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Messages - mp7964

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 298
cum that isnt mine


Off Topic / Re: things you've done but aren't proud of
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:18:47 AM »
ya forget them for you being a stuffty person :)
I bet they were vv rude to you, Shame on those bad meanies!

your opinion literally couldn't mean less to me, pls go lol

well aren't you just a big ole bucket of sunshine


Off Topic / Re: things you've done but aren't proud of
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:13:20 AM »
Do you actually think disliking someone validates thievery?

did i say it validated it? no. i said forget em.

what is "reading comprehension".


User was banned for this post


Off Topic / Re: things you've done but aren't proud of
« on: July 26, 2015, 01:10:44 AM »

but those people were starfishs so forget em  :cookieMonster:

Games / Re: Blockland - i herd blockelnd 2 was comneg out
« on: July 25, 2015, 11:52:14 PM »
bump ;-)

Games / Re: ok who ACTUALLY wants to play Civ 5 Multiplayer
« on: July 25, 2015, 11:51:48 PM »
just link me your steam profile :/


Gallery / Re: Khaz/Enn's Modern Home (omg lightz)
« on: July 25, 2015, 11:50:57 PM »
5/5 bretty gud

General Discussion / Re: forget mini empires, we mini nomads now
« on: July 25, 2015, 11:43:05 PM »
pirates would be better
sail the seven seas with your crew, you could get like a single galleon and some smaller ships that i have no idea what they're called
combat is based around cannonballs and boarding parties

something like that would follow the same basic idea, you have a small party of people to control, not an entire empire with unlimited asspulled resources

General Discussion / Re: forget mini empires, we mini nomads now
« on: July 25, 2015, 09:56:08 PM »
this is called a TTRPG and there are already a few private ones running

i know what ttrpg is, this is a little different doe

General Discussion / forget mini empires, we mini nomads now
« on: July 25, 2015, 08:33:28 PM »
so i've been thinking right

everyone sees these mini-empires servers around, and they're pretty much turning ultra-stuffty. either the admins are doing a bunch of stupid wish-fulfillment special snowflake bullstuff and unfairly enforcing a strict set of rules or there are no rules whatsoever and everyone just godmods and acts really edgy. there's rarely any good roleplay done on these servers. so i'm thinking, what if we stick with the 'mini' idea, but scrap the whole large settlement/empire angle. instead, you control a small group/tribe (10-30) of nomads who wander from place to place, living off the land and never making camp in one place for too long.

there's a few ways this would improve the quality of roleplay;

  • smaller group =no chance to asspull a massive army as you'd maintain around the same population most of the time
  • no/very few permanent settlements = less butthurt to go around, less asspulling of resources/buildings
  • smaller group = more personal interactions. rather than massive wars going on between asspulled nations, a few small groups might be feuding over a campsite or a hunting ground
  • almost completely eliminates any edgy 'special snowflake'-type stuff like an empire that controls a loving dragon or something because you're in control of a small band of average people and maybe a few pack animals.
  • combat gets a lot more fun and personal, rather than having hundreds of IC dudes attacking eachother, you could conceivably control the individual attacks of each of your combatants
  • alliances become a lot more beneficial and meaningful. aligning yourself with a stronger or more bloodthirsty group could mean the difference between survival and death, given that the groups are a lot smaller.

this wouldn't really work in a modern setting, medieval or post-apocalyptic would be the best time period to run a server like this. a post-apocalyptic server would have a lot of possibilities, like bands of player-controlled raiders roving the land, perhaps attacking settlements or other groups. settlements could just be a nomadic group that decides to set up a permanent campsite, which would gather more members to their group but pose more of a risk for attack.

this is just an idea at this point. who wants to implement it lel

Off Topic / Re: Plug.DJ - Let's bring this back
« on: July 25, 2015, 05:40:09 PM »
setro keeps stuffting on everyone's speakers and playing dubstep bullstuff


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