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Messages - AirBorneReaper

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Rides in on white horse clad in armor with Valve logo upon it "I have returned from the depths of stuffty Computer Hell and regained my key and other knightly stuff. Did I mention the eagle on my shoulder?"

ok i didnt understand any of that
Sorry, it's just my monitors an ass, any way to make Blockland run in windowed mode from the console?

I apologize for not being on in ages, my computer forgeted itself up, andlife and chool, I was working on reinstalling when my old monitor (I don't know why I still have to use it) said out of range when I just got it running. Any thing I can out in console?

Sorry to have been gone so long, all this homework from fourth quarter. I'll third as well! Third was a breeze compared to all of this.
Man, they say that the 4th quarter is the easiest. They say that it is the least amount of work. Let me tell you, in all these honors classes, that is NOT true. I have SO much homework, and Italian is hard as HELL! :(

How come a train (no offence fortress) has the same amount of votes as a TARDIS?

Games / Re: Minecraft; Version 1.4.7 Is Now Released! New OP!
« on: January 31, 2013, 06:18:14 AM »
Well looky there, a Doctor Who reference

cool! Just note: if you watch that video ^ make sure your sound is turned down!
Once again, TNT? to the rescue!

Good job, you got my name right!
Your welcome, Allons-y! And for help using Google Translate, its French

^ It also works with photobucket, or any picture hosting website
TNT? to the rescue!

Sorry I've been inactive, schools being a right pain, and my Writing teacher is evil, and lots of projects, did the bill finally get through?

I think the truth is Sailor you could never let go. The DogFight never died, you know it. Your clutching on. For good reason too! It's the only one ever on!

Some times it kind of seems like sailor just made the clan to get people to help him on projects. ;)
So hed finally finish

Clan Discussion / Re: [CT] Counter-Trolls
« on: November 25, 2012, 10:41:42 AM »
My goal is to wipe trolls off the face of the planet
good luck with that

Also, when we are done with this we should revive the dogfight o.0 An idea, anyway
Sailor just loves it so

Thats a police box.
No, Sailor, its a spaceship DISGUISED as a police public phone box, you know, from the 50s

Sailor, on the poll you should have used TARDIS instead of spaceship

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