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Messages - fionnbharr1

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 49
Gallery / Re: Miniature Flying Space Cathedral (30 pics)
« on: September 29, 2016, 07:20:39 PM »
you do realize that these are uh capital ships
imperial capital ships
from warhammer 40k

the source material for the original build is much much more ornate and detailed than the build you replicated. nevertheless, impressive job.

I didn't, though in retrospect that's obvious. I mean, who else makes gothic-themed spaceships?

Now that I see the source I agree there's a lot more detail than what I could make out from the source picture, and if I'd worked off the copious images for these I'd change a few facets of how I built the replica, but I think the original build maintained the overall profile of the ship quite well.

That's more impressive and detailed than the original build, honestly. Particularly since I never finished the interior.
Speaking of, thanks! I didn't notice your name on the thread at the time, but I know I wasn't the only to like that image in particular. The interior isn't that great, and I'm only really happy with the midsection and the roof molding.

As far as detail goes, even with Smallbricks there are limits to what can be done on this kind of scale, especially with curved features like the prow (took me like 3 iterations to get one that looked even remotely sensible), but for replicating blockland-to-blockland builds they're remarkably capable. Once someone's already put it into a grid-based system (and done the creative work) it's a lot easier than working from scratch.

Gallery / Miniature Flying Space Cathedral (30 pics)
« on: September 28, 2016, 10:17:06 PM »
So I was reading this thread, and I saw this image:

And I was quite taken with the overall design, so I slowly decided to slowly replicate it in in miniature, just working off the image and its proportions. It took about 26 iterations (half for matching the source, half for the interior), but I'm pretty happy with the final result. Here it is, 5246 bricks measuring 97 by 51 bricks by 81 plates. Below are some samples; full Imgur album link:

I took some artistic liberties with some details, but overall I tried to be as faithful as possible to the source within the constraints of SmallBricks. One major area of abridgement is in the window panels, but after experimenting with several possible designs I think the final one best reflects the original proportions. I also chose a roof that peaked more and bevelled the edges on the rear 'box'. And of course the entire interior was my own improvisation.

Validate me herr forum.

General Discussion / Re: Dollars4Back to leave the BL Forums.
« on: August 29, 2016, 12:34:51 AM »
He's found the cure for autism.

Just leave Blockland.

Read: "my parents took away my computer until I can spell correctly in my internet Self Delete notes."

Maybe the bricks are made of glue, so they can just squish together. Like, if you've ever let glue dry on something, it's like plastic.

Music / Re: Toytree loops (1 new loop)
« on: August 23, 2016, 05:51:45 PM »
Bump for new loop and better title.

Badspot made a silky smooth top texture that tiled well but thought the matching bottom texture would look dumb and decided just to copy the lego brick.

Related pictures:

Gallery / Re: Lego Exploriens Sets (and terrain)
« on: August 20, 2016, 05:28:32 AM »
No background domed city build, 2/10.

Seriously though, neat work. Old lego sets had a lot of weird gimmicky bits (like magnets/string) that are impossible to sensibly replicate in BL, but this is still a classy reproduction.

Gallery / Re: A friend of mine and I are making a player pack...
« on: August 19, 2016, 02:17:25 AM »
Apparently some French people also like the show, and one of them remade the whole cyberspace-thing into an interactive game.

Gallery / Re: A friend of mine and I are making a player pack...
« on: August 15, 2016, 07:46:43 PM »
Good show, kind-of a culture port but a pretty mature aesthetic.

OT: Model's great; slap some zombie AI and metal-spider sounds on it and it'll be faithful to the original.

Music / Toytree loops (1 new loop)
« on: August 15, 2016, 04:28:01 PM »
So hey guys I found some sweet Russian mp3 rips that only included like 13 malware programs and so I thought I would try to loop them in Audacity. These are the results.

Music's quasi-8bit and ambient/atmospheric stuff.

1. Strafe: Speed Zone Sanctuary

-Normal Speed (1:05)-556kb Listen/Download
-1.77x Speed  (0:36)-365kb Listen/Download

2. Strafe: Speed Zone Paint it Red
-Normal Speed (1:02)-653kb Listen/Download

3. Pigeon - For Proof
(Loop's a bit rougher)
-Normal Speed (0:33)-714kb Listen/Download
-1.77x Speed  (0:18)-237kb Listen/Download

4. Pigeon - What the Rain Saw (super short)
-Normal Speed (0:06)-73.4kb Listen/Download

5. Pigeon - Telephonic Sponge (aka Drunken music box)
-Normal Speed (0:52)-593kb Listen/Download
-Alt loop     (0:07)-100kb Listen/Download

6. Pigeon - In Light of Time (short)
-Normal Speed (0:16)-167kb Listen/Download

7. New Lands - Clover
-Normal Speed (1:17)-806kb Listen/Download
-1.77x Speed  (0:43)-528kb Listen/Download

8. New Lands - Strange Afternoon
-Normal Speed (0:33)-307kb Listen/Download

9. New Lands - Solace
-Normal Speed (0:51)-379kb Listen/Download
-1.77x Speed  (0:29)-251kb Listen/Download

10. Kingdom - First Light -New!
-Normal Speed (1:17)-524kb Listen/Download

If anyone likes this stuff and wants the source or other tracks that weren't as easy to loop, let me know.
Feedback will be appreciated and taken seriously.

Add-Ons / Re: Procedural Terrain Generator (2nd Video Tutorial Added)
« on: August 12, 2016, 05:56:56 PM »
Big fan. I've spent quite a few hours by now tinkering with details, mostly noise scales, and have a quick few points.
  • Some cave settings can cause terrain tears and broken offsets.
  • Build spawning on 'Water Surface' seems to be completely broken.
  • Builds occasionally load partway inside modter.
  • It's very difficult to get usable flat areas (without using the inbuilt feature which doesn't smooth often) for building without using larger-size modter.
And about the noise scales, which is the most interesting part I can see: why in the complex gui have a preset set of noise layers (Terrain ABC, Clouds AB, etc) to configure instead of allowing open-ended progressive layers to be stacked on-top of one-another, especially considering half won't be used on many generations? Even with three terrain settings, on larger 'maps' there is visible repetition, especially with the cloud layer. Assuming the code could accommodate it, a simple "[layer] [angle] [size] [value]" format could allow for some really organic terrain.

Regardless, (and probably needless to say) this tool has a lot of potential, mostly in the sheer number of additional random features available to populate a landscape (once you finally get one that works). The more top-end features and configurability, the better the result ends up looking. Custom biomes are neat, but without their own terrain options or the ability to restrict features more than the pseudo-equator setting, they'll ultimately be clumps of details. More dynamic and inter-related thresholds that would let, for instance, clouds spawn more frequently above mountains or for grass colors to grade with elevation, are #1 on my wishlist.
Again, more props.  :cookie:

Drama / Re: .Aeris. - I'm completely perfect.
« on: November 13, 2010, 08:04:27 PM »

hot amirite

Trying to restore this topic to it's derailment?

Stop throwing things offtopic.
Turning a Drama into an Offtopic is a Success.

Drama / Re: .Aeris. - I'm completely perfect.
« on: November 13, 2010, 08:01:44 PM »
[quote author=fionnbharr1 link=topic=134608.msg3034430#msg3034430 date=1289696353
You Are... Warthog. :3

Nope. I bet someone else in this topic knows who i am. But im not tellin you

Very Well Then Spartan298517205, We shall see.

Drama / Re: .Aeris. - I'm completely perfect.
« on: November 13, 2010, 07:59:13 PM »
Hehe, i Tricked Ju... :3

But ForSrs, i have an idea who you are...

You Are... Warthog. :3

Just to get back on topic.

No, topic is now about loveual Preferences.

Out of what? A failed drama turn loveual orientation discussion?
Translation: Successful Drama.

Drama / Re: .Aeris. - I'm completely perfect.
« on: November 13, 2010, 07:56:55 PM »
Hell no, you're not crawling out of this.
Your turtle is the only thing crawling here.

Nice way to say nothing of substance thar.

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