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Messages - marioboy19

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Slowsnow2's Deathrun!
« on: May 01, 2013, 09:29:51 PM »
I never got a reply to my application so I decided to re-post it...

In-game name: Marioboy19
Blockland ID: 11270
Timezone and time you'll be on: MST and after school unless engaged with real life
Why should I make you admin?: I believe that I would be a good addition to the staff because: I have been playing on the server a lot, I am really good (in my own opinion) at being both a runner and a death, I am usually on when people are breaking rules, I am very mature unless I die (at which point lots of profanities emerge), and I am very friendly and helpful to the other players. I also don't actually want admin, just a staff position like moderator or something.

General Discussion / Re: Slowsnow2's Deathrun!
« on: April 25, 2013, 01:08:52 AM »
I would like to apply for a staff position.

In-game name: Marioboy19
Blockland ID: 11270
Timezone and time you'll be on: MST and after school unless engaged with real life
Why should I make you admin?: I believe that I would be a good addition to the staff because: I have been playing on the server a lot, I am really good (in my own opinion) at being both a runner and a death, I am usually on when people are breaking rules, I am very mature unless I die (at which point lots of profanities emerge), and I am very friendly and helpful to the other players.

I also don't actually want admin, just a staff position like moderator or something.

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