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Messages - Desolation

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Suggestions & Requests / Re: Survival mode
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:01:52 AM »
We have one.

Oh, wait, Stranded mod was what I was thinking.
It's been moved to the fail bin

Nope, that wasn't the actual gamemode, it was some troll. -No longer supported, most likely has many bugs in the current version.

They aren't going to have love.

Jesus christ none of you have ever smoked weed before, apparently.  You aren't batstuff handicapped when you are high; you can still think and make decisions.I did, though I was 14.  :P

Also, if it's his first time smoking he probably wont get high.


This solely depends on the individual and the amount they smoke.

I lol'd.

You consider high school a decent education?

I'm past the required credits necessary to graduate, I'm still in High School because my school offers free 'college level' classes such as English 101. Also, the farther he goes in school the better, smoking at thirteen will most likely lead to some sort of issue later down the road.

You shouldn't be smoking at thirteen, get a decent education first.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:27:39 PM »
Pfft, it's this guy again.

Yes, it's me again.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 07:02:10 PM »
i would rather have marijuana illegal than cigarettes illegal. i don't want people running amok all high and stuff in the streets.

Have you ever seen someone high?

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:41:25 PM »
At the time I was only ten, I live out in the country so there's only about ten houses within a five mile radius that I could mow lawns / work at.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:33:54 PM »
And what did you do to help him when he was struggling with it?
EDIT: I actually feel really bad for him, my mom had breast cancer.

There isn't much that you can do, I setup a couple of donation boxes at local stores however.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:29:02 PM »
OK, I stand somewhat corrected. Not like any of you people care about cancer patients. You just want to get high.

My grandfather died of Brain Cancer.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:23:27 PM »
That's when the anti-drug campaign went a bit overboard, not the actual intelligent side of anti-drug campaigns. There is much research done, and a lot of it isn't even funded by the government. (I lol'd hard at the essay's comments. "other stuff is worse so pot is okay!1")

The real thing that bother me about Marijuana is how much it affects someone's life, and in a negative way. Anyone who disagrees with you is labeled as a bad person automatically, and in this case it's the government. So now the government is an evil empire totally not controlled by the people and their voting power, at least according to people like desolation.

Irregardless, that film and many others like it lead to the prohibition of Cannabis in the first place, without any research.

Also, when did I say the government is an 'evil empire totally not controlled by the people and their voting power'? You seem to pull a lot out of your ass.

"a [meaning one] Harvard study" "helps" "lung cancer"
One study is inconclusive, first off, secondly, "helps" could mean anything, and it's one kind of lung cancer. People say pray "helps" cure patients.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:12:01 PM »
Biggest keyword is "helps" you know.
It's not like OH forget LUNG CANCER LIGHT A JOINT BRO and then no more lung cancer.

Cannabis has been proven to reduce cancerous tumors in size, thus treating the illness in one way or a other.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:08:26 PM »
It can't stop cancer, you buy into pro-pot propos too much, lol. Not saying it's deadly, or the worst thing ever, but it won't cure cancer.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 06:05:20 PM »
Basically what I've seen pro-drug people react to actual research is just calling it "propaganda", like years of research was all just lies bought by the government. The only remotely acceptable drug I know of is Marijuana, the the possible side affects still seem unpleasant. I even talked to someone on the forums who tried it and said he had horrible side effects.

All the forum's unnecessary anti-government "fit da powa raw raw" crap comes mostly from people thinking that the government banning a possibly dangerous substance is some kind of violation of rights and we're being lead to slavery by it.


Also, just waiting for this to turn into another stuff storm.

Off Topic / Re: Smoking Thread
« on: July 24, 2011, 02:09:01 PM »
Joints are more deathly then cigarettes.

forget, here we go again.

Anyway, Cig's smell nasty.

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