General Discussion / Buildmode - A semi-competitive building game mode
« on: September 06, 2012, 10:54:54 PM »Buildmode is a semi-competitive building game-mode.
Each player starts with a default building limit of 750 bricks. Within this limit, players will try to build something in an attempt to gather support from other players.
The winner is determined by the largest number of support a player has by the end of a round*.
The main objective in this game mode is to support other players who have built something which is appealing. This will increase the brick limit for the creator, encouraging him to build more appealing buildings.
In order for a person to be supported they must have at least 500 bricks.
You may only support one person every tick. A tick is one hour.
You can not support the same person consecutively.
You can support offline players by entering their full name or ID. **Names with spaces will not work, so you must enter their BL_ID
/help - Displays server info.
/rules - Displays server rules.
/mybrickcount - Displays your brickcount.
/getbrickcount [NAME OR BL_ID] - Displays target player's brickcount. (Only functional with online players.)
/bricklimit - Displays your bricklimit. (Your brick limit can also be seen in the scoreboard.)
/support [name or BL_ID] - Supports target player.
/mysupports - Displays your number of supports.
/halloffame - Displays a list of names of people who have achieved 100 or more supports.
The rules of the server are as listed, but not limited to:
Try to stay within the theme of the build.
No spam.
The layout (roads, grass, beach) are loaded as public. Do not abuse this.
No exploitation.
No exploiting new players for support.
Some builds may be cleared by admins if they see that it does not fit.
Determining whether you are breaking an unwritten rule or not can be decided by common sense, or verification with an administrator.
Violation of any of these rules will result in punishment by an administrator. The punishment will vary depending on the administrator.
Three corner buildings. (Left to right: Sleven, MrCookie, Sleven)
Two more corner buildings. (Right to left: granpa ben, granpa ben)
Condo (Plasma)
The server is currently being run 24/7, but may be down or slow sometimes.
Feedback, suggestions, questions and reports may be posted in this thread or messaged to me on the server.
*A round will typically last a month.