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Messages - Rigel

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Off Topic / Re: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums
« on: October 02, 2024, 05:51:32 PM »
JD's Dad: DEAD

It was really forgeted up, but looking back genuinely hilarious lmao
Oh damn that is really loving funny.

Off Topic / Re: Tropical Storm Helena
« on: September 28, 2024, 10:49:31 PM »
I live on the east coast of Florida, and it completely missed me. My area hasn't been bothered by any hurricanes since Irma.

Off Topic / Re: a poll for futanari enjoyers
« on: September 28, 2024, 08:31:53 PM »
reading this thread logged out with the auto-censor gave me a stroke
best laugh i've had all week, holy stuff that's good
loving "richardgirl cartoons"

Off Topic / Re: a poll for futanari enjoyers
« on: August 31, 2024, 07:29:36 PM »

I actually did get in a car accident recently. I was in the passenger side and my friend who was driving didn't stop at a stop sign and got T-boned, with the car hitting my door. It hurt  :panda:

Off Topic / Re: a poll for futanari enjoyers
« on: August 31, 2024, 10:51:31 AM »
I'm glad that whenever I visit the forums there will always be a deep, thought provoking thread despite the decline in user activity.
Took a few days to get the balls rolling but it is now!

B: scrotoplasty can go in the labia majora. phalloplasty either replaces+extends the clitoris or goes above it as a separate new organ.
I think I've seen only one img of a girl getting her rooster & her clit sucked by two different people. Also, I've never heard of those names before, that's pretty neat!

But on that note, as a response to the third poll option, i doubt any trans-women would take too kindly to being called a 'futanari', as that's just degrading and objectifying their body
Maybe just leave that term with your goon material and not to use in reference to any sort of individual
That's why I wrote "trans girls?" because it's not always supposed to be, but when people draw trans girls in hentai, they just draw a normal girl with a richard and balls. When someone draws a futanari without a vagina, it's just a normal girl with a richard and balls. So any images of the two get posted to the same place to mostly the same crowd. That's where some of this annoyance and frustration with language comes from. An artist that makes trans girls, and doesn't explicitly say that they're trans in whatever image or video they make, will get futanari enjoyers in their audience, which will annoy the artist. An artist that makes futa without pussies but doesn't explicitly say that they're not trans will get Tgirl enjoyers in the audience, likely annoying that artist as well.

Do you see where I'm coming from? It's not that these two crowds want to be bothering each other, but they always end up mixing anyway. Up until they try to do some "fan purge" which is always okay for Tgirl artists to do to futa fans, but never okay for futa artists to do to Tgirl fans.

no balls, two richards
that'll be a surprise
That's how a lot of people draw their scaley characters if they're snakes or snake-like, male or futa.

Off Topic / a poll for futanari enjoyers
« on: August 27, 2024, 12:21:32 PM »
(There's no kids on this forum anymore, right?)

There's been some drama I've witnessed across the web when it comes to futanari hentai, or richardgirl cartoons, or whatever you'd like to call it. Mostly from westerners, I feel I should mention. But there's controversy around people who consume this research, people who draw it, and what names people use for it. Discounting that it's a 'weird' and 'impossible' special interest most of the time, enjoyed by lots of people that consider themselves straight (whether it is or isn't is up for debate), the most hate I see is about the language used to describe it. (Yes, I'm aware I'm talking about a vocal minority, and most people don't care, but they're annoying to me so I'm gonna talk about them.)

Some people will argue that the concept of "futanari" or "richardgirls" is sensible. I figure this comes from the word "shemale" falling out of use relatively recently, as it was mostly used to either disparage transwomen or serve as a category of research. The latter is true of the words "futanari" and "richardgirls," obviously. I can get disliking those words if you are trans, or have a lot of trans friends you're close with. They might feel that it's loveualizing them to a crowd of chasers, or belittling their struggles in some way (feel free to correct me). What I don't get is why some of them hate the word "hermaphrodite" when used in a human context. I guess it could be used as a slur, but it also serves as a scientific term for an organism with fully functional male and female parts, separate from the variety of interlove disorders. I guess it might just be ignorance that hermaphroditism and interloveuality is not the same thing.

Some of those people that have issue with the language to describe this sort of research also have an issue with its depiction. Specifically, depicting anyone with a richard and pusillanimous individual. For some people, if it's not "true to the trans experience", then it shouldn't exist. I'm not sure what to say about this, besides that it's usually not at all meant to be about the trans experience. From my knowledge at least, the vast majority of media where hermaphrodites exist is research. Rarely, they exist outside of a research context as cool aliens, weird angels or demons, or speculative sci-fi guesstimating what humans would be modifying themselves into. In that last one, to me it feels less like it's about the 'transgender experience' (though technically it is), but more about the overall 'transhuman experience'.

tl;dr - haters gonna hate, antis gonna anti, and i like hermaphrodites in research and as a scientific concept

What kinds of futa do YOU like, and why? What tropes do you dislike about it? Personally, I wish more people would draw futas with normal-sized richards instead of super huge ones the size of their torso.

Add-Ons / Re: [Vehicle] Ibishu Pigeon
« on: August 13, 2024, 08:40:42 PM »
It seats four people

I misread that as "it eats four people"

Off Topic / Re: World Wide Web Woes
« on: August 13, 2024, 11:26:30 AM »

Off Topic / Re: World Wide Web Woes
« on: August 12, 2024, 03:37:02 PM »
the only therapist anyone really needs are the voices that come out of your pillow at night
The voices I hear at night come from FM radio waves bouncing off of my ceiling fan. I don't even listen to radio, but when I do and they play advertisements, it's like I'm a sleeper agent being awakened because I've memorized them all word for word despite never consciously hearing them before. Sometimes I can't clearly tell what my ceiling fan is playing to me, because when it's not infomercials or top 100 hits, I swear it's just a stream of numbers. But that'd make for a stuffty radio show, who'd listen to that?

When it comes to reconnecting with old internet friends, I've been successful in finding maybe 70% of them. But when I do find them, I promptly go back to never speaking to them again, content in the knowledge that I very well could if I wanted to, I guess. Shout outs to luie (found him playing BL soccer), Infiminer (found me after I mentioned him in a "blockheads you haven't seen in a while" thread), Bbs (forgot how that happened), and SchnufflyAshley (Non-BL girl who apparently found my comment I left behind on her old, unused steam profile. We played some L4d2 again!)

Off Topic / Re: The Chronology of the Blockland Forums
« on: July 28, 2024, 12:51:27 PM »
It's been a year and a month since Badspot's last post. I think he's banned a few people since then, but besides that I don't think he's been active on the forums or on Blockland.

Games / Re: Single-player shooters with good stories
« on: July 28, 2024, 11:33:37 AM »
noticing a distinct lack of reboot wolfenstein. go by ratings and start with new order, they're all basically the same game but with various slight differences in mechanics or weapons and a new storyline
I heard the newer ones were really disappointing for some reason. Guess I'll have to try it out myself and see why.

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