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Topics - MrCookie

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General Discussion / Buildmode - A semi-competitive building game mode
« on: September 06, 2012, 10:54:54 PM »

Buildmode is a semi-competitive building game-mode.
Each player starts with a default building limit of 750 bricks. Within this limit, players will try to build something in an attempt to gather support from other players.
The winner is determined by the largest number of support a player has by the end of a round*.


The main objective in this game mode is to support other players who have built something which is appealing. This will increase the brick limit for the creator, encouraging him to build more appealing buildings.

In order for a person to be supported they must have at least 500 bricks.
You may only support one person every tick. A tick is one hour.
You can not support the same person consecutively.
You can support offline players by entering their full name or ID. **Names with spaces will not work, so you must enter their BL_ID


/help - Displays server info.
/rules - Displays server rules.
/mybrickcount - Displays your brickcount.
/getbrickcount [NAME OR BL_ID] - Displays target player's brickcount. (Only functional with online players.)
/bricklimit - Displays your bricklimit. (Your brick limit can also be seen in the scoreboard.)
/support [name or BL_ID] - Supports target player.
/mysupports - Displays your number of supports.
/halloffame - Displays a list of names of people who have achieved 100 or more supports.


The rules of the server are as listed, but not limited to:

Try to stay within the theme of the build.
No spam.
The layout (roads, grass, beach) are loaded as public. Do not abuse this.
No exploitation.
No exploiting new players for support.
Some builds may be cleared by admins if they see that it does not fit.

Determining whether you are breaking an unwritten rule or not can be decided by common sense, or verification with an administrator.

Violation of any of these rules will result in punishment by an administrator. The punishment will vary depending on the administrator.


Three corner buildings. (Left to right: Sleven, MrCookie, Sleven)

Two more corner buildings. (Right to left: granpa ben, granpa ben)

Condo (Plasma)


The server is currently being run 24/7, but may be down or slow sometimes.

Feedback, suggestions, questions and reports may be posted in this thread or messaged to me on the server.

*A round will typically last a month.

Gallery / Not-so-bedtop-anymore Manor
« on: August 12, 2012, 03:16:44 PM »

General Discussion / Build Mode - Building Game mode
« on: March 23, 2012, 04:25:54 PM »
Build Mode


Build Mode is a semi-competitive building game-mode.
You start with a brick limit of 750 bricks and your goal is to build something nice with that limit.
While building, other players may choose to support you by typing /support [name or BL_ID]. This will increase your brick limi by 150.
The winner is the player with the most supports after the round ends.

Support rules

A player must have a minimum brick count of 500 before he/she can be supported.
You can not support a player twice in a row. You can how ever, support player A, then support player B, then support player A again.
You may only support one person every tick. A tick is one hour.


/help - displays server info
/rules - displays server info
/mybrickcount - displays your brickcount
/bricklimit - displays your bricklimit (can also be seen from the scoreboard)
/support [name or BL_ID] - supports chosen player
/mysupports - displays your number of supports
/halloffame - displays a list of names of people who have achieved 100 or more supports

I created build mode because I wanted to make a game-mode which encouraged building. I saw how well City RPGs got people building, so I thought that a game mode would work well. The problem with City RPGs though, are that they have features which promote deathmatching and not many features which promote building.


The current dedicated server will not be up 24/7. My internet connection is not that great, so I apologize for any lag.

Feedback and suggestions are appreciated

« on: March 17, 2012, 08:20:15 PM »
this starfish decided to kick someone that mother fuker.


General Discussion / "Building" Lessons
« on: February 29, 2012, 01:42:50 AM »
Building Lessons
a jump start for people who have a hard time designing their own creations


Creativity is unique because it can not be taught. Instead, it can be inspired or achieved. This statement is something that I've always gone by. This obviously means that it's impossible for me to teach you how to build. Teaching you to build is not my goal however; my goal is to help you achieve your creativity.

building guide topics

Other topics teach by example. What's wrong with this is that it gets everybody to just copy paste designs.

How I plan to teach for these lessons is by attempting to change the mindset of how people build. Some people tend to imagine things in "blocko" form instead of a realistic form. I personally think a majority of things in the gallery look better because they're realistic. There are exceptions though because of style and theme of the build. I also plan to teach people how to "concept build." By this, I mean building things simple and effective. It's more space saving, faster to build, and provides enough effect for the viewer to understand your concept and design.

If I get enough positive feedback, I will figure a time for these lessons.

Gallery / WALLS
« on: February 17, 2012, 08:26:24 PM »
i love chair railings, crown molding, base molding/baseboard, panel molding

Gallery / THINGS I HATE [tips]
« on: February 01, 2012, 10:58:38 PM »
don't do these and you should be good.

the following are things that i hate. i hate these things because they look ugly or stupid.

of course, if you know how to do these kinds of things properly, then it's ok. most people don't know how to do it properly though.
[size=5.0x10^12pt]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PLEASE DO NOT DISREGARD THIS[/size]

striped wallpaper - striped wallpaper make the room look old and confined. lots of people also choose ugly colours. who has blue striped wallpaper??

dingy carpets - usually people build dark coloured or random coloured carpets, which make it look very old, worn out, and dirty

random assortment of windows - they make no sense, look bad, and obscure view

random "detail" window frame - they make no sense, and look bad

ramp pillars - make no sense, look bad

ramp walls - many people do this. it looks like crap. there is no real design to this, it's a load of random ramps put together and duplicated all over everywhere. it's a huge mess of bricks which is not pleasing to the eyes at all. please just never do this

feel free to disagree

Gallery / Cliff House
« on: January 08, 2012, 01:06:58 PM »
Made this for the house building contest by okiver

the back of the house was completely unplanned and rushed due to the strict time limit, so it came out boring. (jeep side)

(third last pic: the white thing is a cast iron bath tub lol)

around 9000 - 10000 bricks, i forgot

Creativity / mountain men
« on: January 03, 2012, 12:03:18 AM »
i'm making a game with zack0wack0 (he's coding, i'm doing the artwork)
it's called mountainMEN, done on his engine, the sprocket engine.

here are some of the things i've done so far. i'll post more as i do more, and i'm hoping to achieve some criticism from this

concept art (not logo)

animations for walking, jumping, idle etc. (arm up = throwing grappling hook)

walking loop (old version)

General Discussion / Build Renovation Competition
« on: November 09, 2011, 01:18:30 AM »
Build Renovation Competition
    °To renew; to revamp something to make it look new again.
    °To tear down and rebuild.



Basically, I've been watching too many home reno shows lately, so I thought that this would be a good idea.

During every renovation period, a save file will be released here. The save file can be anything, but will usually be a house, store or some kind of building. If you wish to enter this competition, simply download the file, then start renovating it! You may renovate exterior, interior, back yard, front yard, whatever you like. After you're finished, simply submit your renovation as a reply to this topic.


- no stealing other builds
- help is allowed, but if there are prizes at stake, only one person will receive the prize
- just use your common sense to differentiate from right and wrong

Entry and submission

- download the save file and start renovating to enter
- submit your finished product as a reply to this topic
- include brickcount
- the more pictures you post, the better, because it gives judges more materials to rate off of
- you may post cinematic shots and stuff like that
- basically, you can post pictures and weird angles that make the house better than it looks, but be sure not to have such weird angles that it would deduct points because the judges don't know what's going on in the house
- deadlines will be edited into the topic title

don't ask to be a judge

- mrcookie ID 9889
- Blocktim ID 4869
- prandomguy ID
- Randomguy ID 4508
- Devastator ID 2174
- Manty ID 2059


- the way how renovations will be judged will be based on design and concept mainly
- the ratio between brick usage and output will also be considered
  - such as if you used 300 bricks to create something really nice, when it could've been done with 100
- time taken, but this will give a very small percentage of points
- effort ^


Reno #4:
- bragging rights
- Humble Bundle 4

Reno #3:
- bragging rights
- Humble Bundle 4

Reno #2:
- Humble Introversion Bundle


- Check "Current Reno" section.

Save file

Current Reno

Previous Renos

Reno House 4
 1133 bricks
 by: MrCookie ID 9889 & Blocktim ID 4869
 Jan. 14, 2012
  - Yard will be a main feature
  - Must have master bedroom
 Prize: Humble Bundle

 JVS doors
 tophius windows
 trueno's colorset
 pole bricks

Reno House 3
 952 bricks
 by: MrCookie ID 9889
 Dec. 24, 2011
  - main floor should have some kind of support pillar/pole (If you don't know how to do this properly, you don't have to, but it is worth points
  - maximum extension of lot is 4 bricks (This does not effect height)
 Prize: Humble Indie Bundle 4

 JVS doors
 tophius windows

Reno House 2
 548 bricks
 by: MrCookie ID 9889
 Dec. 10, 2011
 Restrictions: none
 Prize: Humble Introversion Bundle

 JVS doors
 tophius windows

_____________________________ _____________________

Reno House 1
 790 bricks
 by: MrCookie ID 9889
 Nov. 19, 2011
 Restrictions: none
 Prize: TBA

 JVS doors
 tophius windows

Past Winners

Reno #4 - 1st Mr. Man

Reno #3 - 1st Lordy Lord, 2nd Sleven, 3rd Kazami

Reno #2 - 1st Redliub, 2nd Lordy Lord, 3rd Mr Man

Reno #1 - 1st Redliub, 2nd Sleven, 3rd Lordy Lord

Gallery / Bedtop Manor
« on: October 11, 2011, 11:40:37 PM »

just something i've been working on

i plan to work on the interior later

interior update:

Desktop Backgrounds:

here are some cinematic shots in 1440x900 for desktop BGs (uh oh, they're .png)

[desktop bg]

[desktop bg]

[desktop bg]

[desktop bg]

i did not feel like doing the backyard

Creativity / Architecture Thread
« on: August 22, 2011, 10:32:22 PM »
i've always wanted a thread like this

share autoCAD models, designs, sketches, ideas, concepts, blueprints, criticism and stuff like that!

last project i did in drafting class

a lot of the furniture was from google 3d warehouse, but not all of it

100 square foot house

and some old stuff

Creativity / Live 3D modeling: Beach house [offline]
« on: July 09, 2011, 07:54:38 PM »
I'm bored, so I'm modeling stuff live. Probably buildings. Feel free to suggest stuff.

oh, and i'll give tips as model if people want me to


so far so good; i forgot the size of a table

an ugly knife

christian invasion

Gallery / Conserving House
« on: May 15, 2011, 06:50:14 PM »
try to guess the brickcount before you read the bottom

495 bricks

Gallery / Mountain Side Lodge Home
« on: April 25, 2011, 12:48:19 AM »
Mountain Side Lodge Home

so i finished this today

no interior, got lazy, and sloppy on the roof

Brickcount: 3454

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