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Messages - Crysist

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Creativity / Re: The new and improved 3D model topic!
« on: October 13, 2014, 10:28:48 PM »
I got bored today, and ended up modeling my favorite plane from GTA:SA.

Beagle (View in 3D)

I'm really digging those landing gears. I think the wings look a bit funny though, like they don't blend well as if they're glued straight on top.

Do the hands actually change color based on your player's hands?

I made the exact same effect in my RC biplane. I originally tried to find a script that could make it change HSV to RGB from red to green, then use this to change it to Hex, but I ended up making my own little function to change the colors which ended up being much easier.

%a is 1 - %target.getDamagePercent();.
Code: [Select]
function greenToRed(%a)
%r = 1;
%g = 1;
if(%a >= (1/2))
%r = mAbs(%a - 1) * 2;
if(%a < (1/2))
%g = %a * 2;
return %r SPC %g SPC "0";
You just have to plug that into Port's function and it should give it to you in RGB Hex.

Modification Help / Re: How to make this script?
« on: July 16, 2014, 10:24:56 PM »
Square brackets allow for more than just numbers, and  if you have %variable[%n] and %n=4; it'll come out as %variable4 not %variable[4]
Yeah, I wasn't exactly sure of that part. Can't you still reference it as %variable[4] even if it is really named %variable4?

Modification Help / Re: How to make this script?
« on: July 16, 2014, 10:16:10 PM »
At least try to explain it, Crysist.
Sorry, I didn't know how. I just searched for it in another add-on, I'll try my best to explain it.

if(!$avatarCycler) checks to see if the global variable that we set equal to one has been set to one. We only set it to one once we added the keybind so it checks to see if the keybind is already there.

All the keybinds and their divisions are set to a global variable. One for their division or section $remapDivision[$remapCount], one for the keybind's name $remapName[$remapCount], and one for the function that keybind calls $remapCmd[$remapCount].

Each variable is numbered for each section so the game knows which command goes under which section. After the keybind is set, the global variable for the number at the end of the keybind is increased $remapCount++; so the next keybind can have its own section.

Square brackets at the end of variables allows you to add a number to the end of it, because you cant combine a variable and number like %variable%n = "1";, you have to put it in brackets like %variable[%n] = 1;, if %n = 4; then variable's name would end up as %variable[4].

Code: [Select]
$remapDivision[$remapCount] = "Name of the section of the controls list";

$remapName[$remapCount] = "Name of keybind";
$remapCmd[$remapCount] = "Name of the function";

$avatarCycler = 1;

Modification Help / Re: How to make this script?
« on: July 16, 2014, 09:58:45 PM »
Here's how:
Code: [Select]
$remapDivision[$remapCount] = "Name of the section of the controls list";

$remapName[$remapCount] = "Name of keybind";
$remapCmd[$remapCount] = "Name of the function";

$avatarCycler = 1;

Modification Help / Re: How to make this script?
« on: July 16, 2014, 09:46:40 PM »
If you want you can add the ability to cancel the function in the script, like a toggle, you can do this by setting a separate global variable ($CycleOn) equal to 1 if the function is on, then at the end of the function you can add an if statement, checking to see if the that variable == 1, then setting it equal to zero and canceling $CycleSched.

Add-Ons / Re: RC Biplane [V2.6]
« on: July 15, 2014, 08:38:28 PM »
Could you make it so to get the half-size ones only requires selecting a different item when wrenching a brick? Rather than having to edit stuff.
+ HalfScale RC now has its own controller, can be used with regular sized RCs at the same time
+ Weapons now have increased damage

I found another bug,it's when you admin orb out of the plane spawn a new biplane,and the other biplane stays forever.
Also auto-jet was causing self destruct.
Orbing out of the plane destroys it. Whatever you are doing shouldn't happen and doesn't with me. You most have some other mod interfering.

Jetting and dismount are the same key. Self-destruct is triggered by dismounting; besides, control over your player is lost when using the RC plane so even if that key wasn't used your player would not continue to jet.

Add-Ons / Re: RC Biplane [V2.3]
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:12:32 PM »
So why isn't
Code: [Select]
if($pref::Server::RCBiplane::Weapon == 2)

RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Position[0]="0 1 0.7";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Velocity[0]="65 0 0";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Scale[0]="0.5 0.5 0.5";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Position[1]="0 -1 0.7";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Velocity[1]="65 0 0";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Scale[1]="0.5 0.5 0.5";

if($pref::Server::RCBiplane::Weapon == 0)

On the the firing function?
Added, now it updates when the RC is fired or spawned

Add-Ons / Re: RC Biplane [V2.3]
« on: July 11, 2014, 11:22:36 PM »
Perhaps changing this will do it?
I fixed self destruct damage in the last update.
What's with the weird spacing?
Copied from the stuntplane, which I believe is copied from the default jeep. I didn't make the spacing on most of the datablocks so that why it's weird. If you want I can make it normal I guess.
So why isn't
Code: [Select]
if($pref::Server::RCBiplane::Weapon == 2)

RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Position[0]="0 1 0.7";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Velocity[0]="65 0 0";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Scale[0]="0.5 0.5 0.5";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Position[1]="0 -1 0.7";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Velocity[1]="65 0 0";
RCBiplaneVehicle.ShootOnClick_Scale[1]="0.5 0.5 0.5";

if($pref::Server::RCBiplane::Weapon == 0)

On the the firing function?
You also left in code that's useless to the mod or commented out.
I didn't intend for people to change the pref in the middle of the server. I guess I'll try to sort that our tomorrow.

Add-Ons / Re: RC Biplane [V2.2]
« on: July 11, 2014, 07:52:36 PM »
If you create a minigame while using the biplane, your plane does not go away. Same goes for resetting the minigame. This can be done repeatedly to create infinite planes that do not disappear.

Add-Ons / Re: RC Biplane
« on: July 11, 2014, 05:35:39 PM »
Make a smaller, tiny version. Like 1/2 size. With only 2 guns. :D
1.RC Biplane overwrites RC sapper.
3.If you orb in the biplane you get a orb that stays forever until you F7.
2.When I press 0,1,or 2 the plane self destructs
It shouldn't do that unless you have those keys all set to dismount somehow. Check what they're assigned to because neither the numpad nor the upper row of numbers blow up the plane for me.
Can you make one that's more sensitive to explosions?
also, if you can make it a server pref to change the color based on shirt color, that'd be nice
Added, only in minigames with painting disabled

Add-Ons / Re: RC Biplane
« on: July 10, 2014, 11:58:59 PM »
Hah, that's what I based it on. And I actually thought that mission was fun :(

Add-Ons / RC Biplane [V2.6]
« on: July 10, 2014, 11:28:06 PM »
RC Biplane

A remote control biplane with machine guns; rat-a-tat-tat!

Use the controller to spawn the plane at your feet, click to fire its turrets (rockets or quad machine guns), right click to self-destruct!


For these pictures in a set, click here


+ Added halfscaled RCs
- Fixed admin orbing from RC planes
- Fixed SpawnBomber function from RC Sapper being overwritten

+ RCs spawned in minigames with painting disabled are now colored the player's chest color

- Fixed RCs remaining after minigame start/reset

+ RC planes now explode when running over a player:  $pref::Server::RCBiplane::ExplodeOnRunover
- Fixed self-destruct explosion not doing damage

- RC planes now explode after a player leaves the serveroops
- Removed the unsightly commented-out code and spacing

+ Pref changes now take effect without restarting the server
+ HalfScale RC now has around half the health of the regular sized RC
- Self-destruct only spawns a rocket explosion, rather than also spawning the vehicle explosion
- Self-destruct explosion now scales with the vehicle

+ HalfScale RC now has its own controller and can be used with regular sized RCs at the same time
+ Weapons now have increased damage


  • Color corresponds to your spray-can color
  • Miniature version of you as the driver
  • Nametag above the vehicle
  • Different firing modes:  $pref::Server::RCBiplane::Weapon = [0-2];
    None = 0; Guns = 1; Rockets = 2
  • Health bar
  • Half-sized planes with smaller weapons
    Server restart required for changes to take effect

Original RC Script: Bushido
Controller Model: Aloshi
Support_shootOnClick: NiXiLL
Debugging: Trinick

Modification Help / Re: [MS3D] Vehicle not Flatshaded Properly
« on: June 26, 2014, 04:38:50 PM »
What part about this is hard to understand? You don't just regroup the groups that already exist, you select the faces that you want to shade together. (Ones that should always have the same lightness or darkness.)
Alright, I got it now. I didn't get that I had to make each flat surface into a separate plane.

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