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Messages - Davidosss2003

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Fine. I'm leaving Forums. HAPPY? YOU NOOBY TOPHAT, HAPPY?

User was banned for this post

Oh my god

Why do you keep coming back? He already gave you like 500 chances, and you failed to use them wisely. It's your fault.
It is my fault, but I really changed now. I feel that a spam of proofs I didn't change will come soon. I know it.
I'm trying to change, I'm seriously trying now, and seriously doing very good. I stopped saying that people hack when they are good, well, also calmed down a little.
I hope my character changed a bit.

Okay. This is the last thing i say Top. Think about it. Was it an accident? Yes. I said forget off as an accident because you killed me like a very good player. It was a bit of dumb ban, but not worth me. Please, it was an accident, not a real piece. Just please, i love the server and i would love to see it again, but i just said forget off and you banned me. Seriously think about it and unban me. I just see that you will say "You were banned a lot of times, everyone hates you here" and some other stuff. Seriously. Tophat, please unban me if you want but I know it was "Final Ban" But maybe the last, last last last last last last last last chance? Be a good person. I love as the server expands, especially the HUD released. Tophat be a very good person and unban the last time. You could just mute me forever, and that will change a lot. I might type muted but server wouldn't see it, but i would calm alot.
I really though about my stuff and i'm seriously sorry for saying forget off to you. You just killed me very good and it was an accident. Please think about it and unban if you want to.
Remember: if you unban me, MUTE me.
I still hope there's a chance for you to think, Tophat. I really like you :), but not when you ban :( . I just want to play on this server and have fun. Get it? Have Fun.
Not like I say something dumb and i already get banned. Please just do it once more, and i will be very greetful. Oh. What about you unban then ban me, but set the maximum non-perma time? That would be also something. Please do it the last, last time. Thank you for reading this (if you didn't skip the whole) and i hope it changes something. Thx.

You get -2 coins.
* Davidosss2003 inserts universe fabric for tests.

My post is good, don't like it? leave the forums
Seems like you hate me.

I knew this post will change nothing.

You get dyspepsia

I insert an abacus
You get your abacus out at light speed
* Davidosss2003 inserts

General Discussion / Re: Close-Quarters DM
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:34:27 AM »
Yes, but he still should of made the server BEFORE he made the topic.
It's only common logic.
Fine i just leave you alone, but don't bother him.

Needs IRC


General Discussion / Re: Close-Quarters DM
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:32:32 AM »
He made a topic before he even knows how to host a server.
You do it the other way around so you don't just get a topic of "when are you hosting?" posts.
He will soon host the server, "Patience is a virtue".

General Discussion / Re: Close-Quarters DM
« on: May 30, 2015, 08:29:07 AM »
reasonable and constructive criticism≠flaming
joe god dammit leave him alone he's starting the topic and the server!

I would be fine if there weren't any badmins on this server. The admins here just make me bossy or a bully, because you Pecon, you had to accept Tophat's Application, right? Maybe you specially accepted it because he's your friend? I think Top needs a damn unadmin, because he's such a boss, more than other admins that atleast ban normally.But no, Tophat needs to perma ban for fun right? He just permabanned me some time ago just for being a 11 old. Is that fair? I might had been a dumbass for those 2 years, but I'm trying to change, but I can't.
People like him just don't deserve admin on any servers. I guess Top's quote's gonna be:
You've been banned for quite a lot and you deserve this ban. Do not ever come back here or argue. Everyone wants you out because you can't change.
And that is wrong. I know everyone wants me out because I was bossy, and they still remind me of the first post I've ever made. I remember the fun on this server, but just some bossy bully stopped it. If i would even make a question
"If someone agrees this, "/support" then." No one would agree. I just think you seriously deserve a unadmin, because a real guy who ruins fun. I seriously loved this server, but okay. If you don't want me, tell me then. I hope this post changes something, but hopefully nothing.

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Scientific!
« on: May 10, 2015, 05:39:45 AM »
It would be useful if there was a ban counter on certain players to notify other admins, because I didn't really know other than doing what I thought was the fourth/fifth ban. Turns out the logs say he's been banned, oh, maybe 12 times by 5-6 different admins. That's that I suppose.
Tophat, that's the last time I'm saying it. I didn't do that. Also, I might told ya you cheat but that was a joke! I seriously got perma banned for saying a damn joke. You say people don't need me here? You can just perma mute me
Oh, I think you don't deserve admin.

Drama / Re: The Adventurer's Boss Battles Late Beta
« on: May 09, 2015, 09:37:52 AM »
You're worst than me, just leave BLF and you're fine. People here are dumbasses and have autism

General Discussion / Re: Boss Battles - Scientific!
« on: May 09, 2015, 09:35:28 AM »
You told me to forget off.
I don't even.

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