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Messages - A Twig

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 28
He says thank you for the help. What you said properly fixed his issue. On my behalf as well thank you.

Locking the topic as it has no further use of being open unless others have the same issue.

Here is the posting my friend wants to be posted here.

Im making door bricks, one is working and one is not. The one working open fines and stuff, The other one only opensCCW but wont close or openCW

Here is the code for the server.cs

//server.cs -- for Brick_Doors, execute all things in here

// test door thing
// datablock fxDTSBrickData ( brickDoorTestData )
// {
// brickFile = "./dev/testDoor.blb";
// category = "special";
// subCategory = "misc";
// uiName = "Door Test";
// iconName = "./placeholder";
// orientationFix = 1;
// };

%error = ForceRequiredAddOn( "Support_Doors" );

if( %error == $Error::AddOn_NotFound )
error("Brick Doors: Support_Doors is missing somehow, what did you do?");
exec( "./bricks/door_blindone.cs" );
exec( "./bricks/door_blindstring.cs" );
exec( "./bricks/door_blindtwo.cs" );

Here is the code for the Working Door:

datablock fxDTSBrickData ( brickdoor_blindone_openCWData )
brickFile = "./door_blindone_openCW.blb";
uiName = "Horizontal slat blind";

isDoor = 1;
isOpen = 1;

closedCW = "brickdoor_blindone_closedCWDa ta";
openCW = "brickdoor_blindone_openCWData";

closedCCW = "brickdoor_blindone_closedCWDa ta";
openCCW = "brickdoor_blindone_openCCWDat a";

orientationFix = 3;

datablock fxDTSBrickData ( brickdoor_blindone_openccwDat a : brickdoor_blindone_opencWData )
brickFile = "./door_blindone_openCCW.blb";

isOpen = 1;

datablock fxDTSBrickData ( brickdoor_blindone_closedCWDa ta : brickdoor_blindone_openCWData )
brickFile = "./door_blindone_closed.blb";
category = "NewBricks";
subCategory = "Blinds";

iconName = "base/unknown.png";

isOpen = 0;

Here is the code for the glitch door:

datablock fxDTSBrickData ( brickdoor_blindtwoopenCWData )
brickFile = "./door_blindtwoopenCW.blb";
uiName = "Verticle Slat Blind";

isDoor = 1;
isOpen = 1;

closedCW = "brickdoor_blindtwoclosedCWDat a";
openCW = "brickdoor_blindtwoopenCWData";

closedCCW = "brickdoor_blindtwoclosedCWDat a";
openCCW = "brickdoor_blindtwoopenCCWData";

orientationFix = 3;

datablock fxDTSBrickData ( brickdoor_blindtwoopenCCWData : brickdoor_blindtwoopenCWData )
brickFile = "./door_blindtwoopenCCW.blb";

isOpen = 1;

datablock fxDTSBrickData ( brickdoor_blindtwoopenCWData : brickdoor_blindtwoopenCWData )
brickFile = "./door_blindtwoclosed.blb";
category = "NewBricks";
subCategory = "Blinds";

iconName = "base/unknown.png";

isOpen = 0;

Im not sure whats happening.

If anyone knows what the issue is in the code, please post below. On my behalf this is going to help him and I will post below whatever he says. For reasons he is banned so he cannot post here. If it doesn't have to do with the topic just don't post.

Thank you.

General Discussion / Re: What is your favorite add-on?
« on: June 25, 2013, 11:11:51 PM »
Tie between events saver (RTB2 version, not the new one) and Swiss Army Gun.

Add-Ons / Re: Player_PortalTurret [Updated]
« on: February 09, 2013, 01:19:23 PM »
You can't get too technical on an oval on 3 legs with a red eye. Both the new and the old look fine, but the new one would be good since it shows more of this being really updated.

Add-Ons / Re: Weapon_G7
« on: December 03, 2012, 03:40:50 PM »
I actually already have a tutorial on the forums for MilkShape 3D but I prefer showing someone through my undivided words.

Just a shout out here; if anyone else reading this is also interested in modeling but currently cannot and doesn't have the knowledge, then message me on the forums and I'll it out.

So when exactly are the regular players able to try this out? Is there any ballpark margin of time where this will be?

Add-Ons / Re: Weapon_G7
« on: December 03, 2012, 03:14:39 PM »
At least he somehow got code involved in this one way or another..

Tis' okay, except I wish people at least did some form of editing to a model instead of using someone else's original model. Look around for some tutorials on how to make models.

If you're interested I can show you how to in MilkShape 3D. You're choice.

Add-Ons / Re: Rape Mod - why did I make this
« on: December 03, 2012, 03:11:07 PM »
What the forget

Praise all the degenerates.

Environment Files / Re: Skybox: Eerie
« on: October 01, 2012, 02:29:44 PM »
This is pretty neat, will be using this. Like LegoPepper suggested it would be nice to have moving clouds.

Off Topic / Re: Upgrading from iPod Touch 2g to iPod Touch 5g?
« on: September 14, 2012, 05:19:35 PM »
Stopped an hour ago, more on my mind then arguing with a child and a "child".

Off Topic / Re: Upgrading from iPod Touch 2g to iPod Touch 5g?
« on: September 14, 2012, 03:24:54 PM »
I won't be open to subject on what to buy when I started the topic on an Apple product you incompetent dipstuff.

I have $600 that I am willing to spend out of my money, I chose to buy the iPod Touch 5th Generation 32gb and I will do so willingly without you being a turd stain about my choice.

Off Topic / Re: Upgrading from iPod Touch 2g to iPod Touch 5g?
« on: September 14, 2012, 03:17:50 PM »
you already made your decision before making this topic, having some apple fanboys reinforce it doesn't mean this topic is worthwhile

Wow, uhm.

First of all, Samsung fan aren't ye?

Anyways, no I have not heard on CNN that you gained telepathic/mind reading capabilities so you're not certain if I was final on buying the iPod or not. I clearly said I was stuck between buying it or not when I first posted this. I was slightly attached to my current iPod because of having it for so long, but now I have made my decision to upgrade to the 5th generation.

Off Topic / Re: Upgrading from iPod Touch 2g to iPod Touch 5g?
« on: September 14, 2012, 03:12:13 PM »
Probably will in an hour or two. Some help from the community (Thanks guys), and amusement from the rest (Not to mention any names or anything :v).

Off Topic / Re: Upgrading from iPod Touch 2g to iPod Touch 5g?
« on: September 14, 2012, 03:08:45 PM »
Bunch of periods = Lack of reason, and me not getting it

You're saying 5 people is the majority of 17 people. Arithmetic buddy. (Updated)

Off Topic / Re: Upgrading from iPod Touch 2g to iPod Touch 5g?
« on: September 14, 2012, 03:06:12 PM »
If you were going to buy it anyway why did you make this topic........... dafuq

I was not sure before and I'm most certain that it will be in my hand taking screenshots of your comments because they're funny...........

You forgot to mention it no longer requires jailbreaking to have Siri.

Right, and the jailbroken version was called Sara. It was pretty crappy and it never worked for me, plus comparisons show that Siri is faster.

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