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Messages - Trinick!

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Off Topic / Re: Is there some weird generator for those pixely avatars?
« on: January 05, 2013, 11:33:12 PM »
Woops, I had my chrome window really small so I could do other stuff

Why the forget would you even..

Use SSD's. They're twice as fast and use half as much energy.
Blockland doesn't use disk much, it's all about memory.

Off Topic / Re: Server Conversion Project: BSoD - Data Center
« on: January 05, 2013, 06:04:51 PM »
I hope you mean MySQL (more compatibility) or PostgreSQL, but yeah.
Apparently using MySQL for commercial purposes costs money, so I just said the first free SQL tool that came to mind.

Help / Re: I can no longer join any servers|Key problems
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:24:29 PM »
Are you running a VPN? This happens to me when I'm on my VPN, but otherwise it's fine. Do you authenticate with RTB fine? RTB utilizes Blockland authentication to authenticate you with their server, so if you can connect with them you should be able to connect to a server.

Modification Help / Re: Steering Auto Return turns itself off
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:17:37 PM »
There must be a way to get it
Build a time machine, go back in time, purchase TGE prior to them discontinuing it. I'd distribute it, but..

Off Topic / Re: Server Conversion Project: BSoD - Data Center
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:07:30 PM »
It has to be Windows of some sort. I program in ASP 4.
asp runs on linux

Drama / Re: 2nd petition to revoke Ephialtes' adminship
« on: January 05, 2013, 04:00:49 PM »
I forgot about that. Yola, you better not administrate your kid by taking criticism away from him!

Because the site is not available for mobile devices yet.

Off Topic / Re: Server Conversion Project: BSoD - Data Center
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:55:26 PM »
He's already said he gets it for free.
Even if you're getting it for free that's a terrible choice.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:53:17 PM »
LOL ok what is that
why is everyone dressed like complete dorks no offense or anything but look at the loving socks
I didn't notice the socks, but I did notice the dead birds in the guys hands and the blood spattered on the left side of his face.

Off Topic / Re: My flesh missile is activated.
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:52:29 PM »
i thinks thats enough blockland forums for one day
your avatar is incredibly appropriate

Off Topic / Re: Server Conversion Project: BSoD - Data Center
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:42:36 PM »
Or, you could cut that 30k cost to $0 by installing Ubuntu and SQLite. Seriously, why would you do that? Even if you're getting it for free that's a terrible choice. Also, Windows sucks absolute rooster at hosting servers. Seriously, 99% of webpages you visit daily are hosted off Linux.

Off Topic / Re: What to do with a brick
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:30:07 PM »

Aquire four of these to make

one of these

Off Topic / Re: Would this science experiment work?
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:14:01 PM »
It could, but it would be incredibly hard to get the two magnets' strength correct (you need two, preferably more on the sides- and then you couldn't see anything.) You could, alternatively take a strongly paramagnetic substance and put a ludicrously powerful magnet under it and the substance would float. Unfortunately, paramagnetism is incredibly weak so don't plan on finding uses for it. Also it could only float like an inch, and even then that would require something very light.
I never said it wouldn't be difficult. If you got two very strong magnets and placed them a few inches apart, each would generate a sphere of magnetic field and at the upper intersection of them it may be possible to place the ferrofluid to have it maintain position.

EDIT: On second thought the world is three dimensional and you may need a third magnet placed equidistant from the center of the other two, then at the location of the intersection of all 3 there should be a pocket where you can place the fluid.

Drama / Re: 2nd petition to revoke Ephialtes' adminship
« on: January 05, 2013, 03:06:13 PM »
Requoting because it was ignored.

Quote from: Ephialtes
Alright I'm done with this circus, I've entertained your collective bullstuff for long enough. You guys don't get to decide who moderates these forums.

The fact of the matter is I am the most active moderator on these forums by far, I've spent hours and hours of my time as a moderator cleaning up all kinds of messes on these forums. I don't think any of you have any idea how many pictures of dead people, mutilated animals, gore and all kinds of other stuff I've had to put up with while removing posts when one of you starfishs decides to go off the rails and Self Delete spam all over the place. I'm the one who sits here for hours deleting those posts until the guy posting them tires himself out or Badspot comes on to ban them. It's a thankless task and then I have to put up with threads like this.

There's only one guy who's opinion matters when it comes to my ability to moderate these forums, and it's none of you.

You guys literally have no idea how much this guy does for this forum. In comparison, deleting a few superfluous posts that are attacking his service is easily forgivable, but that's not even what he does. He deletes irrelevant posts, you guys only get upset about the irrelevant ones that he deletes that are attacking his service though. I've had posts deleted in his thread and I've never attacked his service once, he just goes and cleans up the chitchat so that the topic stays on topic. Sometimes that includes deleting posts that are a direct attack to his service because if he doesn't the topic will fly off into a tangent. He leaves negative reviews and comments, he's not purging his topic of all hate. Furthermore, even if he was some corrupt Blockland politician, he's the dictator's adviser and you guys don't get stuff to say about it.

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