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Messages - Destroyer

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Off Topic / Re: Hey Everyone
« on: January 30, 2022, 08:38:48 AM »
what's up
Tony! What's up man, been a minute. How are you?

Hi I'm White, Black doesn't talk this early in the morning.
jk of course I know you
Haha I know you as well. And the only reason I'm ever up in the morning is because I've been up all night. Night shift life


I remember you from years ago when you were active here

been around for 12 years and now I'm in a happy relationship and paint cars for a living who would've thunk :v
I remember you as well. That's great to hear! Hopefully those paint jobs make you some good money at least. I know they aren't cheap to do

I remember you, welcome. I am not "here" anymore. I lurk every couple weeks or so. Been a member of Blockland for going on 14 years now. Now I am a semi truck driver, married, bought a house, and do grownup things.  :cookieMonster:
I definitely recognize you as well! Sounds like you are doing pretty well for yourself, happy for you man. I'm in a love hate relationship with grown up things. Love the opportunities, freedom, pay, etc. But still long for the days of little stress with no bills and nowhere important to be lol.

thank goodness. please, never change it. a true relic of a bygone era.
Never will, this image will go down in history hahaha

General Discussion / Re: the stagnation of blockland
« on: January 30, 2022, 08:29:12 AM »
new duplicator is a must, regardless of server

if ya want guns, adventure pack is pretty good. also will shill my marker light laser weapon pack cause why not. drinks mod and railroad mod are pretty good for chill servers.

most addons can be found on and nearly anything not on there can be found in

last but not least theres the BCC discord which is the last general purpose mostly-blockland discord where you can get modding and tech help.

Good to know, definitely much appreciated. I've had a sever up for 2 days and its been generally well visited. Average of 6-8 players at a time which seems like nothing but considering I regularly see 20 on max I'll take it. Mostly old time players coming on to shoot the stuff.

I personally would like to see some more adventure related stuff, if not maybe some more horror content.

Hopefully someone with more hosting experience will see this. I wouldn't mind hosting something adventurous but I've been out of the game quite awhile and am relearning hosting completely so me making something new and exciting would definitely take time

Off Topic / Re: Hey Everyone
« on: January 27, 2022, 01:08:42 AM »
OP irl:

If I wasn't so fond of my Tank I'd make that my avatar

destroyer i feel like i remember u didnt have that medical insignia thing at the corner of your avatar. or did u always have it and this is a mandela effect
I've pretty much always had it haha. I originally had just the tank when I joined, but when I first became and EMT in 2013 I added the star of life to the corner. Its been there since then lol

General Discussion / Re: the stagnation of blockland
« on: January 26, 2022, 11:24:08 PM »
I plan on trying my hand at hosting again for a bit and seeing how it goes. Some nights I have so much free time at work that I can throw a dedicated server up and leave it running for hours. Problem is I don't know what to do with the server. Right now its literally just labelled to do whatever you want because I'm still trying to think of ideas. And I've been out of the game for some long, literally, that I'm having to relearn everything.

Anyone recommend any useful server add-ons for me to download? I had quite a few good ones back in the day but have no idea how to find them now or even if they still work anymore.

Off Topic / Re: Hey Everyone
« on: January 26, 2022, 09:55:46 PM »
It's been forever man, didn't you enlist at some point?
It really has! Hope all has been well for you man. And no that wasn't me, though I vaguely remember someone on here that I knew enlisting, can't quite remember who though.

it's funny, i was just looking at your profile the other day. glad to see you again friend, and i'm especially glad you're doing well. hope the paramedic business treats you well!

these last four years have been pretty crazy for myself. doing lots of different things, meeting new people, going to all kinds of events and get-togethers.
Thats great man! Glad to see you are still here as well. So far its definitely a change, but a good one. It's definitely been stressful the past few years for us in the healthcare field, hoping all this stuff comes to an end or at least loosens up soon. Sounds like you've been busy as well, hopefully a good kind of busy, sounds like a pretty enjoyable time.

I don't know if you would remember me but I remember you. I was once night fox. the game and especially the forum are pretty slow these days. so this may not have been the best time to return. but if you were playing in 2016 then you were probably there for the last of the really good times anyway
Of course I do man! Good to see you. Yeah I started noticing that. I browsed around for a few days before making this thread and it has definitely been slower than the old days. I probably hop on and make a server occasionally on the slow days at work just to kill some time on the 12 hour shifts. Wouldn't really know where to start at this point though with all my old add-ons being gone. Maybe I'll figure it out.

Also congrats on the marriage!! Happy for you man!

Glad to see you're still around. And doing well for yourself.
Thank you! You as well! Hope all is good with you!


some of us still make stuff for the game

check out aod sometime when people are on
Thank you! I definitely will. I've seen some of your servers up, I'll have to stop in sometime. Still getting used to things again lol

Hey man! Been awhile, glad to see you're still around

we meet again old friend, i think most of us that have approx the same age have graduated college at this point
Hey bro, good to see you again! I think so as well. Honestly everything was so much simpler back when all we had to do was worry about admining severs hahaha. Hope the adult life is treating you well!

hi i remember you
Hey I remember you as well! Hope you are doing well

hello there
Hi there!

some part of my brain recognized you, my god i feel like ive forgotten so much about the blockland community but as soon as someone casually mentions someone or some event that happened i can go on and on with very precise details
Yes I remember you as well! I've forgotten a lot but I still recognize all of the names I used to see daily. I'm sure some old members are here on alt accounts with different names but I definitely recognize yours. Hope you are doing good man

i like your posts and your tank avatar
I don't think I could ever change the tank avatar. It has been there since I made this profile lol. And thank you haha. I'm not as much of an starfish anymore. Well thats not true, I am, but only to people who really deserve it lol. Good to see you again man

Welcome back, also congratulations on graduating.
Thank you! It was definitely a rough year but it was worth it. Hope you are good!

Off Topic / Hey Everyone
« on: January 24, 2022, 05:08:49 AM »
Hi everyone, how's it going?

For those of you that don't know me, I was a long time member of the forums years and years ago. Curious to see if any of the old timers I knew are actually still on here and to stop in and say hi.

I've recently graduated Paramedic school which is a complete and absolute year of hell and stress and now like most new medics I don't know what to do with myself with all the additional free time so I've decided to come back and check on my old stomping grounds that I spent so much time on so many years ago. May stop in to a few servers every now and then to say hi and kill some time.

So for everyone I don't know, I'm Destroyer, nice to meet you. And for everyone I knew a long time ago if you may be here, how have you been?

Their seems to be a lot of confused people in this thread so I'll try to explain this better. What OP has is known as a pneumothorax. That is basically air leaking into the space around the lung. When enough time passes the air will begin to build up pressure and begin to collapse the lung. That air is the white area in that image OP posted, notice the decreased lung size. Normally, this is causing by a broken rib puncturing the lung. However since OP did not have a broken rib I assume enough trauma eventually just burst the lung.

and my heart wanted to break free from the chest while beating very hard and arrythmically. I'm going to get seen by a surgeon today.
They said you had an arrhythmia? Do you normally have a irregular heart beat such as A-fib? It seems weird that this injury would cause arrhythmia unless pressure was pushing on the heart muscles. I could see it make you tachycardic (increased heart rate) but usually a condition such as that is caused by something more cardiac related or is like that from birth.

Jesus Christ it's a loving game, what the hell is wrong with you people. You guys speak like you are negotiating peace between actual countries.

That still doesn't justify the stuffposting. Like I said, you CAN stuffpost as long as it's in the rules but that just makes you a loving idiot. It should be bannable but thats just my opinion (not like it matters.)
Then they are idiots? So what is the argument here? I was never trying to defend stuffposters, I was sick of OP's ego. I'm just on your case now since you decided to throw a "forget off" and get hostile towards me when I'm not even one of the stuffposters in question.

He didn't even make a scene. "Go die in a fire" is not causing a scene. Everyone subsequently freaking out about his response caused the scene and stuff up the topic even more.
I was more referring to him making this drama topic. This topic is the scene in my opinion. If he would have let it go in his clan topic everything would have moved on. But he decided to make a topic which in turn exposed his "go die in a fire"comment. I for one would have never even known this guy existed until he made this topic, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I love how you call me pissy and Im throwing a tantrum but you literally started it off hostile by calling him a cunt when he wasnt even being aggresive and just explained how his Go die in a fire wasnt serious.

If you can actually understand the context of his post he's mad because he wanted to take his clan seriously and try and contribute to the community and he has people coming in stuffty up his topic. He wants people to either appreciate and help out and join or if theyre not interested they stay the forget out and keep their stuff posts to themselves. and he's right

I called him a cunt because he is an egotistical stuffhead:
Scrubs like you don't have the rank to decide if we can go to war, dipstuff. You haven't even passed the qualifier, and you're ego's already so far up your ass.
I became judge, jury, and executioner the moment I made an OP.
You're in our world now. You post here, you're our bitch. Not the other way around.
Go die in a fire.
Allow me to set boundaries; nobody likes loving killjoys. I devoted my time to something that I thought it was cool, like someone making an add-on or gamemode, just to help some people who would be interested; in which there are. If there was NO ONE that joined or was even vaguely interested, I would've closed the thread and moved on.

Now I'm not gonna sit around and take rap like this. Yes, I understand HULK was only joking and I could've worded myself differently. But I'm not gonna tolerate stuffposters or critics. Not happening. I worked hard for this. So either you can appreciate of something that I had contributed to the community, or you stay out the way.
If you have nothing better or otherwise legitimate to say about -The Nexus- don't loving say it.

And yeah, I understand why he would be mad, but he decided to make a loving scene and not ignore it and go on with his clan. Are you new to these forums? Do you not see people stuffpost in every loving topic? Of course people are going to make jokes, they do it in every topic and then they go away and move on. Clan discussion has become so much of a stuff show I'm not surprised the stuffposters are lurking there. That is just how this forum is, nothing you, me, or anyone else can do about it. Do you think his topic is the only one people made jokes in? Nearly every clan topic has people making jokes in the comments and most of them are still doing just fine. OP is just to much of a baby and had to make a scene about it.

This isn't some rare hate crime. It happens every loving day here. Get over yourself.

It was a total stuffpost though so forget off
Lol forget you dude.

I told data to stop acting like he can control people because I've seen multiple examples of him doing it and I'd gladly post them. You want to be pissy and throw a tantrum at the stuffposters go for it. But don't get hostile towards me for telling off a guy who thinks he can play admin.

All of this. If I was truly raging, then I would've had a completely different if not unreasonable attitude. Although I can say that I could've worded myself better to HULK as opposed to saying "Go die in a fire",
I never really meant it seriously.
Oh and then how did you mean it you cunt?

Now I'm not gonna sit around and take rap like this. Yes, I understand HULK was only joking and I could've worded myself differently. But I'm not gonna tolerate stuffposters or critics. Not happening. I worked hard for this. So either you can appreciate of something that I had contributed to the community, or you stay out the way.
Lol who the hell do you think you are exactly? People can do whatever the forget they want within the preset rules, and hurting your feelings ins't one of them. Stop acting like you have control, because you don't.

Pretty much every time I see Kochie post it is a vulgar stab at another user. How he hasn't been banned for being a bitter starfish is beyond me.

Off Topic / Re: what times do you usually browse blockland forums at?
« on: February 10, 2016, 05:50:22 AM »
Usually during late night while I'm on the ambulance. I work night shift so during down time I get bored and browse.

Off Topic / Re: It's another test yourself topic
« on: February 07, 2016, 02:26:16 AM »
I answered "Are you most likely to go out on the weekend" with a yes and it upped my "Aggressive" bar. The hell?

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