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Topics - allyorbase

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Bitcoins Plunges
« on: April 10, 2013, 09:54:20 PM »
To all you guys dealing with bitcoins: Today it lost 44% of it's value.

Prices since April 9:

And the article for those of you that can read

Off Topic / What if God was Stephanie?
« on: March 14, 2013, 12:13:59 AM »




Off Topic / North Korea Has Found a Secret Unicorn Lair, Apparently
« on: November 30, 2012, 04:31:59 PM »
"Archaeologists of the History Institute of the DPRK Academy of Social Sciences have recently reconfirmed a lair of the unicorn rode by King Tongmyong, founder of the Koguryo Kingdom," reports the — wait. Stop. UNICORNS? That's an actual snippet from a report from the Korean Central News Agency, the state news agency of North Korea and fine, okay, we totally understand that this might be a retaliatory joke in response to China getting fooled by The Onion naming Kim Jong-un the loveiest Man Alive or something.

I, for one, totally believe that Our Glorious Leader single handedly found this.

The Messenger probe has apparently found evidence for solid water at Mercury's Poles.


Help / SQLite Database error 21- Mac OS X 10.6.1
« on: November 21, 2010, 06:17:16 PM »
When ever I join a server, it will download all the addons, but soon after give me a SQLite error telling me it can't write to the Cache Database. I have gone in and checked everything in the program, and I still have this problem. I have set the permission settings on Cache.db to read and write for everybody. I'm posting my log below.....

Code: [Select]
Sending challenge request...
Sending Connect challenge Request
No response from   IP:
Got Connect challenge Response
Sending Connect Request
Connection established
Connected successfully, killing other pending connections
No response from   IP:
*** Prep-Phase 1: Download RTB Add-Ons - Skipped by preference
No response from   IP:
*** Prep-Phase 2: Download GUI
*** New Mission: Add-Ons/Map_Slate/slate.mis
*** Phase 1: Download Datablocks & Targets
CDN Download finished
Warning: handleSimplePingResponse() - address does not match
  expected IP:, got IP:
ERROR: BlobContainer::snapshotBuffer() - sqllite error 21
ERROR: found manifest hash '77511ee0a17b386a9bbb6c7097154bac789ba021' but then couldn't load blob buffer
CDN Download finished
... Shape with old version.
Could not locate shape: Add-Ons/Weapon_ElementalSpells/OtherShapes/IceBlock.dts (download failed)
Could not locate shape: Add-Ons/Weapon_ElementalSpells/OtherShapes/StoneSpike.dts (download failed)

Pages: [1]