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Messages - Eryk

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Drama / Re: Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:32:11 AM »
OP is so fake that it's sad. I can easily write up a bullstuff story just like that.
welp, i can't make you believe anything i say. you're free to believe what you want.

Drama / Re: Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:26:48 AM »
I somehow doubt your family members were so quick to tell you about being abused your whole life. That is normally something family never reveals, or reveals when you are at a proper age. Not 10 years old.

Also, 3 years olds have not developed the motor skills able to operate computer systems as you claimed.
i could open up programs and play games (i barely knew how), such as sims 2, i also learned how to type, but the only thing i could spell correctly was "hi".

Drama / Re: Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:24:34 AM »
So you say that we make everything 50x worse.
Now you are wanting to be a richard because whatever you have done was your fault and you blame it on us?

I hope you get banned.

it wasn't my fault, it was my family member's fault.

Drama / Re: Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:20:24 AM »
I honestly don't believe a majority of what you say due to the ages you provided. It might just be me, but I can't remember stuff about when I was 1-5 years old. The fact that you claim you remember all these apparent gruesome details when you were 1 and 2 doesn't make sense.
Actually, I have a good reason for that.
1-5 were mostly provided by my family members.

Drama / Re: Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:18:28 AM »
You're a friend. We're not an emotional support forum, do not come here looking to be held to a special standard because your past is rough.
Is that what I came for, no?

I came here to have a good time trolling you bastards.

forget you all.

Drama / Re: Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:16:11 AM »
For what?
To tell you all that you've done nothing but make me 5ox worse.

Drama / Re: Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:13:32 AM »
I don't understand why you are explaining your life.

Uh, isn't saying "I will leave blockland" (something along with that) bannable?

I'm explaining it to make a point.

Drama / Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:10:54 AM »
Jesus Christ, let me explain my whole life story.

Before I start, let me tell you this: This game has caused me so much game in the past I can't even describe it amazingly.

It all started, when I was 1. My dad died of cancer in 2004. I was left alone with my grandparents for 5 months because my mom suffered of a mental disease. There, at my grandparents house, I was treated REALLY poorly and I was barely provided with enough stuff to cover myself. When I was two, I was living with my mom who had just recovered from that same disease. She treated me very poorly, I was abused frequently. When I was three, I was introduced to the world of computers. I played around with DOS operating systems, and as well Windows XP. When I was 4, I went to preschool and had a good time there. I had troubles with my motor skills, and I picked on kids often though. When I was five, my brother introduced me to a game called "Blockland", I fell in love with it, and played for a while. I was frequently called names like "friend", and "Dumbstuff", but I didn't know what that meant. When I was 6, I took Blockland a little more seriously, and asked my mom for my own key. She said no, but I later got one. When I was 7, I was diagnosed with 8 mental disorders, Bi-Polar, ADD, ADHD, Apserger's Syndrome, ODD, OCD, and some more I can't remember. When I was 8, I finally got a Blockland key, and here's where the torture begins, I was frequently tormented, people tracked my mom's phone number and credit card, and trolled me commonly. I then took a long break from the game, and that didn't loving stop it. People called my home phone, and tracked my e-mail and signed me up for research and stuff like that. When I was 9, I matured a little, and got used to people calling me bad names. Well, not all the way. I had 3 Self Delete attempts that year, and I was sent to a mental hospital after my 3rd one. And since I am ten now, you all know me as Keith, or HedRokkA, I have been tormented numerous times due me having autism and what-not. I do realize that I can't change, and I might never, but I tell you, as I am writing this, I am in a group home right now.

I want to say thank-you to Johnny Blockhead and others for actually being my friend, and not loving making me want to kill myself more.

It's been a long journey, my life has. And you friends made it worse.

Goodbye, all. I will remember this place as my worst nightmare.

User was banned for this post

Drama / Re: Eryk - stuffposting, spamming threads
« on: February 10, 2014, 12:21:11 AM »
oops, i thought this was the edit button.

sorry for the double post.

Drama / Re: Eryk - stuffposting, spamming threads
« on: February 10, 2014, 12:20:29 AM »
okay, sorry. i was depressed at that time. i needed something to cheer me up. and while that may have been considered stuff posting, i'm really SORRY.

i was having a bad day, due to the fact that my brother had to go back to the us. that left me in very bad debt, my brother helped me make the house income (we live together).

Drama / Re: Eryk - stuffposting, spamming threads
« on: February 10, 2014, 12:19:16 AM »
ok, sorry. i was depressed at that time. i needed something to cheer me up. and while that may have been considered stuffposting, i'm really SORRY.

i was having a bad day, due to the fact that my brother had to go back to the us. that left me in very bad debt, my brother helped me make the house income (we live together).

Off Topic / Re: weird things about you
« on: February 09, 2014, 11:16:52 PM »
  • Storms give me potent rushes of adrenaline, and I just want to be outside.
then you'd love it here in denmark. :)

Off Topic / Re: OH MY GOSH (don't read if you love animals)
« on: February 09, 2014, 10:28:23 PM »
And this happened in Denmark. :(

Off Topic / Re: Video Game Name Generator: The Thread
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:30:05 PM »
Adventures of the Yoga Deathmatch
Dirty Chipmunk X-treme
Stylish Shotgun Task Force
Hillbilly Zamboni Apocalypse
Super lovey Handgun Dash
Hideous Leisure Suit Collection
Obsessive-Compulsive Rainbow XXX
Mexican Landmine Over Normandy
Day of the Battle Bastards

Off Topic / Re: I might try mining crypto-currency.
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:00:59 PM »
Try mining HoboNickels, NovaCoins, and WorldCoins. I used to make a couple dollars a week doing each of those at a random time.

Also, the only crypto you should mine is WorldCoin. The prices are raising for it, and once it gets really high, you should sell them for Bitcoin and then trade that in for real emone.

As well, you can buy worldcoins for like 59 cents now I think each.

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