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Messages - Sniper-471

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Drama / Extrude and all those that wont shut up about the DRG stuff
« on: May 22, 2012, 02:03:45 PM »
Where do i need to start? As some of you may know, i am DRG but the reason i have drama'd Extrude is because him and other people wont shut up about it.

For 2 years straight, him and other people wont shut up about it and use it to tease me constantly, not much on the forums but a lot in-game. I have even asked or begged why he wont stop, his response was "far too hilarious to forget" even after 2 years, it's still hilarious for him?

I have been trying to fix my attitude for the last 2 years, but Extrude and others are the only ones preventing me from doing it which i been trying so hard to control my anger. I knew 2 years ago i was a huge starfish but realised it after i was perma banned, i have been trying to sort myself out since then but because of Extrude and those others that wont shut up about the DRG stuff, i cant.

Despite me having tons of dramas back then which at the time i was really stupid, i have seen Extrude been drama'd a few times as well. One was by Mega Bear, 2 more are below but the rest are in his drama topic by Mega Bear which he used to go by the name Moonwalker.

To me, Extrude is one of those people that does not care about anyone but himself, hurts other peoples feelings and ruin others fun. By the sounds of it, hes never gonna change. But the only thing i want from him and those others that wont shut up about this DRG stuff is to shut up about it and let it go, not just carry on about it and make the victim feel upset, angry, enraged, etc. This stuff is way too old to keep going on about. He has also banned me from Munk's server just because i am DRG.

I cannot stand anymore of his stupidly and has broken the fourth wall which i had no choice in my opinion to drama him, something needs to be be done and taken seriously. If you want more, i suggest looking at his dramas.


Games / Re: Realm Of The Mad God
« on: May 19, 2012, 09:21:20 AM »
Theres already a thread for this through, you could of just bumped that since it's really not that old.

Games / Re: Realm of the Mad God [Use WASD, live forever]
« on: May 12, 2012, 12:54:05 AM »
anyone want to do a.. "challenge" with me?

the challenge is like you're new:
you cant use ANYTHING from your vault
you have to use wizard
you only get the stuff thats in chest/loot. (NO BEGGING FOR ITEMS!!)


I'm doing that right now with my Wizard, i am not using anything from my Vault or trading/begging for items.

Also, about the Red Demon. It does not matter how much damage you do to the Demon. Items in chests are randomly chosen everytime a new world is made.

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:51:51 AM »
Actually, it would have lead to a different outcome, because you wouldn't have been an annoying little bitch. Do you see the logic behind it?

I heard you shoot plenty of times. Shooting the door with a grenade launcher to break in would also be stuffty rping because we wouldn't've let you in, and loud noises would have us killed. If you get bored, and intruding here would be stuffty, is the logical response not to leave or bide your time elsewhere?

We didn't make you "go aggressive." I told you it was a stuffty time to be yelling for entrance (in rp) and you persisted. Please learn decent social interaction before you make a fool out of yourself the fourth time. We have witnesses, and the only thing you have is your stuffty, obnoxiously convinient alibi.You insulted us even in your first complaint. Maybe you should try seeing it from our side, idiot.I heard multiple instances of shooting, few of a zombie growling or getting hurt. The shots were far apart and scattered most of the time. And standing at the gate and YELLING is annoying. You never walked away, you were outside the entire time before your ban, and if you did walk away you could have told us, and we would continue on our day. Your arguments are full of holes.

Fine, i will accept that bit.

Not "plenty" read again please and i would of left much earlier if you didn't interfear.

Yes you did and i didn't persist, i just waitted. i only yelled because i got pissed off with that "LOOK AT ME" and "annoying" crap. i only complained because i got sick with the admins. Finally, i did walk away and just as i got back to the camp, i was banned. I would of shut the forget up right there and didn't post this if i was not banned. But you did ban me and now we are in this argument.

Don't reply to this please. i can easily tell i am gonna lose this argument and next time Red, stay out of my arguments.
You don't want that because you know you're losing.
Please refer to the post right above yours that you clearly ignored.
Now at the last minute of this argument, you gone to be a huge ass. Well done.

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:32:19 AM »
But shooting at the gate and yelling at us does.

i only shot the gate once with a grenade launcher and the other was at a zombie. i started yelling at you because i started to get pissed off with your "HEY LOOK AT ME" and "annoying" crap. Seriously, do you want this argument to go on for hours? Because i don't want that.

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:26:12 AM »
You're a loving liar. We actually saw you.
Several of us admin orbed over to you, including me.
I, and I'm sure others, spied on you multiple times.
And you're calling us liars?
Read again. I said i shot a few times to kill a zombie and once with a grenade launcher to see if the gate would break down and i did stop shooting right there. Standing at a gate or door does not count as being annoying.

Plus, i eventually started to walk away from the gate and you would not stop there, this made me go even more aggressive.

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:21:02 AM »
Just so you know Sniper is a general idiot and tends to insult anyone who so  much as asks him a question. He has this aura of "everyone must go by what i like and if they dont then they are loving stupid" and is a general idiot. Half the stuff he says  is just him not having things go his way so he alters them to make other people look bad.

Just putting that out there, if it helps or anything.
What? i never insult anyone that asks me a question, your clearly lying right there and the rest.

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: May 10, 2012, 02:19:21 AM »
I'm all for new roleplayers, but you were being a loving idiot.
One, you presented that information at the stufftiest time. You could have waited, seen a fellow rper walking, and said "Hey, (name)!" and explained what you saw, that would be a much better move.

As for Electrk, he spoke only the truth. You were sitting at the gate, and shooting. I don't care if there were zombies, nobody was forcing you to be at that gate. There are plenty of other rpers.

We're not being loving idiots, it's a normal HUMAN THING to respond negatively to annoying, aggressive attention whoring. Fix your attitude if you expect me to treat with respect.
That would not change anything, it would still lead to the same outcome and i knew i had to wait so i did.

No he wasn't, i only shot a few times at a zombie and a grenade launcher once to see if the door would break down and sitting at a gate or door does not count as being annoying. There were hardly any other rpers and i got bored with them very easily.

Your doing it again. i was fine until you guys started, it was you and the admins fault to made me go aggressive towards you. If you didn't interfear with me at the gate, none of this would be happening right now.

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: May 10, 2012, 01:52:22 AM »
Your server and it's admins are loving horrible. First, i try to get into the roleplay so i can enjoy it but noooo, you all being dumbforgets to me and leave me behind and i was part of that scene where the Mutaild was by Abram's body and you dumped me right loving there and it took me ages to find you to try to tell you guys that the Mutaild took something from the bar and Abram's body was gone and you refused to open the gate in the sewers and didn't tell me why you would not open it.

Second, you Electrk. Kept lying that i was being like "HEY LOOK AT ME!!" and being annoying yet i was not and i kept getting killed during the lab scene at level 2 by zombies and you idiots and at the gate in the sewers.

Third, Because you were lying. i get seriously pissed off and resulted me in getting banned, that ban would of not happened if you didn't be loving idiots to me. I hope this server goes downhill after your handicapped acts plus your bans are just turning like Heed's server making you heartless bastards.

Off Topic / Re: Post your thoughts of the above user's signature.
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:36:12 AM »
Tha pic.

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:32:27 AM »
RP was over cause all the admins had to go to bed.
bulllllsssshhhhiiiittttt. :c

General Discussion / Re: Zombies in the Bluzone**
« on: May 08, 2012, 02:30:14 AM »
Why was the minigame ended and i was kicked by Ceist? Seriously, what the forget?

Games / Re: Realm of the Mad God [Use WASD, live forever]
« on: May 06, 2012, 01:46:40 PM »
What server, TELL ME NOW. :C I play on USMidWest2 because Ayxrion and Fireboy play there.

EDIT: i forgot to tell i went into the Wine Cellar, i was slow as forget so i could not keep up with anyone and didn't get stuff from Oryx.

Games / Re: Rtb 1.045 (The Orange Block) - Revival!!
« on: May 06, 2012, 12:17:03 AM »
Someone impersonating Badspot banned me, Fireboy and Ayxrion. What the stuff?

Games / Re: Your first video game!
« on: May 05, 2012, 04:55:58 PM »

I was about 5 years old when i got this, around a year after Banjo-Tooie was released.

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