Messages - kahnu

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 25
Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here
« on: December 08, 2015, 05:20:47 PM »
Again guys, my fursona is a blobfish. I whole-heartedly believe I was born the wrong species. I am a blobfish.
How do I break this to my parents/coworkers/friends?


why isnt akio in the poll



I like buildings not blown up and I like to eat pig so I support Annoying Orange. banish the camel jockeys

Let's get a big ass barge and put all the muslims on it. Then loving blow that barge up and they can build mud huts at the bottom of the atlantic

Sure im okay with banning the bible humpers
What about the dirty spics can we just loving fire them into space?

Depends would the cards look cool and can we make them give off a slight pine tree smell so not all Muslims smell so terrible

How old is the OP? I've just been making jokes but I'm actually curious if he's able to vote. Because I HIGHLY doubt he is 18 looking at the quality of his posts
Arent they the same thing
both smell like camel spit
Nick's being a slight hypocrite, you're overreacting and flaming, as well as derailing

and I'M the one flaming?!

I love how you openly acknowledge how pathetic and sad you are rofl

wanna tell someone to kill themselves again? Did you learn how to not be an insufferable puke yet?? Or are you just another case of a stuff stain slowly forming on the carpet waiting for another ban

This is my last post regarding the matter.

stop playing the victim role khanu lol

i sent you that first one because major obvious hypocrisy and the other one cause i felt bad you were banned for dramaing me

you literally sent me a picture of naruto and sasuke kissing

do you think i loving want that

i didnt even know there was a block feature though

akio just report him for flaming and move on
it's what I did lol

how was i at ALL flaming?! i told you to stop harrasing me in a post and that is somehow FLAMING?!

do you not understand that you are like:


you're a real 10/10 comedic genius buddy haha satire hahahaha

my god

as ur buddy would say 'nice one' and 'don't throw stones from glass houses'

i dont want to be messaged by you because all you do is annoy me loving constantly
leave me alone and stop messaging me

I love how you openly acknowledge how pathetic and sad you are rofl

wanna tell someone to kill themselves again? Did you learn how to not be an insufferable puke yet?? Or are you just another case of a stuff stain slowly forming on the carpet waiting for another ban

why do you continue to bash and berate me like a spastic mongoloid

chill the forget out my god

why are you saying i should be banned yet you're the one harrasing me lol

How old is the OP? I've just been making jokes but I'm actually curious if he's able to vote. Because I HIGHLY doubt he is 18 looking at the quality of his posts
Arent they the same thing
both smell like camel spit

I like buildings not blown up and I like to eat pig so I support Annoying Orange. banish the camel jockeys

Let's get a big ass barge and put all the muslims on it. Then loving blow that barge up and they can build mud huts at the bottom of the atlantic

Sure im okay with banning the bible humpers
What about the dirty spics can we just loving fire them into space?

even if this is a joke this is the most cancerous stuff i've read in a while
theres a problem when even I'M talking about how cancerous something is

As for the refugees/Muslims, forget refugees/Muslims right now. Its not nice to say but holy stuff this country should be stable before we help others.

could've just said forget the refugees but why forget the Muslims?

Please tell me you're not being serious
its kinda obvious

Off Topic / Re: Post Your Christmas Avatars
« on: December 08, 2015, 02:19:03 PM »
I'll christmas-ify anyone's avatar if they ask.

someone make my avatar pls

i suck at drawing

Off Topic / Re: Annoying Orange wants to 'close up' the internet
« on: December 08, 2015, 02:16:00 PM »
Okay i guess this is where i say this:
1. I can't believe there are americans stupid enough to vote for him
2. FOX news is a hunk of crap
3. If he even tries to close the internet as president, Anonymous will have his ass
4. I don't think that he actually said that, it is FOX news and they take everything out of context
5. Again, if he tries to take down the internet/neutralize it, he wont do it without a fight and if he succeeds, the internet will just come back since there is no law to use the internet

"anonymous will have his ass"

what do you think anonymous is

Off Topic / Re: happy Pearl Harbor anniversary day
« on: December 07, 2015, 02:52:50 PM »
do you even bother to research the stuff you say? That's a serious question

do you ever stop

Off Topic / Re: time capsule
« on: December 07, 2015, 11:36:44 AM »
dear future me

i love u have a good day lovey

Drama / Re: EpicBlockhead as a Host
« on: December 07, 2015, 11:33:59 AM »
Dude,I can't give any more proof I have no pictures,no text from him So that's what you have to go with.

yOu GoTtA bElIeVe Me!!! !!11!!

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