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Messages - [USSR] Diggy

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Game Modes / Metropolis RPG - Outdated but once completed
« on: May 29, 2019, 04:09:46 PM »
Hello everyone, I thought I would post the files for Metropolis RPG publicly finally. There are many assets in here that can be used to improve your other game modes and addons such as security camera addon (you get away with crimes if no camera or person sees you commit it), and a working (at the time) real estate mod. Unfortunately the mod hasn't been updated since 2014 to work with newer versions of blockland, but there are a ton of goodies in here that anyone can use if they wish. Good luck everyone.
Metropolis_RPG.Zip -

yup, its working in my gui, this is a development version here. to see it in action, press m once in a server, and click on the stats button.

I was going to post this on the original thread, but the topic was too old. This is to help people make a copy of their player avatar in a gui. I basically took iBan's code and rewrote it for my own gui because I didn't understand how it was supposed to work. I know its probably not really needed, but it probably won't hurt to have this code up somewhere. if anyone can explain        a bit for me and if i'm doing everything really wrong let me know

code to make the avatar panel in your .gui
Code: [Select]
     new GuiObjectView(MetroGuiStats_Avatar) {
         profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
         horizSizing = "right";
         vertSizing = "bottom";
         position = "0 0";
         extent = "185 320";
         minExtent = "8 2";
         visible = "1";
         cameraZRot = "0";
         forceFOV = "0";
         lightDirection = "-0.57735 0.57735 0.77735";
         lightColor = "0.600000 0.580000 0.500000 1.000000";
         ambientColor = "0.400000 0.400000 0.400000 1.000000";
code to populate the avatar (run from a client.cs)
first it clears your object then goes through your prefs to add nodes to the object
Code: [Select]
function clientcmdUpdate_Avatar()

//clears then adds the avatar object walking
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject = "fffObject";
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setObject(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, "base/data/shapes/player/m.dts", "", 0);
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setSequence(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, 0, "headup", 0);
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setSequence(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, 1, "run", 0.85);
//hide all nodes
%nodeCount = 0;
%node[%nodeCount++] = "helmet";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "pointyHelmet";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "flareHelmet";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "scoutHat";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "copHat";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "knitHat";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "bicorn";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "Visor";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "plume";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "triPlume";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "septPlume";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "chest";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "femchest";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "pants";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "skirtHip";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "armor";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "bucket";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "cape";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "pack";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "quiver";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "tank";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epaulets";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epauletsRankA";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epauletsRankB";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epauletsRankC";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "epauletsRankD";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "ShoulderPads";
%node[%nodeCount++] = "LArm";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LArmSlim";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LHand";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LHook";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RArm";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RArmSlim";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RHand";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RHook";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "pants";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "skirtHip";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LShoe";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LPeg";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RShoe";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RPeg";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "SkirtTrimLeft";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "SkirtTrimRight";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "LSki";
%node[%nodeCount++]  = "RSki";
for(%i = 1; %i <= %nodeCount; %i++)
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.hideNode(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, %node[%i]);

MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setIflFrame(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, "face", getIflFrame("face", $Pref::Avatar::FaceName));
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setIflFrame(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, "decal", getIflFrame("decal", $Pref::Avatar::DecalName));

%nodeCount = 0;
%node[%nodeCount++] = "headSkin" TAB $Pref::Avatar::headColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::Chest == 0)
%chest = "chest";
} else {
%chest = "femchest";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %chest TAB $pref::Avatar::TorsoColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::LArm == 0)
%lArm = "LArm";
} else {
%lArm = "LArmSlim";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %lArm TAB $Pref::Avatar::lArmColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::RArm == 0)
%rArm = "RArm";
} else {
%rArm = "RArmSlim";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %rArm TAB $Pref::Avatar::rArmColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::LHand == 0)
%LHand = "LHand";
} else {
%LHand = "LHook";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %LHand TAB $Pref::Avatar::lHandColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::RHand == 0)
%RHand = "RHand";
} else {
%RHand = "RHook";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %RHand TAB $Pref::Avatar::rHandColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::Hip == 0)
%hip = "pants";
} else {
%hip = "skirtHip";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %hip TAB $Pref::Avatar::hipColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::LLeg == 0)
%LLeg = "LShoe";
} else {
%LLeg = "LPeg";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %LLeg TAB $Pref::Avatar::lLegColor;
if($Pref::Avatar::RLeg == 0)
%RLeg = "RShoe";
} else {
%RLeg  = "RPeg";
%node[%nodeCount++] = %RLeg TAB $Pref::Avatar::rLegColor;
case 1:
%hat = "helmet";
%accent = "Visor";
case 2:
%hat = "pointyHelmet";
case 3:
%hat = "flareHelmet";
case 4:
%hat = "scoutHat";
%accent = getAccent($pref::Avatar::Accent);
case 5:
%hat = "bicorn";
case 6:
%hat = "copHat";
%accent = getAccent($pref::Avatar::Accent);
case 7:
%hat = "knitHat";
%accent = getAccent($pref::Avatar::Accent);
if(%hat !$= "")
%node[%nodeCount++] = %hat TAB $pref::Avatar::HatColor;
if(%accent !$= "")
%node[%nodeCount++] = %accent TAB $pref::Avatar::AccentColor;

case 1:
%pack = "armor";
case 2:
%pack = "bucket";
case 3:
%pack = "cape";
case 4:
%pack = "pack";
case 5:
%pack = "quiver";
case 6:
%pack = "tank";
if(%pack !$= "")
%node[%nodeCount++] = %pack TAB $pref::Avatar::PackColor;

case 1:
%twopack = "epaulets";
case 2:
%twopack = "epauletsRankA";
case 3:
%twopack = "epauletsRankB";
case 4:
%twopack = "epauletsRankC";
case 5:
%twopack = "epauletsRankD";
case 6:
%twopack = "ShoulderPads";

if(%twopack !$= "")
%node[%nodeCount++] = %twopack TAB $pref::Avatar::SecondPackColor;
//populate nodes
for(%i = 1; %i <= %nodeCount; %i++)
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.unHideNode(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, getField(%node[%i], 0));
MetroGuiStats_Avatar.setNodeColor(MetroGuiStats_Avatar.dynamicObject, getField(%node[%i], 0), getField(%node[%i], 1));


function getAccent(%accent)
case 1:
return "plume";
case 2:
return "triPlume";
case 3:
return "septPlume";
return 0;

function getIflFrame(%node, %name)
%file = "base/data/shapes/player/" @ %node @ ".ifl";

%name = stripTrailingSpaces(fileBase(%name));

if(%name !$= "")
%fo = new FileObject() {};

%hasFound = false;
%lineNum = 0;

%line = %fo.readLine();
%thisDecal = stripTrailingSpaces(fileBase(%line));

if(%thisDecal $= %name)
%hasFound = true;


return %lineNum;
return 0;
return 0;
echo("\c2getIflFrame(\"" @ %node @ "\", \"" @ %name @ "\") : You did not supply a proper IFL file name to read from.");
return 0;

General Discussion / Re: Metropolis RPG Server is back
« on: May 31, 2014, 08:04:01 PM »
Welcome back Diggy!

I have not been on Blockland as much for quite a bit.  However I'll stop by!  Now I can go to a server that is up 24/7.  By the summer or so I should be on there constantly!

Thanks, I'll work on the server a bit over time, let me know on here or in game or on PM if there's problems

General Discussion / Metropolis RPG Server is back
« on: May 30, 2014, 01:15:59 PM »
Added lava bricks, these bricks spawn an ore brick every tick if they can. I placed them in 3 seperate locations around the map.
_____________________________ _____________
Even though I'm working on other things now, I'm putting the Metropolis RPG server back up, and I'll probably do small updates now and again. The lava bricks which spawn ore bricks aren't working yet, but it's the next thing on my list.



One thing I could suggest to change is the render distance. I think it's too short, and you wouldn't be able to take in the wonderful architecture and scenery in the city.

You're probably right, especially since computers are constantly getting more powerful, I'll leave it up to the client to lower the draw distance if needed

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 28, 2014, 08:47:19 PM »
I had to clear people's lot list to de-list every lot. Should be fixed soon. some junk came up IRL that needed my attention today, but I will get things working this weekend for sure.

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 26, 2014, 08:41:40 AM »
I only set auto RE to 2 days for that one occasion. it should be back to 7 or 10 or whatever it was. I accidentally put in $pref::server::pass instead of $pref::server::password when I tried to de-password it last, derp, it is open to public again now. Anyways, I'll be busy until friday with work and won't really have time to bugfix until then.

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 22, 2014, 01:02:55 PM »
I should be able to fix most of those thigns, star, but im confused about the doors issue. I have and They seem to be working alright. I dont understand what I need or why I need it

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 19, 2014, 01:06:50 PM »
Hey, you're right about the ports not being forwarded yet, I'm actually using my friend's host PC to host the server, but I guess he hasn't got my message about the port forwards yet. He just lives down the street from me and his box is pretty good. I've been working like crazy at my job so I won't be able to work on the mod until friday. Derr is your steam name the same as your BL name?

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 18, 2014, 08:36:23 PM »
DDoS took down RTB basically cause it was so big, I would keep this small for now, then move onto a professional service if I make enough money. Anyways, I have a server up now but I need to work on port forwarding before anyone can connect. IMO DDoS is most effective on static IP servers, why waste your time DDoSing a 17 server operation?

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:55:59 PM »
Yup, RTB is down, good news is I'll be able to host myself, the new box I got seems operational. Also, I'm thinking of starting my own hosting service. It would be pretty basic, but I think I could provide hosting for 17 people at the moment. I'm not entirely sure how easy it will be to fill those slots, we (my friend and I) would probably charge 6-10$ a month for it, and when the service gets popular, we will expand the operation.

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 15, 2014, 07:54:31 PM »
fixed those two bugs, maybe not the lumber one as im not 100% sure as to what caused it. Auto real estate is getting closer to working, the prices are all wrong right now though

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 13, 2014, 04:29:38 PM »
Somehow, I managed to get myself -16858 lumber and I can't get rid of it. The Labor board offers to pay me $-25284 for it, but it says it isn't a valid amount when I try to sell :P
interesting, did you use the real estate board at all? perhaps its charging lumber for bricks when you buy a lot. if this is it, i can fix it easily

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 11, 2014, 06:20:08 PM »
I'll probably make the amount of pay based on your EXP level. If I gave temporary raises they would be erased if the player drops and comes back, unless i add another line to the saving system, which wouldn't be worth it.

edit: brought back pay for doctors and police officers. did some work on auto real estate, and temporarily made it so anyone who doesnt come on in 2 days will have their lots listed on auto real estate, mainly as a test, and only if the server stays up for 2 days straight (doubtful)

Edit: On second thought, you could always make it so it really catches fire and destroys itself, along with giving it the ability to set nearby bricks ablaze.

this is a good idea, but would take more knowledge of the engine than i currently have. but it could be done im guessing
Addition to post 1/31: All Weed in hand is lost when you leave the server.

Addition to post 2/1: There seems to be a weird phenomena going on around the server. For some reason, individual bricks are just randomly disappearing then reappearing a couple of seconds later. Evidence of this can be seen in some of the terminals with rendering 'on' around the server. I have so far personally witnessed my weed bricks, a wall of my lot, a section of stairs and my safe randomly disappear. Occurrence seems to be completely random. It is rather annoying to walk through a wall that is suppose to hold me back, or fall through my floor for no apparent reason.
1/31: I haven't noticed this, but i'll od a test of it
2/1: this is just plain odd, the only explanation i can think of is fire mod going haywire

Modification Help / Re: Metropolis RPG Beta Bug Report Thread
« on: February 10, 2014, 08:09:21 PM »
its intended for the vehicle to not respawn after it's destroyed

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