-- One, The host multicliented himself 3 times to increase the player count and promoted like 10 people to admin and super admin.
I'm pretty sure he multi clients to run the car wash.
Yeah, I think Reinforcements has hit this one on the head. I'm pretty sure he's just a little kid and he actually uses all the clients to play by himself (pretty genious, however sad you may think it is).
-- Second, (this is where it gets dumb) the host promoted Sugar as an admin, and let me tell you, he is the WORST admin in the world (not including the host)
I don't really know sugar but I'm pretty sure calling someone the worst admin ever doesn't really qualify them as the worst admin ever. More evidence is required
-- Third, I'm pretty sure the build was stolen, the host barely knows how to run the dang server let alone have a good build, it has traffic lights, and car washes that actually work, this tells me that it is stolen.
Traffic lights + car washes that work = Must be stolen. A+ logic.
But does it even matter? He's just playing by himself. I know for a fact a lot of those are made by users on the server.
It's definitely not the worst RP, oh my it isn't the worst RP by far. I think it's actually pretty fun and well moderated (pretty strict, no nonsense) at least while I was there.