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Messages - Aeschylus

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 283
Off Topic / Re: my god me and my troll friends are gods
« on: March 17, 2013, 10:57:50 PM »
i dont troll on games, and blockland is not an exception, nor is the blockland forum.
i'm talking about facebook.

Off Topic / my god me and my friends are gods
« on: March 17, 2013, 10:54:39 PM »
me and 3 other friends of mine are a squad of people who generally piss others off, correcting grammar or starting arguments or other stuff like that, on facebook and at school alike (they're 3 friends that are basically my second 'circle' of friends, we're a bunch of trolls more than anything else). but we recently did the best thing ever:

lil wayne had a seizure or something and is hospitalized, so i took the time to post that he died at 10:33pm (my time, EST) after the seizure and there is about 30+ people reposting and talking about it all over facebook, god knows how long it'll be before everyone 'knows' about it. this is great. are we bad people? aha

User was banned for this post

Off Topic / Re: Post songs that get stuck in your head
« on: March 16, 2013, 07:44:40 PM »
fish- fish mcbites- mcbites

Off Topic / Re: I'm looking for a spriter
« on: March 04, 2013, 05:34:32 PM »

my not-so-much friend's 17 year old brother Spencer just returned from juvenile detention (for his 7th visit). i was previously told by Jonathan that Spencer was in juvy and has been there 6 or 7 times, and i was also told that he blazes. i formed a negative bias toward him and didn't look forward to meeting him when he returned (last weekend).

like on Thursday or Friday morning i finally met him and talked to him and he seemed cool. he's one of those kids with the darker clothing and the Asking Alexandria/Black Veil Brides type music taste. i hate that kind of music (closest i'll get is like, The Used or Story of the Year or Hawthorne Heights) and i figured he'd be kind of a dork but he's actually really cool.

he plays guitar (i knew that from the two crappy Mahar guitars he has at his apartment) and he listens to more than just those crappy scenecigarette bands (variety of stuff, from Simple Plan to Metallica to Coheed and Cambria) and he learns songs very fast. he has an above average skill and he knows basic stuff like what instrument bands are good and how to get a good sound of an amp, as well as tuning guitars and even writing his own stuff. he's working on being a vocalist. he can already sing a bit, and he's working on screaming/vocal fries.

i'm liking him already, and we've been jamming at my place the past couple of days, working on playing two-part songs together, and it's going great. it's nice to know another musician outside of my band.

he knows a guy named Connor and he supposively can play drums, bass, guitar, and keyboard, as well as sing. i'll be looking into him some more, but Spence wants to try to start a band, and i figured i could use that as a little side project thing alongside Wasting Time, my other band.

since Spence is more into the scenecigarette type stuff like AA, BVB, and Self Delete Silence, there's obviously going to be a lot of influence from their music. i've learned songs like The Last Episode by AA and Dying In Your Arms by Trivium, as well as Knives and Pens by BVB, and i like the catchy little riffs and stuff they have in their music.
i'm an all pop punk/pop punk guy with some classic rock influences in my guitar playing, so i'm curious to see how this little side project band will be. i dont think it'll get in the way of Wasting Time since it'll be a while before the other band takes off and we start playing gigs around Myrtle Beach.

tl;dr friend's brother came back from juvy and he plays guitar and we've been jamming together. he's got above average skill and i enjoy playing alongside of him. he know a couple drummers at school and we're looking into starting a band, which will be a side project along my more successing band Wasting Time. yay

Drama / Sentry - feeling the need to spew unneeded hatred for Windows 8
« on: February 17, 2013, 06:09:04 PM »
so i've noticed this fine lad here is a decent Forumer, and average person just lurking around as any other, but if he ever spots any post about Windows 8-- talking about whether it's good or bad or not-- he feels the need to share his delightful opinion--

here are three examples of what i'm trying to explain.
Windows 8
I threw up in my mouth a little.
this is one of the less irritable posts he's made relating to Windows 8.
the only reason for this is because the topic is about OSs.

why? windows 8 isn't  bad lol
this is from the same topic. this is where he gets a bit more unreasonable with the opinions.
sure-- everyone's entitled to having and sharing their opinion, but now he's just being repetitive with it.

and last but not least, my favorite:
Windows 8
now the problem with this?
entering a thread strictly just to point out that he dislikes the OS the OP is installing.
not only that, but it's an unnecessary one-word response. if he was going to say anything, it could have at least been worth reading. or posting at all, for that matter.
stuffty start menu
Difficult to navigate to certain files
Download things is 10 times more difficult
Everything is ugly

To me it just plain out sucks.
I prefer win7 or winXP
further down in the thread, he's continually bashing on Windows 8 as someone pointed out the unnecessary reply, therefore starting to derail the thread if anyone were to continue replying to him.
No one gave him advice and all your doing is bitching about my opinion.
Yeah but every single topic you find with windows 8 in it,
You spew your opinion stuff everywhere.
as you can see, i dont think i'm the only one with this idea.

so anyslut, i figured i'd point out this minor annoyance from our good friend Sentry. again, i'm fine with him being on the Forums, but the whole bashing-Windows-8 thing is getting out of hand.

Off Topic / -wrong board-
« on: February 17, 2013, 06:08:08 PM »
-wrong board-

Off Topic / Re: awesome covers by famous bands.
« on: February 16, 2013, 10:26:23 AM »
Nirvana's cover of The Man Who Sold the World sounds pretty sweet.
that's a personal favorite because i seriously love David Bowie.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: February 16, 2013, 08:07:23 AM »
light blue jeans are so 90s
90s was way cooler than now so

friend took this on skype. i think i was mid sentence. she sucks.

have an inkling

Off Topic / awesome covers by famous bands.
« on: February 16, 2013, 07:19:21 AM »
post covers of songs by one band that another band has covered.
Blink-182 - Dancing With Myself (Billy Idol cover)

Off Topic / Re: On my way to South Carolina
« on: February 15, 2013, 10:36:44 AM »
come to myrtle beach so i can rape you.

Off Topic / Re: What Hex Color Code Is Your BL_ID?
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:23:31 AM »
mine is plain green.
and that's my last name.

i just cant even right now
this has got to be single-handedly the greatest page on the internet ever

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: February 09, 2013, 10:11:20 PM »
Jealous of Beach's Marshall Stack.


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