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Messages - naturemon

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Games / Re: Overwatch (Patch 1.6) - Winter Wonderland
« on: January 02, 2017, 04:33:42 AM »
ya but use it to farm that juicy group exp

Custom games don't give any exp.

Games / Re: Overwatch (Patch 1.6) - Winter Wonderland
« on: December 28, 2016, 04:26:11 AM »
also why do people like to fight over tf2 and overwatch

they're not even that similar other than the fact that they're objective based (and cartoonish) shooters, why would you compare the two games

Closer than you make it seem. TF2 is the closest thing to Overwatch (or was? Not sure where Paladins stands) due to the mechanics of the game as well.

The game types, arena mechanics, fps, cartoonish, and team based gameplay is something very unique and could only truly be found in TF2.

Games / Re: Overwatch (Patch 1.6) - Winter Wonderland
« on: December 26, 2016, 08:41:33 AM »

Hi DPS main here.

Games / Re: Overwatch (Patch 1.6) - Winter Wonderland
« on: December 23, 2016, 08:56:00 AM »
any other tips? like choosing a class or listening to other people and etc?

Listen to what people call out and act accordingly. If someone is 'leading' the team and your team's following, even if the idea is dumb, follow it. As a dumb plan is better than no plan, but should it not work voice your own opinion between pushes. Know how to play at least 2/3 roles (dps, tank, support) and preferably at least 2 heroes from each of the categories you know how to play. The more characters you can play competently the better your odds at winning. Don't insult your teammates and try to avoid passive aggressiveness should you get upset with your team. A team has a much higher chance of winning the higher the morale so it's best to keep personal opinions of the players on your team to yourself.

For climbing I only have one thing beyond the obvious: When you lose try to think of anything you could have possibly done different to sway the match in your favor and look out for those moments in the future. There were times where after losing I realized we could've possibly done a lot better had I switched heroes, and that's not to say I was doing bad on that hero as I was actually doing more than my fair share, but I could've possibly done even more as another hero.

Games / Re: Overwatch (Patch 1.5) - Oasis map on PTR
« on: December 04, 2016, 10:04:14 AM »
I'm at 3746. Being this high has it's drawbacks though as in I can't really play with most of my friends.

Games / Re: Overwatch - Sombra and arcade mode on PTR
« on: November 09, 2016, 05:59:01 PM »
Only played a few games of 3v3 and my first game (2nd round) as Sombra I managed to save the round in a 2v1 with 40hp.

We had no healers (gave up due to our teammates not caring anyways) so decided to try out Sombra since all I did was practice range with her to test her kit.

Got shot by Ana twice before this POTG:

Gotta say the reactions were pretty funny.

Games / Re: Overwatch - SOMBRA
« on: November 05, 2016, 05:45:28 PM »
I keep seeing stories of people who go on like a 6 win streak in comp and jump 1200 points or something

here I am winning 2 at best and then getting stomped :(

I'd say 6 is like 140-160~ area and if you're solo queuing it's near impossible to carry like that without luck unless you play DPS/Zarya basically at a very high level.

Games / Re: Overwatch - Halloween event LIVE!
« on: October 27, 2016, 08:17:00 PM »
So how do I counter a team full of soldier 76's and one mercy?

Literally anything with high burst lol. Roadhog/Hanzo can easily 1 shot them and with no shield to hide behind it's basically free pickings.

Games / Re: Overwatch - Halloween event LIVE!
« on: October 21, 2016, 02:43:04 PM »
i hate the report system in overwatch
i had an absolute great time, i was on a 5 winstreak. then one game i went kinda bad, and got flamed. one of our teammates started trolling as Mei. i just blocked and reported and moved on with the loss

the next 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! loving games, i had the troll in my team. im so upset with this stuff, i lost SO much elo because of this loving stuffter
jesus h christ blizzard fix this

They added a greifing/inactivity report option to PTR so they may end up adding that in.

Games / Re: Overwatch - Season 2 and Eichenwalde now available
« on: September 12, 2016, 05:09:19 PM »
This is technically true due to the size of the shield, but spread is only half the equation. Each individual pellet also does less damage as distance increases, starting at 3 damage at up to 10 meters, falling off to 0.5 damage at 30 meters.

At >30 meters, a shot from D. Va, if all pellets hit, does a whopping 4 damage.

The best heroes to break shields are imo Bastion or Junkrat. Or just grab a flanker (such as D. Va) and get behind the shield.

Didn't think I needed to specify considering how obvious that was lol. If D.Va is with your team facing a rein you usually wont be far away from it (as in usually reaper distance) and you can break that shield easily.

Games / Re: Overwatch - Season 2 and Eichenwalde now available
« on: September 12, 2016, 11:56:46 AM »
You don't.

Basically this. As D.Va she does fantastic shield damage, you'd typically want to fight alongside your team if the enemy has a Reinhardt as it doesn't take long to break their shields with D.Va's spread being a non factor as well as having infinite ammo. Zarya is one of D.Va's counters however, you should be playing around her and avoiding engaging her unless with your team and if she continues to be an issue, switching heroes would be the optimal solution.

Games / Re: Overwatch - The Summer Games Update (Patch
« on: August 12, 2016, 07:42:23 PM »
This is definitely not true in some cases.
For one, supports are basically the back bones for teams since they can heal and provide an insane buff that can initiate a push past a choke point via ult (lucio, zenyatta, ana). 1 pro DPS on a team is VERY VERY unlikely to carry because it would be a 1v6 situation. 1 mccree cannot take on a team of 2 tanks, healers, dps despite how skilled they are. A genji ult for example screw his ult wouldnt be able to 1v6 without his teammates due to the fact that a mccree could just flashbang and the entire enemy team would be gunning you down ontop of a potential discord orb from zenyatta

not to mention tanks can still do a lot of damage and initiate a team rush u know

You're taking what I said far too literally. If you have a very good dps player and the other team doesn't, but the rest of your team is even or even slightly worse than the other's tanks/supports. It's a huge difference at a higher rank. I'm currently rank 72, this is literally all I see. If the other team's dps is better than our own, unless their team in general is straight up worse, we can lose pretty easily. I've literally not been like "WOW, this Roadhog is really carrying!" more than it being the fault of my own team being unable to deal with the Roadhog. Likewise, on the side of a DPS there have been numerous times where the DPS literally straight outplayed my team and killed them. There are basically no heroes capable of being rewarded like that without ult that aren't a DPS due to their high damage output and in general higher mobility. Thus is why I said they have the ability to heavily sway the game.

Games / Re: Overwatch - The Summer Games Update (Patch
« on: August 12, 2016, 04:39:06 AM »
I dislike that the current mm system only really works well for DPS players as tanks and supports can only do so much as they rely on their damage dealers to kill, meanwhile if you can play Reaper/Genji/McCree well it's a game changer and you can solo carry until like 65+

Games / Re: Overwatch - New Hero Ana Revealed
« on: July 13, 2016, 03:34:41 PM »
the game told me i was allowed to leave without getting penalized/lose after we had someone disconnect way into the game.
logged in today and found that i dropped from mid 50 to almost 48? dam

The way they word things makes it seem better than it is to leave. By leaving you don't get a leaver's penalty is all. Everything else like the loss and deranking still applies.

heavies are easy if they're not revved up.

flank, shoot in back -100, jump shoot again -100, they rev again shoot, dead.

pyros are easy to zone just don't get close and you'll be fine.

Lol no decent heavy will let that happen. Especially one with good tracking, you die basically instantly.

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