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Messages - Straton.

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Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 10, 2012, 04:50:37 PM »
Oh, by the way, do I need any other extra items like cords for the PC?

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 10, 2012, 04:03:50 PM »
Yea thanks, I'm going to go ahead and purchase the parts. Reddit didn't really help in the end so thanks guys!

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 10, 2012, 03:53:21 PM »
How big are you wanting it?

500 at most my only fear is that Hard Drives don't seem too reliable when ordered online. And what would you recommend for a different case?

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 10, 2012, 03:34:37 PM »
Actually I'd rather not buy a hard drive locally, any recommendations?

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 09, 2012, 05:40:28 PM »
Or perhaps it's just the colour settings that differ from different OSes?

And Straton, that build you had before was great, why did you give it up?
The PSU you have now is poop, CPU is complete overkill for a Minecraft server, you don't have a video card nevermind you have onboard, and the RAM is a tad overkill (doesn't hurt to have more but you can have too much.)

Reddit happened...
The reason for all of the ram is they suggested I run ramdisk which would ultimately run it faster.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 08, 2012, 05:42:16 PM »

You don't need a 500GB HDD for Minecraft, plus a SSD would give better performance as well.

Everyone keeps flip flopping on that, It doesn't improve performance anymore but something like RamDisk does and thats why I have 16GBs of RAM.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 08, 2012, 05:20:56 PM »
Fixed my Dedicated Minecraft server build, please inform me of anything I should change or fix before I go ahead and purchase these parts:

Part list permalink / Part price breakdown by merchant

CPU:  AMD FX-6100 3.3GHz 6-Core Processor  ($139.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard:  MSI 760GM-E51 (FX) Micro ATX  AM3+ Motherboard
Memory:  Corsair Vengeance 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory  ($94.99 @ Newegg)
Hard Drive:  Western Digital Caviar Blue 500GB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  ($82.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case:  Rosewill R102-P-BK MicroATX Mid Tower Case  ($34.98 @ Newegg)
Power Supply:  Antec 400W ATX12V / EPS12V Power Supply  ($46.98 @ Newegg)
Optical Drive:  LG GH22NS90B DVD/CD Writer  ($15.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $415.92
(Prices include shipping and discounts when available.)
(Generated 2012-02-08 17:20 EST-0500)

I'm planning on using Mine OS CRUX which although it seems complicated, I hope I can learn how to use it.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 08, 2012, 11:47:08 AM »
So after visiting build a PC on reddit this is what came out of the build I previously posted:

I still think the CPU is overpowered. If this build checks out I'm ready to purchase it.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:52:25 PM »
Thank you very much KoopaScoopa, you've been a big help to what could of been a disaster. Updating original parts post momentarily and then I'm going to show it to Buildapc over on reddit for a final review.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:38:27 PM »
Alright I've removed the SSD (it is redundant as I'm not going to be directly using the computer) as well as the HDD and now I'm looking for a good HDD.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 05, 2012, 10:30:41 PM »
You're going to need a video card to operate it. FM1 sockets are really strange, and let the processor have video controlling capabilities. The processor you have chosen does not have video capabilities despite being a socket FM1, so you will need to have a video card to set it up unless you get this one. It adds about $30 to the cost, but lets you not have to buy a video card. Second, since you're only hosting  Minecraft, the HDD won't bottleneck stuff. It would make more sense to have the OS on the SSD, but this is just me being me. Third, the HDD you've selected isn't very high quality. It may die before or after 3 months or more of operation.
Other than that you could turn this into a gaming computer when you're done with it by purchasing a high-end video card and a new power supply.

How could I go about determining the quality of a hard drive; the branding?

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:56:48 PM »
So I've chosen parts for a dedicated Minecraft server build, and I was wondering if they check out right especially considering that this is my first build. I'm planning on running ubuntu on it because of its speed - and it's free. My download speed is 30MB when directly connected to the router and Upload speed is 5mb. Can I host a Minecraft server suggested that with 8GB of Ram and my current upload/download speeds that I can have up to 15 players on my server. I don't think I'd have more players than that (It's - friends only)

Here are the parts I've selected:


EDIT: Fixed CPU not being compatible with Mobo and RAM was overkill so I toned it down.
EDIT #2: Took KoopaScooper's Advice and changed the processor:
You're going to need a video card to operate it. FM1 sockets are really strange, and let the processor have video controlling capabilities. The processor you have chosen does not have video capabilities despite being a socket FM1, so you will need to have a video card to set it up unless you get this one. It adds about $30 to the cost, but lets you not have to buy a video card. Second, since you're only hosting  Minecraft, the HDD won't bottleneck stuff. It would make more sense to have the OS on the SSD, but this is just me being me. Third, the HDD you've selected isn't very high quality. It may die before or after 3 months or more of operation.
Other than that you could turn this into a gaming computer when you're done with it by purchasing a high-end video card and a new power supply.
EDIT #3: More advice from KoopaScoopa (give him a cookie, I mean really) as well as removing the SSD and HDD while adding in a recommended HDD. Sending to reddit for review.

Your opinions and advice would be have been extremely helpful to me, because really:

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: January 03, 2012, 04:00:30 PM »
Thank you Ethan, you are doing this forum a public service.

Off Topic / Re: The Computer Megathread
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:53:35 PM »
Most monitors nowadays are good.
Just keep to the good brands for whatever size you want. Some great ones are Asus, Acer, Dell, ViewSonic, AOC. Off the top of my head.
Others are great as well.

Could I make the assumption that even though your part choices add up to $300, $400, $500, etc. that you would still need around $100 for an operating system as well as an additional $50 for a decent keyboard, mouse, and possible another $150-$200 for a decent monitor? As well as other accessories or what ever floats a person's boat, the total actually has a $300 in miscellaneous costs meaning that a $600 build would turn out to be around $900 if not $1000?

The only reason it can reach so high is if someone had no previous PC products to begin with; am I correct?

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