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Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: March 07, 2018, 05:13:55 AM »
o hey i forgot i wanted to do this and that this thread existed

senior photo from 2015, im basically the same still

Go ahead, you might finish before I do I keep getting wound up in real life things then when I get on the pc I don't feel like making anything.

I know the feeling xD

Thanks m8 and just so u kno if you get finished before I do I don't mind scrapping what I got lol

I'll try my hand at this project unless Rally is still planning on doing this

Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: March 05, 2018, 11:06:52 AM »
hotline miami

Modification Help / Re: Adding image overlay/GUI to screen
« on: March 03, 2018, 03:55:59 PM »
getExtent returns a value. %this returns the periTestImage weaponImage you are packaging it inside.

You'd probably want to do echo(PlayGui.getExtent()); if you want to echo the extent data.
or you can do %extent = PlayGui.GetExtent(); if you want to keep the extent on a local variable
This worked, thanks.

Modification Help / Re: Adding image overlay/GUI to screen
« on: March 03, 2018, 02:49:48 PM »
Code: [Select]
function periTestImage::onMount(%this,%obj,%slot)

I suppose I could try a different method(getRes?), but originally I wanted to get the PlayGui extents on image mount then use that to resize the bitmap.

Modification Help / Re: Adding image overlay/GUI to screen
« on: March 03, 2018, 02:31:41 PM »
PlayGui::getExtent(%this) is the definition of the function. It requires an object %this to be called. Most of the time you are using an object's method you can just call it right on the object like this: playGui.getExtent();. The function that I normally use to get the resolution of the client's screen is getRes() though.
Hmm still getting an error. Tried to echo getExtent to console a couple different ways and I'm still having trouble. This is what it says now:
Code: [Select]
Add-Ons/Item_TeleTest/Item_TeleTest.cs (99): PlayGui::getExtent - wrong number of arguments.
Add-Ons/Item_TeleTest/Item_TeleTest.cs (99): usage: Get the width and height of the control.
BackTrace: ->[sportBallsPackage]ServerCmdUseTool->ServerCmdUseTool->ItemData::onUse->periTestImage::onMount

Modification Help / Re: Adding image overlay/GUI to screen
« on: March 03, 2018, 12:59:05 PM »
Well that really depends on what you're trying to do. You can add a bitmap control to any GUI in Blockland to make your image appear. The PlayGUI example was just assuming you wanted to have the image on your screen while in a server. It doesn't have to be like that, you could put the image in a menu that you open with a keybind.

Actually I got it to show up in-game :) Thanks. But now I would like it to resize itself according to other player's screen resolutions so it's not getting cut off for being too big or being too small an image for the screen coverage. I thought I could do this by using the getExtent method on PlayGui and then use the width and height return from that to resize the bitmap. But I'm having trouble figuring it out as it gives me an error saying "PlayGui::getExtent--wrong number of arguments" or some such. Any idea how I would fix this? I'm using this reference (GuiControl - Page 298):

Modification Help / Re: Adding image overlay/GUI to screen
« on: March 02, 2018, 10:44:36 PM »
More specifically, you'll want to create a GuiBitmapCtrl and use the setBitmap(image_path) method on it. From there you can add it to the PlayGUI (or whatever GUI you want) to have it appear in your game.

Ah ok setBitmap is what I was looking for then :) So I can still save the gui as any name I want or do I have to save it as the default PlayGUI for example?

Modification Help / Adding image overlay/GUI to screen
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:56:30 PM »
I'd like to have a .png image fill my entire screen after I trigger it within my addon. I've messed around with the mission editor(?) and looked at a few addons and could not find anywhere that explained how to do it exactly and simply.

Modification Help / Re: Activate different parts of a brick?
« on: March 01, 2018, 03:43:01 PM »
Are you trying to create event triggers, like onActivateTop or onActivateNorth, etc.?

Thanks for the help:) And about the events, possibly. At first I wanted it to do it automatically but now I think it might be better the other way

Modification Help / Re: Activate different parts of a brick?
« on: February 26, 2018, 03:13:46 AM »
also to finally give something on topic: one thing you need to consider is what do the events include? onActivateNorth/South/East/West/Top/Bottom? or onActivateFront/Back/Left/Right/Top/Bottom?

what about activating the ramp portion of a brick, or the wedge portion of a wedge? should it just pretend its like a cuboid brick and handle the activation as if the person clicked a normal cuboid brick from that angle?

Kinda sorta. Basically, I have a box with a lid, and I'd like the lid to open when clicked and the "body" of the box to to something else (lock/unlock for example) when clicked.

The only add-on I see where you can "activate" different parts of a single object is Barnabas' Interactive Vehicles, and that uses a sort of placement of "zone" objects/areas as far as I know.

Modification Help / Re: Activate different parts of a brick?
« on: February 25, 2018, 12:30:03 AM »
First time hearing this as well :\ but no worries m8s, I've never asked anyone to make me something ;) I like to be as independent as I can when I try to make addons from ideas I have, that's part of the satisfaction! But there is much I do not know so I ask when I can't find an example to modify and whatnot. Maybe someday I will be able to write code out of thin air...

Back on track: I appreciate all of your replies! Not a whole lot closer to figuring out how to make this work but I have taken the advice into consideration and will update if I get supa close. Thanks!

Modification Help / Re: Activate different parts of a brick?
« on: February 23, 2018, 10:55:09 PM »
Thanks for the help. And yea there's plenty of info about vectors and raycasts out there, which was what I was expecting to be working with. It's just lots of trial and error (for me) to figure out how to tell the add-on what to do with that information once I technically have received it.

For someone who doesn't do this every day it can be a task. I like learning about it tho, just frustrating when I have all these ideas and don't know how to execute them all the way thru lol.

I will update if I have a breakthrough :)

Modification Help / Activate different parts of a brick?
« on: February 23, 2018, 09:41:51 AM »
Not too sure where to post this but I think mod help is fine.

I was looking at the interactive vehicles and how you can open the doors and trunks of cars and was wondering if this can be done with a brick? That is, looking at one part of a brick and "activating" it and it changes states or something and then looking at a different part of the same brick and "activating" it and it does something else. Basically creating zones on a brick that are clickable and react to whatever you want them to do.

I did a few quick searches and couldn't find anything out there that was similar to my curiosity so I'm hoping more experienced mod-makers can shed some light.


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