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Messages - Dr.mario

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7
Clan Discussion / Re: {R} Ragnarok
« on: August 07, 2010, 03:28:49 PM »
Huzzah, my ID is 5245

Off Topic / Re: Make your own sentence
« on: May 27, 2010, 03:15:09 PM »
I ran naked with a research star because I'm lovey. :O
2/9 Black

Games / Re: Fallout 3: Vault 106
« on: May 24, 2010, 08:45:59 PM »
Vault 108 was freaky, I'm walking down this dark hallway and all I hear is Gaaarrryyyy but on the bright side they are easy to kill.

Gallery / Re: Capiagn:Dead Silence *Sneak Peak*
« on: May 17, 2010, 03:03:41 PM »
It's a fancy word for campaign

Gallery / Campaign:Dead Silence *Sneak Peak*
« on: May 16, 2010, 10:46:51 PM »
Another addition to the scrapyard of zombie builds, sorry for drowning you out MrMulch, anyway heres a background story as you take on the role of either security, civilians inside the labs, or the task force sent in to extract them.
Its been a week since we heard from the Base 382 so HQ dispatched my team and Bravo squad to check things out.  We landed at the north entrance and the place was silent, radio silence with Bravo was dead, we took the lift down and was greeted by the sight of nothing, the power was out, the only light was the red glow of the emergency lights.  We scanned the security footage, and this is what we found.  Security officer:"Close those doors now!", *gun shots*Guard:"No! NOOOOOOO!".  That was it for the guards, before the screen cut to static we saw multiple shadows.  Well we were here to save whoever is left, lets go find them...

Anyway it takes place in an underground facility located in the middle of a forest.  In this campaign you can be the remaining security guards, civilians or the task force sent in.  Alpha squad would be sent in through the north entrance and Bravo squad would proceed through the south entrance.  The civilians would use radios to communicate with each

Security centers: These can be used  for checking security cams, there will be security checkpoints in each entrance to a floor or another section, they can be used to unlock doors and can contain guns.
Radios: Use these to communicate with each other, security checkpoints will have radios so you can talk with the guards in that area or even the task force who have tapped into them.
Civilian Role: If you find yourself in this role you and other survivors will have to scavenge for guns and other survivors.
Guard Role:You and the other remaining guards will either try to help the civilians or escape for themselves,
Task Force Role:These 8 members will attempt to save everyone and hopefully make it out alive.

Anyway its what you choose to do, you can be a lone wolf and just try to save yourself and your actions can get others killed, or you can work together as a team and make it out alive.

Well its (un)official Mike Brown is so close to leaving  the Cleveland Cavaliers which I could really care less because he isn't a great coach.  There are rumors that Lebron is moving so Cleveland is gonna have no good sports teams or decent ones I should say.  The Cleveland fans are so worried that Lebron will leave that they even made a song in hoping he would stay.
I mean honestly I don't know why Lebron didn't leave earlier because he could make even more money but his home is Cleveland.  I mean why would he be going to Nicks/Nets because they aren't really good.
Mike Brown ESPN Topic:
I mean Mike Brown had a great season with the Cavs but when it came down to the finals he could not win.  There is an evaluation process for a new coach but there is a very good chance Mike Brown will be leaving the Cavs.  If you don't like the Cavs that's fine with me I know everyone on the forums is not a Cavs fan.

Including that will NEVER get you anywhere here buddy.
I was joking..

Drama / Re: Darkwarrior
« on: May 13, 2010, 06:24:11 PM »
Wait Im confused..who the hell is Smith and why do I owe him money...Am I being stalked?

Drama / Re: Darkwarrior
« on: May 13, 2010, 06:18:42 PM »
Wait wha? How am I a clan rival...

I dislike spawn killers strongly
Noaw l3t m3 ln u n00bz b4 l pown u

Gallery / Re: Resident Evil 3(More stuff added)
« on: May 06, 2010, 08:57:16 PM »
What events do I need for the door to work?The only event it has is
you need SetPlayerTransform, for the warehouse door you need VCEVariables so the key works the rest of the events are default or came with JVS

Gallery / Re: Resident Evil 3(More stuff added)
« on: May 05, 2010, 09:59:01 PM »
Alright, but right now I might be like 1.5 percent done and im expecting a high brick count I could really care less if the wall isn't good enough for you when you won't even enter the undetailed walls they are just boundaries. I mean cmon this the Resident Evil 3 campaign 90 percent of the buildings you can't even enter

Gallery / Re: Resident Evil 3(More stuff added)
« on: May 05, 2010, 04:29:23 PM »
I will be hosting a server at 5pm Eastern Time

Gallery / Re: This is a build for a clan called the BLU Clan
« on: May 01, 2010, 07:13:51 PM »
Use an image hosting site like tiny pics
Tiny Pics Link:

Gallery / Re: Aplems Zombie Campaign [Update]
« on: May 01, 2010, 12:43:19 PM »
I see a lot of fire emitters, possible emitter lag but other then that looks good

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