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Messages - Ellinia

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 8
Off Topic / Re: Omegle has a new feature
« on: June 11, 2012, 06:48:44 AM »
Isn't omegle like lying? Because you never get Questions you're self you can only ask them, so it must be bots?

General Discussion / Re: Is this possible for Blockland?
« on: June 11, 2012, 03:45:20 AM »
hey, THIS COULD be useful

like, in a server, players use this gui/ whatever as a way of playing music longer than 30 seconds/ long loops.
and players can use "guis" to select and play music, in exchange for "points" of which they earned

also, it would be cool making a playlist :D
Someone was on the Theater server in GMOD.

They will only choose LUB because hes admin on RTB.

Drama / Re: I only have 2 dramas
« on: June 09, 2012, 06:48:10 PM »

Off Topic / Re: Badspot - KILL YO SELF!
« on: June 09, 2012, 02:28:24 PM »
this is okiver
also you're supposed to put it in your signature
No It's not.

Off Topic / Re: Badspot - KILL YO SELF!
« on: June 09, 2012, 12:29:37 PM »
I once tried posting an encyclopedia dramatica link on bronies and it came up with something similar to this.
Badspot is one insane man.

Off Topic / Badspot - KILL YO SELF!
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:28:02 AM »
It's a cold normal day, Ellinia is browsing them interwebs when suddently thinks. I want some INTERWEBS!!!!!
So he found a website where people can give interwebs. He only got 1 interwebs. He gets sad. He gives himself one because he can every 24 hours. And sends the link to a mate on skype. When Ellinia thinks again. OMG I CAN POST ON BL FORUMS. So i surf all the way to Blockland Forums and posted it. Then this happens!!!

So now I've got one mission left. KILLING MY SELF!

Off Topic / Re: Cleverbot is getting too clever
« on: June 01, 2012, 06:02:49 PM »
command console
del *.*
should fix all your bot taking over the world problems.
Too bad it deletes the whole disk

Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
1, You slow as forget typing then.
2, You don't use over a minute after "WARNING" to click Post again.

Drama / Re: Volko has Meatspin in his siggy.
« on: May 27, 2012, 05:50:02 AM »
richard on richard spinning action with classic rock
Classic rock? It's pop u tard.

Drama / Re: Poggle the Stick - 130 IQ.
« on: May 24, 2012, 08:20:25 AM »
Even people with intelligence make mistakes. I'm a bit about average, but it's absolutely nothing to brag about. It just gives me a little higher edge on things.

Why does everyone have to keep commenting negative points if I've accepted that I did something wrong and that I will do whatever I can to never do this again? You're all not perfect either; you're all humans as am I. All I can do sitting on this chair in front of my computer is attempt to fuse back my reputation with teens who have nothing else better to do than browse/post on the DRAMA section. And I'd think you'd be mad, too if you got flamed on in the DRAMA section as well.

What's sad? Ellenia got so smart-allecky that he didn't even manage to SPAWN before getting banned; that's pretty pathetic. So, I responded in a smart-ass way since my mother was yelling at me over and over across my home, 5 people were talking about crap with me on RTB, and then Ellenia started to turn into a problem that had to be exterminated. I don't need critics on my servers; I need players.

I STARTED friendships, and I meant 15 good potential friends, not friends made by the point-and-click method. I'm a naturally interverted, only child who has less friends than most people because I actually have STANDARDS.

I don't think this topic requires any further comments from myself, so I'll just leave the barking, mad pack of dogs alone so that they can fight with each other about the whole thing.

I now give you an apology, Ellenia and everyone else who got mad over nothing for being stupid on a ban reason. There, am I done? (That's what she said!)


Off Topic / Re: Ctrl + V game.
« on: May 23, 2012, 07:18:26 PM »
 she liked me back too

Off Topic / Re: Some avatars just bother me.
« on: May 23, 2012, 02:56:06 AM »
Do you hate mine?

That has nothing to do with the assumption of you being Okiver
If you actually read what I said in the other posts I explained why I had PFChecker.

What does LAN and IP's have to do with anything?
You have to type you're LAN IP into the port forwarding box like if the LAN IP is 192.168.0.XX then the XX changes between some numbers and you have to type that one.

Well okiver was a known wannabe hacker, it looked like something she would use.
But I thought that checked other people's ports, I'm an idiot.
No Edit:
No I've not been trying to avoid this thread didn't even know it was here also that program is so I can see if my ports is open.
Because I need to edit my port forwarding a lot since when I take my laptop somewhere else and home again my LAN IP changes.

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