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Messages - Axo-Tak

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Drama / Re: Hey guys I got something to show you
« on: September 04, 2015, 01:06:01 AM »
P.S. this is info for hacking mac blockland.

forget this community and everyone in it. You have all pushed my buttons.


User was banned for this post

Drama / Hey guys I got something to show you
« on: September 04, 2015, 12:58:54 AM »
You need an up-to-date GNU binutils set. Get this through Homebrew.

Download the GitHub repo scen/osxinj. This is vital as it contains items for inserting dynamic libraries into the Blockland executable, and a template for creating a custom dynamic library. The template is "testdylib".

You have FULL C++14 SUPPORT. You can use reinterpret_cast on memory locations of function calls. Here is an example:
Code: [Select]
#include <cstdio>

using executeFn = const char*(*)(int argc , const char* argv[]);
static executeFn execute;

void install(void) __attribute__ ((constructor));

void install()
    execute = reinterpret_cast<executeFn>(0xDEADBEEF); //set this to the function address
    //do stuff, don't need to return anything

I have no idea how to do a function jump.

Okay to strip the addresses you do this on the terminal
Code: [Select]
$ gnm -C ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Blockland/
if you're using Steam blockland.

That is how you do dynamic library insertion on OS X. Windows is a whole different story and it is more complex as the function names are not in the binary.

You can use MachOView to view the assembly.

You can not set a value outside of function execution. It has to be set inside a function that is called!

Anyways that's all I got to show you. I can't think of anymore things.

Off Topic / Re: CTRL+V Game v5
« on: April 26, 2015, 03:32:28 PM »
2014-11-20 20-03.sunvox
2014-11-28 22-20.sunvox
2014-12-02 06-29.sunvox
2014-12-03 09-47.sunvox
2014-12-05 14-13.sunvox
2014-12-06 01-17.sunvox
2014-12-06 18-37.sunvox
2014-12-06 18-52 2.sunvox
2014-12-06 18-52 3.sunvox
2014-12-06 18-52.sunvox
2014-12-07 02-23.sunvox
2014-12-10 20-33.sunvox
2014-12-10 21-41.sunvox
2014-12-14 18-19.sunvox
2015-01-16 20-32.sunvox
2015-01-31 16-21.sunvox
2015-02-11 17-31.sunvox
2015-02-17 02-11.sunvox
2015-02-17 04-27.sunvox
2015-02-17 05-21.sunvox
2015-02-17 17-07.sunvox
2015-02-18 16-40.sunvox
2015-03-05 22-45.sunvox
2015-03-06 14-36.sunvox
2015-03-09 14-19.sunvox
2015-03-10 16-49.sunvox
2015-03-10 23-30.sunvox
2015-03-11 23-32 2.sunvox
2015-03-11 23-32.sunvox
2015-03-15 03-23.sunvox
2015-03-15 03-50.sunvox
2015-03-15 15-25.sunvox
2015-03-15 19-58.sunvox
2015-03-16 22-56.sunvox
Cyan Journey - Moth's Theme 2.sunvox
Cyan Journey - Moth's Theme.sunvox
Cyan Journey - Prelude.sunvox
Cyan Journey - Second Chances.sunvox
Cyan Journey - Trapped.sunvox
GBA fx.sunsynth
power square.sunsynth
go figure

Off Topic / Re: Windows vs. Mac OS X Megathread
« on: February 06, 2015, 06:36:21 AM »

Apple products are known to last longer. My IMac ran fine for 4 years without anything more than internal-dusting and keeping the hard disk clear. It would have gone on for much longer if it weren't for me leaving it in direct sunlight in summer and having a connection fry. Much longer. I still boot it up every once in a while to recover old files.
My MacBook Air's hard disk died after a year or two of being shut off and a total 8 years of life time. (planned obsolescence?)

My Mac Mini toaster is still going strong though :)

Off Topic / Re: Windows vs. Mac OS X Megathread
« on: February 03, 2015, 12:11:45 AM »
I don't need to run windows programs. I utilize the Unix-based core of Mac OS X. This is very useful because I don't have to install Cygwin or MinGW in order to load useful tools like GNU Binutils. Sure the dev packages are very outdated but you can install up-to-date ones.

The only reason I even got the mac was out of my immature stupidity, though. My next computer will probably be a Windows/Linux one.

I recommend you only buy a mac if you really really know what you are doing.

The checkpoint brick has a nice example.
Checkpoint brick doesn't work with BrickGroup_888888 (I don't think so...?)

Take a look at the default door bricks as they add events when loaded, planted, or created by other methods.

They add by directly modifying the variables.
Code: [Select]
        function fxDTSBrick::onPlant( %obj )
                %data = %obj.getDataBlock();

                //apply events
                if( %data.isDoor && !%data.skipDoorEvents )
                        %obj.eventDelay0 = 0;
                        %obj.eventEnabled0 = 1;
                        %obj.eventInput0 = "onActivate";
                        %obj.eventInputIdx0 = inputEvent_GetInputEventIdx( "onActivate" );
                        %obj.eventOutput0 = "door";
                        %obj.eventOutputAppendClient0 = 1;
                        %obj.eventOutputIdx0 = outputEvent_GetOutputEventIdx( "fxDTSBrick","door" );//37;
                        %obj.eventOutputParameter0_1 = 0;
                        %obj.eventTarget0 = "Self";
                        %obj.eventTargetIdx0 = 0;
                        %obj.numEvents = 1;

I've made a trust bypass before, which you can do: SetMutualBrickGroupTrust(bl_id,targetbl_id,trustlevel);
ex: SetMutualBrickGroupTrust(20490,888888,2); (Full trust)
No I mean like directly adding events to a brick from script.

Now that the AIConnection class is deprecated, I don't know how to add events to a brick. Using ScriptObjects as clients results in "unknown command getBLID()" errors, and I can't override that function.

Off Topic / Re: Should people host REAL servers?
« on: December 06, 2014, 07:02:05 PM »
I think I should start working on PhailSurvival again.

Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here
« on: November 15, 2014, 09:15:03 PM »


Off Topic / Re: Think of an object before entering this thread
« on: November 15, 2014, 09:13:08 PM »
My fursona.


Off Topic / Re: Furry Megathread - Furry Things Here
« on: November 14, 2014, 11:17:29 AM »

Off Topic / Re: 16 Personalities Thread!
« on: November 12, 2014, 07:06:44 PM »
INFP turbulent.

You should research about your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and other types if you want to get a true picture. The test can be inaccurate at times.

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