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Messages - sonic38

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
(Found all of these on DA)

Sorry girl, this ain't Facebook

Furry version of a furry chracter (don't get me wrong it's not bad but what)



And what's THAT supposed to be ?

And finally :

Where the forget did his right eye go ?

Off Topic / Re: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread
« on: April 26, 2016, 09:17:27 PM »

I think they're supposed to be satirical or something.
Or maybe not.
Go check the gallery.
EDIT : forget

"the cat lord"

and also

and also

and finally :

Off Topic / Re: Bad/weird stuff you see on deviantArt - Megathread
« on: April 26, 2016, 08:08:37 PM »
I actually spent enough time on this thread to be not spooked by those vore and yiff drawings and all the other weird dA uh, "pieces of art".
I think I must be completely emotionally dull now.

Music / Re: Touhou - Bad Apple !!
« on: January 15, 2014, 12:34:36 PM »
This is good and all, but I'm sorry, the files weighs?

weighs only 500 kb ! (32 kbit/s bitrate)

People must read the full OP before asking questions, god. They can even check themselves after downloading the freaking file.

Wait, are you complaining because I said that the file weighs and it's not the right way to tell a file's size ?

Music / Re: Touhou - Bad Apple !!
« on: January 15, 2014, 06:32:53 AM »
I approve of anything Touhou-related in BL.
This guy finally has people to talk to.
I'm not really a Touhou fan, I just like some of the songs related to them.

Music / Touhou - Bad Apple !!
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:44:27 PM »
Hi, I made a new loop of the song "Bad Apple !!". The song sounds really cool, so I made a loop of the full length version.

Loop information :
The loop is 2 minutes and 5 seconds long (!), but weighs only 500 kb ! (32 kbit/s bitrate)
It does loop pretty well, and the quality is not that bad, actually (even if the bitrate is the lowest that ogg files can get)

The original full song is here : Clicky.

And the loop download link is here : Clicky clicky.

You can rate my loop if you want.

Creativity / Re: Blockland Multiple Languages
« on: January 07, 2014, 07:41:51 PM »
bloc la terre - French
really it's the closest I can get bear with me
I lol'd. It's like saying Block the land, or Block the earth.
A more correct translation, even if it's unneeded, since french people never translate english names (Except the québecois always translate english names, to keep the french language alive in Quebec), would be Monde de blocs (Block world), or Terre de blocs (Block land, but that's uglier than Monde de blocs)

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: One Punch Man Face Pack ! (NEW FACE !)
« on: December 21, 2013, 11:03:57 PM »
If you asked me, there should be a limit to how much destructive power an item can hold. Who the hell even uses this wepon anymore... No wonder it's lost.
This weapon should only be used for either pictures, videos or for lols. Not for freebuilds and such.
Also, you can always edit the weapon's script to change its explosion radius, if you really wanted to.

Music / Re: MLP HUSH REMIX/normal
« on: December 19, 2013, 05:19:02 PM »
I like the song, but the loop... Is not a loop. It does not loop AT ALL. It cuts right in the middle of the song and goes back to the beginning.

Development / Re: 2013/12/19 - Blockland r1918
« on: December 19, 2013, 03:48:47 PM »
People should post their operating systems when posting that they have the issue.

I have this issue on Windows 8.1 64 bits.
A friend of mine has this issue on Windows 7 64 bits.

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: One Punch Man Face Pack ! (NEW FACE !)
« on: December 18, 2013, 05:39:34 PM »
How many names has this one item had? Ive seen this model with about four different names Dog Cannon, Ion Cannon, etc.
It's called the Death Ion Cannon because this version of the Ion Cannon shoots several missiles in one charge, which is terribly spammy.

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: One Punch Man Face Pack ! (NEW FACE !)
« on: December 10, 2013, 05:55:27 PM »
If anyone wants one of Saitama's faces on BL, please give me a page scan (a high-res one) so I can "extract" it easily.

General Discussion / Re: Rammboy's Deathcube Official Thread (v4)
« on: December 10, 2013, 03:48:12 PM »
Hey, it's just a little placeholder, let him write his stuff, it's just an "announcement"...

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: One Punch Man Face Pack ! (NEW FACE !)
« on: December 01, 2013, 03:29:19 PM »
what the hell is that weapon
It's called the Death Ion Cannon. It's a lost add-on (It's uber destrctive and makes giant purple missiles with huge purple spheric explosions and stuff).

Faces, Decals, Prints / Re: One Punch Man Face Pack !
« on: December 01, 2013, 11:16:56 AM »
Oh god I managed to do it :

It might not be a perfect "face rip" but at least it's usable (I guess). This took me a lot of time compared to the other faces.
Looks like this in-game :

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