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Messages - doomgiver

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How close are you to re implementing the lights/Emitters effects?
I know its messed up right now but I looked into the sound files for Render and the sounds for that are still there.
I like the lights going out sound, sudden, easy jump scare if players cling to lights.
This mod so far is my favorite Blockland mod.

An Idea popped into my head last night while I was in my RenderLabs save.
Spawn rate and Agro events.
Can only be placed by super admins and hosts.
Allows for builds like Slender.(I assumed because of all the references that is the game you are basing off of.)
When a player triggers something in a map or whatever the maps devious intentions kick in. The event can change the difficulty by amping spawn rate or making him meaner when he spawns.

These events would make maps more dynamic. Activate a relic or break down a wall, and he becomes much harder to deal with.

Ok, I found a bug that is really easy to avoid, but annoying.

When a Renderman is killed in any way, (Event,glitch,special weapon designed to insta kill anything) the bot still is registered as there, but he dies and can no longer harm you.
This may not be a big problem, but I also noticed that there is a MAX renderman count, and if these "Alive" Rendermen are still being registered, and preventing others from spawning.
If you can, if the renderman bot dies, it despawns the renderman so more can spawn.
Also, can make another type of Item, A lives type item. (I know this could be abused, unless you use a script that makes the Item take forever to spawn.
If a rendermans attack would kill you, this Item will be used to make the Render Despawn and save your life, however, not without the cost of about 25 health. Hey, nothings free.
I also noticed certain rendermen dont despawn till you yourself Die...was this intentional, if so, these types shouldn't be allowed to freeze you.(Thats OP and makes it to where you HAVE to die...Sorta defeats the survival aspect.)

I like where this mod is going so far, it makes some of my old Horror builds even harder... and I recorded my brother being jump scared to death.

Ok, what changed on my end was that the renderman that come up to you and laugh now disappear, as for the ones that just stand there and stare at you. They dont leave and seem to stare at one spot even though you have moved.

Also, I noticed that the detector bricks detect from around the player and not themselves. There was a Renderman standing on a detector on one side of the room and it was blinking half speed, but the one on my side of the room that I was standing on was going haywire, I dont know if this was intentional for it to detect in relative area to the player, but it defeats the purpose of the brick if you place it across a city and it goes nuts when a render is behind you were your at.

EDIT: I also have an Idea for the detector. OnDetection Event, players can get as creative as they want with it.

Im having the same problem with the renderman not despawning.

And that bug seems to have affected the detectors. When the glitched Rendermen are removed, the detectors still go haywire.

Modification Help / Re: Chrisbot6's Renderman Mod - v3 Prototype (UPDATED)
« on: February 27, 2013, 02:31:48 PM »
Ok after playing for a while I noticed something peculiar.
I was standing on a 16x16x8 house when render froze me, I was building so I stood still and waited for him to leave. However he never left and stayed there until I Self Deleted. I dont know if this is a bug or was intentional.

More Ideas.
A Renderman Detector Dish. Its a stationary Renderman detector brick that does the same things as the normal handheld, but with a much larger detection range.
A Glitch Emitter brick. For map makers who want a haunted building, or this could be an even that toggles if a brick is glitched.
Renderman should leave false trails. By leaving his essence on a brick, it will emit glitch energy and throw off anyone carrying a detector nearby. Good for paranoid people. (Evil)
A Glitch remover. Self explanatory, of a brick is glitched, this fixes it.
A Renderman Prediction Device. Predicts when render will appear next. (May or may not be accurate when there are many glitched bricks nearby.)

Ok onto the actual render suggestions.
Taunting. This can happen many many ways.
-He appears and just stares at you, like in older versions of the mod. But will disappear if approached or stared at directly.
-Noise taunt. He will make the same laughing noise he does when he stares at you to kill. This would make the more paranoid people freak out beyond belief.
-Charge and gone. Like in V3 beta 1, he will do the rapid teleport at you but once he is close he will disappear. No harm to the player, but he tends to appear directly in the player line of sight and he isn't phased by objects.
-No escaping. I see this too often. Players hop in a vehicle (Normally helicopter) and run away. Being the new render script requires you to look at him long enough for you to die, this make it easy for players to run away. Simple fix. If you are in a vehicle and he decides to attack someone he will attack you, by destroying the vehicle he is looking at.(I think he should destroy vehicles he sees anyway, just for a slap in the face effect if people are trying to escape as he arrives.)

I know thats alot of requests, and I have many more, but those can wait till the mod further developes.

Looking forward to the future of Renderman.

Add-Ons / Re: Smoke Signal Grenade
« on: February 27, 2013, 02:12:14 PM »
You should add the Primary and Secondary colors as different grenades...
Military jets will have trouble determining which smoke beacon is for pickup and rescue or bombard till nothing remains.

Plus for Team deathmatch servers.

Modification Help / Re: Chrisbot6's Renderman Mod - v3 Prototype (UPDATED)
« on: February 25, 2013, 05:17:47 PM »
You could make him randomly toggle any toggleable objects nearby (Doors,skulls, etc)

A skull that starts chattering his teech would be a sight he it close. Or a door that starts flailing...

You should also add a CI to the player death... too many people claim to have died by him and im unconvinced. The "taken" sound sometimes won't play when there are alot of other noises so a CI icon would confirm a kill.

Modification Help / Re: Jake's Medieval Weaponry [Stream]
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:59:51 AM »
I may not usually use Medieval addons... but these are EPIC!
How many potions will there be? And will they all have a throw-able version... For teammate support?

Add-Ons / Re: BF3 Pack (RTB)
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:54:49 AM »
Idk if its just me... but when I hit the light key to reload, my light flicks on and the gun ignores the command... but this is happening with all my ammo script using guns.

I think is the beta V21 doing this because I have used the same addon configuration before the update with no problems what so ever.

Help / Re: Duplicator/JVS problem
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:49:17 AM »
I not only have the problems stated above... but none of my ammo using guns reload when I hit the light key. This is a big problem for guns like the BF3 Guns.

But I think this is just because V21 is in beta stages currently. so I will wait till the full release before posting all my add-on problems.

Add-Ons / Re: NARG: Tournament sign-up begins!
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:46:19 AM »
If you aren't finished with Sky Eye, Maybe you can make it detect Bots vehicles on a server. This would be useful for custom campaign maps using bots.
And if you worked with Amade you could make an event for bot events that makes a specific bot not come up on radar... like radar to a stealth bomber.

Add-Ons / Re: LSD Shader
« on: August 17, 2012, 04:15:57 AM »
If you made a version where this effect were a little less intense... It would look like heat waves in a desert.

Modification Help / Re: Square Soldiers Mod
« on: August 16, 2012, 02:25:21 PM »
You should make a Civilian to match these guys.
Just to fit the theme. I mean using standard bots that flail their arms while running away is fine but I think matching civilians running away like they did in Red Alert 2 would be more fitting.

Also, are these guys gonna be recolorable. If so, is it every piece at once or each piece is recolorable.
Having the helmet, vest, pants, and boots colorable would be good for Team Death Matches with bots or players.

Modification Help / Re: Attempt at modelling - More models!
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:54:35 PM »
I like the rifle, assault rifle... whatever it will end up being.

Can't wait to see the finished product.

Keep it up.

Help / Re: Nvidia GeForce Graphics card not loading shaders.
« on: August 12, 2012, 05:00:42 AM »
I am Unsure... And I doubt this computer will let me check either... this is the most picky system I have ever owned.... I might just get a Mac if it keeps this up.

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